The new kid
Bullying, mild violence
Platonic lamp/analogical
This was suggested by no other than the amazing MJisawesome24838
Romans pov:
A new school something that I was not ready for but unfortunately my dad getting a new job in a completely different country meant I had to move,the worst part is my stupid brother Remus got to stay in Spain with mama and I had to move to America right in the middle junior year. ( look I live in the UK and am trying to write from someone's point of view that lives in America I'm trying my best)
Just as I'm finished moping my papa comes down the stairs, " ready for your first day hijo," ( I also don't know Spanish) " no not really Papa," I say pouting " I know this move was hard hijo but think of all the new friends you'll make,"
" Yeah and all the old ones I left behind," I really miss Joan they were great.
" Hey no I don't want that attitude I know this is weird and scary but try to smile."
Time skip brought to you by
Crofters the musical😛
Here I am standing outside of Winchester dale high (dork diary reference) wearing my red letterman jacket blue denim pants and red sneakers. Saying I'm nervous would be an understatement I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really nervous. I walk 'straight' ( haha gay jokes) into my new school
Le time skip to when he's about to go into class
Thomas Sanders room 19 yep this was it my homeroom for the year. Okay here we go Roman you can do this. I turn the door knob and walk inside. At first I'm taken aback at the amount of Disney posters I almost squealed I LOVE Disney!
Pattons pov
I'm soooooooooooooooooooo excited there's a new student I LOVE new students and I know they're gonna fit in here just great. The best part is they're in MY class EEEEEEEhhhhhh. I'm waiting patiently, or at least trying to they're taking soooooooooooooo long, just then I see the door knob wiggle EEEEEEEEEhhhhhh it must be the new student they walk in annnnd...oh they look kinda like a bully NO PATTON you did not just assume that someone was going to be mean because of the way they dress I mentally scolded myself.
" Okay class," oh Mr Sanders is talking
" As you can see we have a new student would you like to introduce yourself to the class."
" Um.. greetings my name is Roman Garcia I use he/him pronouns." Cool so his name is Roman.
Virgil's pov
Ughhhhhhhh this new kid is definitely gonna be a huuuuuge jerk I already hate him. Why? Just look at him letterman jacket, perfect hair, soft tan skin he is sooooooooooo a football jock.
Romans pov
My first class went well everyone seemed nice maybe this won't be so bad after all. I'm at my locker getting my books for my next class when I notice a piece of white paper sticking out from behind my binder. It's an note that read
Please don't hurt me I'll stay out of your way. Well that definitely wasn't what I was expecting.
A bit shaken up I walked to my next class only to find more letters all of which were almost the same stuff,
Please don't hurt me
one read. Another wrote
Please don't hurt my friend Sophie stone
but the one that stood out the most said
Don't you DARE touch Logan Wilson if I find out you've hurt him in any way I will personally see to it that all your ribs have been smashed by a sledgehammer - anxiety.
That one was scary. I'm not gonna lie. *Shuffle shuffle* I turn around to see a boy wearing black rimmed glasses, black polo, blue tie and dress shoes. Well this was gonna be an interesting class.
Logan's pov ( finely)
I walked into class and took my seat beside my partner. I don't remember having a partner so he must be the new kid. "Greetings good sir I am Roman," he announced.
"Salutations," I reply.
"What," he looks confused
"It's a greeting," I explain
"Ohhhhhhhhh your a nerd."
I sigh here we go again.
" Indeed I am. I'm Logan Wilson now I suggest we leave this conversation for another time and pay attention to the class."
RoRo's pov
L..lo..Logan Wilson the same Logan Wilson I received a death threat about. I'll make sure to stay on his good side but for now I pay attention to class.
It was lunch and I was going to the cafeteria. As I entered the once noisy lunch room suddenly went silent as. I was confused but then I noticed a group of boys walking up to me the tallest and seemingly leader of the group stepped towards me and said "I'm Janus the best athlete and most popular guy in school and I want you to sit with us," I could already tell that this guy was a major asshole "um no thanks," "WHAT!" He said " I said no thanks I don't want to sit with you,"
"You'll regret that Garcia big time," Janus snarled and shoved back then walk off.
