Wrong Pills... (Part 3)
Hey guys really sorry that the last one was so short... I'm feeling a lot better now, though, so YAYYYYY I GET TO ACT LIKE A CRACKHEAD AGAIN!!!!! But also this one is short bc im uploading early. foooooooop you I have a messed up schedule but you cant control me >:) Also sorry for all the musical references. today was just a musical reference day
*ahem* continuing
TW: crying, yelling?? if that's an issue? idk man IM TIRED
Roman had brought Virgil into his room, laying him on his elegant bed. It had been about ten minutes since Virgil had passed out at Roman's door, and he was now starting to wake up. When he awoke, he saw a wall full of Disney posters, a bunch of creative art supplies, and pillowcases with little gold crowns. He winced as he sat up, feeling a pain on the right side of his head.
"Oh my Fairy Godmother, you're awake!" Virgil could see tears in his prince's- wait, HIS??- eyes. His face was red, but it was still beautiful.
"Wait, why am I in your room? W-were you crying? Did I say something stupid? I'm so sorry Roman I-"
Roman just hugged him. They sat there in the bed together; Roman crying and being the drama queen he was, and Virgil being the awkward lil bean we know and love.
"I-I thought... I thought you were dead... You were acting all flirty and then you just. Fell. You hit your head on the side of the wall, too!"
"Well that explains one thing, but uhh. What do you mean I was acting all flirty?"
"You don't remember?"
"No, I don't remember anything..."
Virgil hissed in a quick breath of air. His head hurt in more places than one now..
"Two. Virgil. Roman."
"Oh, well... Good. So do you remember anything before that?"
"I couldn't sleep so I took some medicine."
Roman lifted his arm, summoning Logan in his room. He looked very displeased, and he was holding a calculator and two notebooks, a pencil behind his ear and his glasses askew. (Word of the day)
"What? " He was clearly annoyed..
"Did you make more love pills in another attempt to socially advance with Patton?"
"Indeed, I did. I did not wish to sew pants."
idk where i was going with this look man its like 12:01 AM i'm sorry... make that 12:02
"Did you make more of those weird love pills so you could confess to Patton?"
He blushed slightly, "Yes."
"In which container did you place them in?"
"Virgil'ssleepingmedications." He looked away.
"And why?"
"I simply needed a test subject. So I decided to place the gray oblong pill (I'm sorry guys just ignore the musical references they don't matter. anything that's underlined is just not a part of the story lol) amongst his sleeping medications in hopes that he would eventually take it. Oddly enough, he took it the first night he got it."
Roman shot him a death glare.
"What is it now?"
"Do you have any idea what could have happened?!"
"Oh relax it was just a pheromone booster, it was perfectly harmle-"
"Maybe the reaction was too strong, caused by the lack of sleep or potentially a dietary issue. There are many possi-"
"Leave. Now. Or I'm getting Patton."
Logan rushed out of the room.
"Virgil, I just want you to rest for now." He layed him down and tucked him into bed, quickly asking, "Did you mean it? Do you love me?"
"I told you?!"
The prince left a kiss on Virgil's forehead and left the room, probably to go yell at Logan or rant to Patton, or both.
Again, sorry this was short, but this is a kind of mini bonus thingy majigy I KNOW HOW TO WORDS.
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