Birthday Boy / Virgil
Happy birthday, Virge!!
But also happy birthday to mE
Y'all!! It's my birthday!!!!!!! That's so cool
One full year of teenage rebellion, gone like that
Anyways, parent logicality also remy and prinxiety
Also it highkey sucks as always, enjoy
Virgil was having dinner with his parents, Patton and Logan, and his older brother Remy. Roman, his boyfriend, was with him.
Roman was mostly there for moral support, as well as staying the night, because Virgil was going to come out as trans to his parents. They knew him as Virginia.
He expected a good result- they were both his dads, of course, and they were okay about Virgil wanting shorter hair and more masculine clothes. They didn't even really notice when Roman got him a binder for his birthday the year before.
Plus, Remy was great about it. Speaking of which, nobody said anything bad when Remy wore a skirt for the first time. Patton was excited, though, and Logan simply said he looked nice.
Virgil set down his water glass, which he'd taken to drinking anxiously. "Uh...d-dads?"
"Yeah, kiddo?" Patton looked up at him curiously. Logan gave Virgil his attention as well.
"Um..." Virgil started. Remy flashed him a wink. Roman smiled softly at him, taking his hand. "I have s-something to tell you." The nerves seemed to eat away at his chest, and his stomach swarmed with butterflies.
"Oh my goodness." Patton gasped. "You're pregnant."
"Wh- no!!"
"Roman's pregnant?" joked Remy.
Roman laughed a little. "No, dude."
"Are you sure?" asked Logan. "You're glowing."
"Dad, no, I'm serious about this." Virgil drew in a deep breath. "It's, well, I guess it's kind of about what I wanted for my birthday."
"What? Virge, you're not supposed to tell us!"
Patton had definitely remembered the preference of "Virge" to "Virginia".
"Yeah, well... why not, you know?" He took another deep breath. "I guess what I want is... acceptance."
Patton and Logan looked at each other quickly, then back at Virgil, eyes asking for an explanation. Roman squeezed his hand.
"D-dads... I'm trans. T-transgender." Virgil's voice shook, and his eyes filled with tears. "I'm a boy."
The room fell silent. Virgil looked down at his lap, biting his lip and trying not to cry. Patton gave a small gasp and smile, bringing a hand to his face. Logan's expression was... unreadable.
After a while, he stood up. Everyone watched as he walked up to Virgil, who stood in front of him, bracing for the worst.
Wordlessly, Logan pulled him into a hug.
"My son..."
With that, Virgil buried his head in his dad's shoulder and started crying.
Patton got up to join the hug. He kissed the top of Virgil's head. "I'm so, so proud of you for telling us, kiddo."
"I lo-love you guys..."
"We love you too," Logan said. Remy and Roman smiled at each other, shared pride in their eyes.
Patton pulled away a little so Virgil could look at him. "Is there, uh, another name you want us to call you?"
"Oh. Yeah, um..." He took another breath. "Virgil. I like the name Virgil. It's not that different from the name you gave me, but I think it's nice, and, uh, yeah."
"Virgil," Patton tried. He grinned. "I like it."
"It is a rather nice name," said Logan. "You know, there was a poet of the same name. I was actually thinking of naming you after him when you were a baby."
"Wow. Coincidence, huh?" Virgil laughed a little, drying his eyes.
"I suppose it is." Logan kissed his son on the forehead.
Remy stood up and smoothed out the skirt he had on. "Alright- we didn't get a hug the first time, it's our turn!"
All five of them were included in the group hug.
Virgil couldn't have been happier.
Before the couple went into Virgil's room, Patton had to make a point- "Remember, the same rules apply now as they did before, kiddos!"
Which made both the boys turn red.
Virgil flopped down on his bed with a huge smile on his face. "I came out to my dads."
Roman lay down next to him and held his hand. "Hell yeah you did."
"Hell yeah I did!" Virgil giggled. He threw his arms into the air. "I did it! I did it!" He turned back to Roman, climbing onto him and pulling him into a kiss. "I did it, Roman!"
Roman smiled, holding his boyfriend close. "I'm so, so proud of you, Virgil." They shared another kiss. "My beautiful boy..."
They kissed again. And again, and again, and again. Virgil held himself up over Roman, who threaded his hands in Virgil's hair.
He moved down to kiss Roman's neck when he heard a quick knock on the door. The two jumped apart and scrambled to sit up as Remy swung the door open.
"Hey, guys." He sat down between them, who were still kind of red-faced and catching their breath. "They're being all sappy downstairs so I wanted to escape but like," he ruffled Virgil's hair, "I'm really proud of you for doing that, dude."
"Thanks, Rem."
"Ah, alright. You guys were busy." Remy stood up. He put his hands in the pockets of his skirt. "This is my favorite fucking skirt. It's super soft and it's got pockets and stuff."
"Rem," said Virgil. "Move on."
"Okay, chill. Anyways, I would not be wearing this if I never started wearing skirts. Or dresses. But I was scared shitless about what everyone would say, but everyone's awesome about it now. And I know I can't just say that a skirt is the same as a gender, but you were proud of me for doing something as small as wearing a skirt. And I'm proud of you for saying what you did, lil bro. Anyways.." He took a second for a deep breath. "Own yourself, Virge. See ya tomorrow."
Remy left the room.
Virgil looked over at Roman. "So, uh, now what?"
"Hm..." Roman moved up next to Virgil. "You wanna just watch movies until we fall asleep?"
"My perfect man."
Roman and Virgil changed into their pajamas first. Roman reminded his boyfriend to take off his binder before playing anything. They cued up a movie on Virgil's laptop and cuddled together to watch.
Virgil fell asleep first. Roman took note of it, slowly pausing the movie, closing the laptop, and placing it on the floor next to the bed.
He pulled the blanket around their shoulders a little bit tighter as he carefully lay them both down. Virgil held Roman closer in his sleep. Roman held him to his chest.
The entire family was content all night.
Lmao I can't end things but like you get it
So if you wanna hear about me keep reading I guess
Like, I'm freaking 14! That's so weird but also pretty cool
Oh gosh, impending future
It's not that big cause 14 isn't that important but shh let me be a little excited birthdays only come once a year also I've been pretty sad so whoop
Uh yay me and Virge woo
Update that's actually from today:
Today was pretty good, actually! Like, honestly.
I was wished a happy birthday a bunch and I was sang to, like, twice
Both against my will, mind you
But like I don't feel as bad as I have been, which is awesome! I'm super proud of myself for that
So yeah uh
Have a good day and I really really love you guys and hope you're doing awesome!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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