You Are Mine (Logicality) Part 1
Tw: murder, suicide note, strangulation, hanging, dark thoughts, reaction to suicide , possessive behaviour
"What... What did you do Logan? What did you do to them?" There was a quiver in Patton's voice as he stumbled back from the man in front of him. He had already suspected something odd was happening, but the proof in front of him was undeniable.
"It's simple. " Came the nonchalant reply, "I killed them. "
Logan held the picture in front of him, staring intently at it, as if it held the secrets of the universe. To him, it was far more important than that. It was a picture of four friends.
On the right side of the frame was the tallest man out of the four. He was lanky and his red highlights complimented his gingerbread brown hair. Giving bunny ears to the person beside him, the smug expression on his face vaguely resembled royalty. That, his name being Roman Princeton and his love of Disney movies earned him the nickname "Princey".
The man he was bunny-earing was pushing Roman's hand away, a playful glare on his face. His hair was a dark shade of purple, successfully covering his eyes. Clad in a black and purple patched hoodie, he was one of the shorter members of the group. His name was Virgil, and his dark exterior reflected his "inner turmoil and evil" as he would often declare in a grouchy manner.
The shortest of the group was Patton, the man standing next to Virgil. He wore a light blue polo shirt and a grey cardigan was tied around his shoulders like a superhero cape. Along with his khaki pants and dad jokes, he was the father figure of the group. His blond hair was messy and he wore black framed spectacles. The source of sunshine and optimism, he was always there to lend a helping hand. He had an arm around Vigil and another around the man beside him.
Beside the positive man was Logan. His posture upright, he was the most serious of the bunch. His dark blue tie was on top of his black polo shirt. Black hair was brushed neatly to the side, and a pair of black framed spectacles framed his mocha eyes. None of his friends knew why, but he had bought the same frames as Patton shortly after he had purchased his own. Whenever they did ask him, their only answer was a shrug. The first time Patton spotted the matching spectacles, he did not ask any questions. Instead, he beamed, gestured towards both spectacles and exclaimed, "Glasses buddies! " That made Logan smile, a rare thing.
Now, just the thought of Patton's arm around him caused a pink tinge to show up on his usually pale cheeks and tingles at the places where Patton had wrapped his arm around. It felt nice. He had never felt like this before but he liked it. He wanted more. He needed more.
Just then, there was a knock on his door and it opened. " Hey Lo, do you have-" Purple hair was brushed aside as Virgil walked closer towards Logan. " Oh, that's a nice photo. From that trip to Disneyland, right? Roman was such an idiot. " He rolled his eyes fondly at the thought.
Logan wasn't focusing on that, however. He was focusing on how Patton had his arm around Virgil as well. Clenching his fists, he gritted his teeth. How dare he! That despicable cretin, attempting to steal his precious Patton. Patton was his. With his hugs, warmth and cuteness, he deserves everything. He wastes his love on Virgil.
Noticing Logan stiffen up, Virgil tilted his head curiously. "You okay? " Before he finished his question, Logan had made up his mind. It was simply the most logical way to approach a problem. You destroy the threats and the problem disappears. Simple as that. His eyes scanning around the room, he found the perfect tool to assist in his procedure. A tie. It was an old one, slightly tattered around the seams, but it would work.
Grabbing the accessory, he pushed Virgil against the wall and wrapped the tie around his neck before pulling tightly. Gasping for breath, Virgil hysterically pulled at the fabric in an attempt to loosen its tight grip. However, with the combination of his smaller stature and shock, he was unsuccessful. "Wh-why? " He managed to choke out.
Logan pulled tighter, his grip still even. His face was void of emotion as he answered Virgil's question. "Patton deserves better than to have to love someone like you. I'm merely helping him. "
In a few seconds, the man's body slumped to the ground, unconscious. However, he held the tie tight for a couple minutes longer to ensure death. Admiring his handiwork, the corners of Logan's mouth lifted to form a satisfied smile. Deciding the next phase of his plan, he opened his room door slightly and peered out, making sure that no interfering roommates were going to pass by.
