"uh sir...are you sure your ok?" (logan angst)
So I'm doing prompt C and you can thank agoblin_namedrat so thanks! I apologize for the wait
Trigger warning: hinted abuse hinted at shitty parents flinching bruises/scratches and again let me know if you get triggered by anything here ^-^
Ok! Let's start
Virgil worked at a busy cafe the opened at 6 and closed at five. Lucky for him and his co-worker he worked both the morning and night shift opening and closing
Now the cafe had some regulars but one guy in particular who looked in collage came at 7:30 left then came to study at 5 staying till closing
Now both he and his co-worker (remy cause he hasn't made a majorisb appearance in a lot of these which is ironic) had noticed this guy seemed strange
he gave extremely guarded smiles and seemed to come with some kind of bruise or scrape
Virgil eventually learned his name on a phone call logan? Yeah that was it he had smiled when he learned it and just put it in the back of his head. You learn a lot of names at a coffee shop
But today was different very different in fact almost scary different. Logan didn't show up in the morning which was already suspicious sure he'd miss evenings but it was always morning
He came in the evening though. That worried him more though
"Hello sir what can i get for you" they had to put up customer service acts
"Dark coffee" look there was no one else in the store remy had gone to the black even if just he was there virgil didn't think he would've heard logan
But none the less he made the coffee and see him beeline for the farthest table almost out of view and stare away from the counter
"Woah is he ok?" Remy had come back and seemed just as concerned as virgil felt
"I don't know but i don't think so"
"Well anyway i need to leave early can you close?" He asked and virgil nodded
After about 5 minutes of just wiping counters he noticed logan had buried his face in his hands and the coffee was untouched
He wasn't supposed to interfere with customers unless they were in valid danger (p,s they have to be certain sure like someone is being assaulted in that store certain) but logan was shaking looking in tears and what can he say?
Virgil went over to him "uh sir are you sure your ok?"
Logan looked at him and flinched back "i uh yes yes I'm fine thank thank you" he bit his lip and virgil wasn't sure if he was scared of tired
"Well you don't look okay and it's none of my business if you don't want to talk about it but"
Logan bit his lip still attempting to keep his distance though virgil made no move to hurt him "i c can't tell you" he chocked out looking close to tears again
Virgil nodded and sat across from him "can you be vauge"
"Oh..." virgil knew all about bad parents his weren't the best but he wasn't sure he could compare
Logan lightly touched a scratch on his face right after saying it and already looked terrified at sharing to much
Virgil nodded and ripped something off his notepad writing down a series pf numbers and pushed it towards logan who took it slowly
"Just tell me if you need anything ok?"
Logan nodded then payed for the coffee and left
Virgil smiled closing shop and going home yeah he may not have made a big difference but he wasn't gonna ignore texts anymore
This was bad I'm sorry
I may actually use this prompt again i like it! Just different characters
Peace out people!
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