Storm Cloud (Prinxiety)
AyYyE it's the girl who never updaaaates
Virgil's POV
I woke up to a clap of lightning. Great...
I hate thunderstorms, yes I may have a stormy and gloomy persona... but thunderstorms make my anxiety peek, which leads to attacks, which sometimes effects Thomas.
The clouds above rumbled and if it was timed... another clap of lighting.
I brought the quilt up and hid underneath it like a protective wall, while biting my lip in order to keep my cry of fear to myself.
I had the urge to jump out of bed and run to one of the other Side's rooms, yet I didn't.
I would normally go to Patton, but he and Logan are out for the weekend.
Which leaves Roman...
My checks grew slightly warm at the thought of the prince-like trait.
I hate bothering the others for my needs, they don't need my burden upon them. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they hated me.
Another clap of lightning drew me out of my thoughts, this time, accidentally letting out a yelp of surprise.
I heard a door slamming open, frantic foot steps approaching my door and my door swung open.
"Virgil?" I heard the prince-like trait call out.
I felt a dip in my bed indicating he sat down next to me. "It's ok, you're safe, you can come out now" He spoke in a concerned yet soothing tone. I couldn't reply for a few seconds
"C-can't m-move" I managed to say, fear and anxiety rising in my chest.
I felt the covers being flung off me.
I was facing Roman but I was curled up, laying down. I saw his face soften in the darkness
Roman's POV
I was sitting on my windowsill watching the storm. I love thunderstorms, they calm me down.
I sat there for a good 20 minutes when a lightning strike descended to the ground and I heard a cry of surprise and... fear?
Out of instinct, I jumped out off the window, grabbed my sword and ran to the only logical place the sound could've came from.
Virgil's room.
I swung the door open and within the darkness I saw a quivering lump buried under the covers. "Virgil?" I called out. I sat down next to the lump "It's ok, you're safe. You can come out now" My voice dripped in concern.
He didn't speak for a few seconds.
"C-can't m-move"
I heard the fear in his tone and how he stuttered.
I immediately flung the quilt off him.
My. Heart. Shattered.
Virgil was laying on his side with his knees up to his chest, . Was... was he scared? Of the storm? No! For heavens sake his logo is a storm cloud with a lighting strike!
My face softened. As much as I hate to say this but, I cared more than I should about this Emo Nightmare.
I sat cross-legged and reached out towards Virgil's shoulder
He flinched.
My heart broke into a million more pieces.
He wasn't scared, he was terrified.
He relaxed and nodded in consent.
I got a firm grasp on his arm and waist and placed him in my lap.
Virgil took a handful of my night shirt and buried his face in my chest.
"I grabbed my sword on the way" I broke the awkward-like silence. He raised his head slightly and looked around the room until the his eyes rested on my sword which was propped up against the wall near his door.
"You idiot" Virgil muttered under his breath.
I did a dramatic gasp "I am royally offended"
"Mhm your welcome" he muttered again, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and held on to me as if his life depended on it.
"I'll let you in a secret about me" I said to him
A small smile rugged at his lips and it turned into his signature smirk "Go on" "I'm dead terrified of heights" Virgil snickered "Oh hush, Storm Cloud"
Virgil went bright red. He lifted his face towards mine and kissed my cheek. He hides his obvious red face in my neck and his body went limp. That little fucker I thought.
I slowly move myself so I'm laying down and Virgil is on top of me, head laying and my chest, legs I intertwined with mine and arms draped lazily around my waist.
I kissed the top of his head "Goodnight my little Storm Cloud"
3rd Person POV
Little did Roman know, Virgil was awake,
He waited for Roman to drift off.
"Goodnight my Knight in Shining Armour"
He whispered
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