Safe. He hoisted Virgil bridesmaid style and crossed the hallway towards the emo's room. The light was still on, and the oak desk that was at the side of the room was a mess, as if he was searching for something. Placing down the body on the floor, Logan flung open the closet door and, as messily as he could, searched for a belt. Spotting a long black one, he climbed onto a stool and found a hook on the ceiling. It used to have a large black swing that hung from it, but the wear and tear it received sealed its fate to the trash. Perfect. Knotting a noose in the expert way that any outsider watching would be worried by, he looped it over the hook.
The next part of the plan. Bending down to grab the corpse, he placed the head through the noose before letting gravity take over. Success. The smile appeared on his face once more. Patton would be so proud! He had always told Logan to help others, and now Logan was helping him. Stepping off the stool, he kicked it to the side.
Finally. Logan knew that Virgil had considered suicide before, which was what made his plan so perfect. Eyes scanning the desktop, he spotted a black journey and flipped through it, till he reached the page he had suspected was there. Hey guys, it wrote in scratchy handwriting, I just wanted to tell all of you how much you mean to me. I'm sorry. I need to do this. I can't take it anymore. The voices, the constant throbbing in my head, the pit of dread in my stomach. The pain is too much to bear. I don't know what else to do. I'm trapped. I just want you guys to know I love all of you. The single letter 'V' was signed at the bottom.
Perfection. He tore out the page and left it on the table, before walking back towards his room.
Logan went back to business. Taking out the picture that had been carelessly thrown aside, he tore the spot between Patton and Virgil, before pinning the side with him and his beloved on the wall. That picture gave him another surge of adrenaline, right before he heard a shrill scream and the clatter of an object onto the ground.
Patton. Logan knew exactly what to do. Bursting into Virgil's room, he feigned a gasp before turning towards the blonde beside him. A plate of chocolate chip cookies lay on the floor along with a plastic plate. Trembling, Patton feverishly looked around the room for something, anything that could explain the body in front of him. He grabbed the paper on the desk and scanned it, more and more tears dripping down his face. Logan placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, careful not to scare him.
"It… it can't be. " He mumbled, "He said he was getting better, he said he was alright. " The volume of his voice raised as he choked out every word through tears. "He said he was fine! " He was screaming now, on his knees.
Realisation dawned upon his face and his puffy eyes widened. "And I believed him. " He whispered hoarsely, "How could I have been so stupid? Why am I so stupid? Why? Why? " The questions started to torment him, each one a stab at his heart. He ducked his head, not wanting to face the limp body dangling in front of him. Gasp after gasp could be heard as Patton struggle to breath, pain surging through him in each attempt.
Seizing his moment, Logan knelt down and placed a hand on Patton's back, moving it up and down rhythmically to guide his breathing. "Everything will be okay." He comforted, "Everything will be okay." Patton still trembled, waves of emotion threatening to drown him once more. There was a panicked look in his eyes as he nodded hesitantly.
Roman had been standing at the doorway, silent. He had came running when he heard the screaming and when he saw Virgil, he stopped in his tracks. Unlike Patton's frantic reaction, Roman merely stared at the limp corpse dangling from the ceiling, like a warped Halloween decoration that he could not take his eyes off of.
Why did he… He shook his head, snapping himself out of his stupor. He couldn't afford to ponder for a reason. He would fall into a destructive cycle, and he couldn't do that. He had to make sure Patton will be okay. Roman knew that Logan was not the most empathetic, and he needed to help support Patton. And with that decision, he walked over to Virgil.
Standing on tip-toes, Roman gingerly removed the noose. Silent, he lay the body on the floor, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He wiped it off. He had to stay strong, for his friends. They needed him!
However, Roman allowed himself a moment of weakness. Leaning over Virgil, he kissed his forehead softly. "Sleep well, my love."
I hope you enjoyed that! Don't worry, part 2 will be coming soon!
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