Yeet immediate fluff
I started this when it snowed here and I freaking thought of this okay shush
Parent!Logicality btw, Virgil's like 7 in the first bit
Song: Snowy from the Undertale OST (it's an extended version)
Also be lucky that I'm holding myself back from talking about delta rune (I say it's two words idk) cause oh mY-
"Dad! Papa! C'mon, wake up already!"
Virgil was in his parents' room, trying desperately to get his dads- Patton and Logan- to wake up.
"Virge? Kiddo, what's going..." Patton gasped. He started shaking Logan awake, full of sudden excitement. "Logan? Honey, wake up!"
Logan groaned. "What..?"
"Dad!" Virgil interrupted. "It snowed! I saw it!" He pulled on Logan's arm, trying to get him up so he could see.
"It's kind of early for snow, isn't it?" But he was getting up to look.
"Look! Papa, come on, you gotta see this!"
From what they could see from the bedroom window, there was maybe a foot or so of snow on the ground.
"Whoa." Patton smiled down at Virgil. "I can see why you were excited."
"Can we go play in it? Pleeease?"
"Yes, later today. But dress appropriately," Logan said, ruffling Virgil's hair. "We wouldn't want you to get sick."
"Yes!! Thank you!" Virgil ran out of the room excitedly. Patton laughed, looking over at his husband.
He leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. "We're good parents."
"We," Logan kissed Patton on the forehead, "are amazing parents."
Later in the day, Virgil was hurriedly running around the house looking for gloves so he could go outside. He walked up to Patton dejectedly. "Virge? Aw, kiddo, what's wrong?"
"Papa... I couldn't find gloves, I'm sorry.."
"What? That's okay!" Patton smiled down at him, so he could smile back. "C'mon, I'll help you find them." He knew that his son could get a little overwhelmed sometimes, so he just remembered to be nice to him.
Aka reason 274829174 why I want Patton as a dad
He thought that Logan might get frustrated- he did so easily- but he was actually pretty good about calming Virgil down.
"I found 'em!" Virgil grinned triumphantly, holding up his pair of gloves.
"I told you that you would!" Patton smiled back. "Now, come on- I don't think Dad's ready yet."
"You mean..?"
"Oh, I mean."
They both shared a mischievous grin. Virgil tugged on Patton's sleeve. "C'mon! Let's go!"
"Patton?" Logan stepped outside. "Virgil? Where are you?" He could hear muffled giggles from behind a couple of trees in their backyard, which brought a small smile to his face.
"I can see where this is going, you know!" he called.
A moment of silence. Logan stepped forward.
Just like that, Logan was being pelted with snow. He laughed, trying to cover his face. "Noo! They're too strong!"
"Heck yeah we are!" shouted Virgil, still scooping up as much snow as possible to throw at his dad.
Patton took it upon himself to tackle Logan to the ground, promptly followed by Virgil climbing on top of both of them.
"We won, kiddo!"
"Okay, okay, now can you two please get off of me? I think my bones are breaking." Logan faked a painful groan. "Oh my stars... I think I'm dying..."
Virgil rolled off of Patton, into the snow. He then started running around and playing on his own. Patton sat up, and Logan sat next to him.
"Hey, Logan?"
They turned to look at one another. "Yes, Patton?"
Patton tackled him down again, in more of a hug way than in a defeat-seeking way. Logan smiled, happy to hug him back.
"I really love you." Patton looked up at Logan again.
"I love you as well, Patton."
Patton giggled, cupping Logan's cheek and pulling him in for a kiss.
"Eww! Guys, no kissing, it's gross!" The two pulled away to look up at their son. Patton grinned, sitting back up and pulling Virgil closer to him to kiss all over his face.
"Aaah! Noooo!!" Virgil was sort of shout-laughing, but he didn't pull away.
Logan sat back up too, holding Patton from behind while Virgil finally made his escape. He used this opportunity, though, to give his Papa an actual hug.
The family all snuggled together, warm and happy despite the cold.
I just really wanted to write this lmao
Also, I now want to write more kid Virgil, it's fun
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