"What's up bitches?" A voice called from the front door.
Virgil looked over and squinted. "Who are you?"
Roman held Virgil in protection. "And why are you in Thomas' house?" He hissed.
"Chill out. Jeez, you guys sure are rude." He pushed his way into the house. "Anyways, I spent like $20 on coffee because every single one they gave me, tasted horrible. I give that Starbucks a C-."
"Hey babes!" Remy said. "Why's the door op-" he paused once he saw who was in the room. "Oh. My. Lanta." He looked at him past his sunglasses. "Critic Sanders, is that you?"
"The one and only, hun." Critic winked and walked up to him. "By the way, your friends are extremely rude. If it were me, I'd get new ones."
"I'm sorry," Vorgil interrupted, standing up. "But who the fuck is Critic?"
Critic pushed down his glasses and judged him. He flung his scarf back and pushed his sunglasses back up. "Whatever. Haters gonna hate." He glanced back at him. "F."
Roman suddenly rose from his spot. "Did you just rate my boyfriend?!"
"He's a 0.5/10. Can definately use some better face tuning. Also, the hair is everywhere it doesn't look good. Can you even see?" He clicked his tongue and turned back to Remy. "Let's go get more coffee. The ones they gave me are shit."
Remy followed him out the door. "See ya later babes!"
Virgil began violently cursing Critic. "That little shit! He's really got the fucking nerve to say that to me! I'll beat his ass!"
Roman had to hold him back, although it wasn't hard. "Can we just watch The Fox and The Hound now?"
The new video was AMAZING! Critic Sanders is also amazing and I love him so much.
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