Sleepover Part Three
Okay guys im super sorry i promised this earlier XD.. well here it is!!!
Roman carried Virgil down the stairs bridal style, the latter rubbing his eyes with his hoodie paw. He laid him carefully down on the floor and let him adjust himself. The credits of Mary Poppins were rolling while everyone was getting comfortable. Everyone except Logan, who was just putting the movie up.
Virgil yawned, "Okay, who goes first?" Roman awwed at his adorableness.
"Oh hang on, before we begin." Logan grabbed a small glass bottle from his pocket. "Deceit, drink this."
"Why should I?"
"It's so when you choose truth, you'll have to actually say the truth."
"Won't that just kill him?" Virgil wasn't a big fan of Deceit, but he still cared about him.
"No, it won't. I've tested it before."
"Wait, when did you-"
"Not important, just drink it."
"I sssuppose I have no choice." He said, reluctantly tipping his head back and drinking the "potion." It was very similar to veritaserum from Harry Potter.
"Alright then, Patton dear. You go ahead and ask the first person."
"OOHH YAY! Okay, Virgil!"
"I dare you to kiss Roman for a full minute."
The two started blushing as they turned their heads. Roman put his hand on Virgil's cheek, gently pulling him closer. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders and did the same. Soon, it had been a minute, but Logan's throat clearing did nothing to stop them. They seemed to be pretty in the moment, so Patton told the others to just wait a few more minutes.
"If this gets out of hand, I will have no choice but to force them to stop."
"Awwww okay."
The two finally pulled back for a break after about three minutes. They noticed everyone staring at them, particularly Remus giving them a Lenny face, and shuffled back to their places on the floor. They were both still blushing like idiots.
"Okay, Logan." Virgil said, trying to get everyone's mind off of what just happened.
"I dare you to sing, or rap even, to Patton. It doesn't have to be a full song, just something that relates to you two personally."
"Alright. Am I allowed to use karaoke? My voice is terrible by itself, but it doesn't sound as bad with something to assist it."
Patton gave him a love glare that said I WILL PHYSICALLY FIGHT YOU!!!
"Yeah sure whatever just do it."
Logan took a moment to set up some karaoke music on his phone. He noticed Patton trying to catch a glance at the song, but quickly moved away so it would be a surprise.
A piano started playing, and Deceit knew immediately what it was. He knew about Logan's crush on Patton since it appeared. He walked by Logan's room one time and heard this song playing pretty quietly from behind the door. He somehow figured out that he was thinking about Patton.
Logan started singing, and the rest of the sides figured out the song. All of me by John Legend. Logan sang beautifully. It wasn't robotic this time, but full of meaning. Logan was capable of feeling emotions, he just didn't know how to handle them. After some help from talking to Patton, he figured some things out. Like how to put meaning into things for the ones you love.
The song ended after a while and Patton was almost in tears. He jumped into Logan's arms and just cried. "I love you so much."
Logan blushed. "I-I love you too, Patton."
After a while, Logan spoke again. "Can I get a Patt-on the back for that one?"
Patton looked up, tears still in his eyes as he smiled. "Of course."
"Ew gross I thought it was gonna end terribly and you were gonna mess up but no, it just had to be a cute moment." Virgil said with a look of disgust on his face.
"Anyway, WHO WANTS TO F*CK?? :D" Remus announced.
"Fine, Remus. Truth or dare?" Logan sighed.
"Do you harbor romantic feelings towards Deceit."
"I'd rather not answer that."
"OOOOH! HE DOES!!" Patton fanboyed :D.
"I don't."
"Hold still." Deceit said, grabbing his face and making out with him.
"WHAT THE HELL??!" Remus said, shoving the liar back.
"That no lie stuff should be mixed into your system now."
"Oh shit."
"Oh shit indeed, Remus. Now mind answering that question that I asked earlier?" Logan said, smirking evilly.
"I wouldn't like to."
"Do you love Deceit?"
"Ye-shmmmpgh!" He slapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes grew wide. He started to blush A LOT.
"I'll take those five dollars now, Deceit." Logan said, reaching his hand out.
"Ugh. Fine. Here you go."
"You seriously paid him to ask that?" Virgil asked.
"Well yeah. He seemed pretty interested in me so I wanted to find out if he was being serious or just fucking with me." Deceit explained himself.
"I wasn't being Sirius, I was being Remus."
"Bad joke, Remus." Virgil spoke up. Everyone nodded and made sounds of agreement.
"Well anyway. Shall we continue with the game?" Logan asked.
"Okay. Deceit, truth or dare?" Remus asked.
"I dare you to be my boyfriend."
"Fine by me, pretty boy.~"
"We'll take our leave now. Buh-bye~!"
"I hope they close the door."
"Nevermind, Patton." They all sighed.
"Awww is the game over that quickly??"
"I think so, love. It seems everyone tired out quickly. After the movie, I don't think many people were up to it. But if you'd like, maybe we can play again some other time with some help from the readers?"
"What readers?" Roman asked.
"The people reading this. We're being watched 24/7, Roman. You should know this. We're also figments of Thomas's imagination that he is spreading to the world, making us all susceptible to whatever stories people put us in. With that being said, Readers, please submit your truths and dares in the comments, or DM the author! He greatly appreciates all support and contributions to your PBS station from viewers like y-... Wait wrong one... Thanks for watching, guys, gals, and non-binary... No... Have a wonderful time, my little beans. That just doesn't sound right coming from me. Patton, would you mind?"
"Of course honey! Have a wonderful time, my little beans! Stay safe and protected, especially from COVID-19! N-95 masks are the only ones that are actually effective against it, so make sure if you go out, you have those! Love you all!"
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