Well that was new. I walk up to a table of people and before I can ask to sit with them they just got up and fled.
Lo pov
I walk into the canteen and began looking for an empty table for me and my friends to sit and when I notice Roman sitting by himself looking miserable. I approach him tap him on the shoulder and before he can turn around I sit down. He looks at me confused "you looked lonely," I explain.
Ro pov
Me and Logan were getting into a heated debate when a boy taps me on the shoulder and begs me to follow them.
"You know who you talking to right,"
"Yeah my friend Logan,
"No your talking to Virgil storms significant other,"
"He'll kill you,"
"By any chance does Virgil go by anxiety,"
"Yeah why,"
" no reason."
I walk back to Logan and start up our conversation again.
Virg pov
I walk to lunch to sit with my friends.
I see Logan talking to someone who I assume is Patton but on closer inspection I realise that it isn't Patton but Roman the new kid an he's shouting at Logan how DARE he shout at Logan. I march towards them ready to kill him when someone grabs a hold of my backpack. "Hey let go of me."
Pats pov
I'm walking to lunch with Virgil when he suddenly starts running. At first I'm confused but then I see the new kid Roman talking to Logan and it seems like they're having an argument. Oh.. no I run at Virgil and grab his backpack.
"Hey let go of me," he yells
"No can do sorry virge,"
"Yep sorry buddy but I've gotta make sure you don't kill the new kid."
Vee vee POV
I know I probably seems like I'm over reacting but I'm not he's shouting at Logan my boyfriend so naturally I have to kill him.
We eventually reach the table Patton's hand still on my bag. "Hey babe," I say as I kiss him on the cheek. Logan spins around to face me.
"Virgil can you please tell this man that Crofters organic is way better than Crofters strawberry like who even eats that."
"I do." I respond confused
"Yes but you're weird Virgil."
Romans POV
I look towards Patton confusion clear on my face. "Yes they're always like this," Patton said before I could even ask. He sounded exasperated but fond at the same time.
Le timeeeeeeyyyyyy skippppppy
Unfortunately neither Patton, Logan or Virgil shared my next class so I was left alone.
I was walking to my next class when someone shoved me into the lockers. I look up to the face of my attacker was no other than Janus from the canteen and he looked pissed.
"I told you'd regret passing up my offer Garcia."
He raises up his fist to strike when,
"Janus sanders get your hands of that boy now!"
It was Mx talyen.
They sent him to the principals office before checking I was okay.
2 months later (no one's pov)
Its been two months since the incident with janus and the bullying has only gotten worse.
They don't do it in school though. No they follow him home after school every day and beat him.
Roman was walking home with Virgil as they had a project to do when they were jumped and pulled into an ally.
"Ready for your daily dose of pain Garcia," janus sneered. "Am I ever," roman replied already knowing what was happening and excepting his fate. Virgil on the other hand was much less willing. After beating his attacker unconscious Virgil expected to see roman fighting off janus but instead he saw janus beating the sh*t out of roman and him doing nothing. Confused and angry virgil marched up to janus pulled him off roman and punched him in the jaw. "Well don't just stand there run!" Virgil shouted.
"What the fuck was that!" Virgil yelled once they were safely back at roman's house.
"What do you mean," roman asked confused.
"That!" Virgil yelled again, "you just did nothing!" "I..I didn't want to make the situation worse," roman mumbled.
"Okay yeah I understand being one of the most anxious people in probably the whole world I get that," Virgil said sighing, " but we still need to tell someone."
"Y...yeah i guess your right," roman stuttered.
"Oh and roman."
"Its gonna be okay, I promise."
And it was. After telling the head master (Mr Sanders) Janus was expelled.
Roman became the head of the drama club. Virgil and Logan saved up enough and moved into a small flat together. And patton started up a small baking business.
Okay hi. Im so sorry this took so long the promt requested was so long that it left barely any room for me to make it my own. But anyway here it is.
Also pls remember that i dont live in America so i had no clue what i was doing. 1733 words
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