Super Boi's II
Sequel to Super Boi's
Virgil collapsed on his couch. He grabbed his phone and saw the boys texting in the group chat.
Daddy: Would you guys like to hang out tomorrow? At the park? xx
Princey: I kinda want to just figure out what's wrong with us.
SmartBoi: *Kind of.
Daddy: There is nothing wrong with us. xx
Princey: Fuck off Logan.
AngstyBoi: why dont we go and figure it out at that park no one goes to together
Daddy: Yeah! We can do that! xx
Princey: I suppose... okay, it's settled them!
SmartBoi: *Then.
SmartBoi: *Fuck.
Roman sighed and put his phone down. It had been a long and stressful day, so all he wanted was sleep. And that he got.
Patton woke up, excited for the day with his friends.
He pulled the duvet off him and went to his dresser. He grabbed black jeans, light blue crop top with a puppy on it, and plain black leather choker. (I don't wear outfits like this. I mean, being a pansexual transgender male, you would expect me to, but no, I actually highly dislike outfits like this, but when they are on guys ig its cute. And when my friend wears stuff like that she looks adorable. Idk, dont hate me)
He walked downstairs and quickly grabbed something to eat abd drink before brushing his teeth and heading out.
Logan awoke the next morning. He pulled the duvet off him then made his bed.
He put on a plain black t-shirt and a navy blue plain sweater on. Along with black jeans that were slightly ripped at the knees. He put on his navy blue converse and glasses before walking to the park, which was a little ways.
Virgil lyed in bed for a bit before getting up, refusing to make his bed. He went through Instagram and Tumblr before getting ready.
He put on his Panic! At The Disco: Pray For The Wicked t-shirt, and his black and purple patched jacket. And to finish it, black ripped jeans and purple converse.
He walked out of his room and stopped in front of the kitchen, considering getting food, but decided against it.
He hesitantly stopped in front of the door. Should he teleport? What if people see? There is ever hardly any people there. But if someone is there? He decided to teleport a little in the trees where no one would notice. Or so he thought.
He stopped once he heard footsteps behind him stop crunching in the leaves. He gulped and turned, relieved it was only Roman.
He was wearing a red crop top sweater with high white skinny jeans, ripped at one knee, and red converse.
"You should be careful! Someone could have saw you, Virge!" Roman frowned.
"I know..." Virgil sighed as the other two arrived, hand in hand.
"I would like to get this over with." Logan sighed, stopping in front of Virgil and Roman with Patton.
"Do you think anyone else has powers like these?" Roman asked, looking at the electric charge dancing around his fingertips. Then his whole hand, he stopped.
"I don't know. But I'm not very fond. I get dizzy after everytime I use my power." Virgil admitted.
"I keep accidentally picking up things unintentionally with my mind." Logan held Patton's hand a little tighter.
"All these voices from other peoples minds, it gives me a massive headache. And honestly, I hate it." Patton's eyes started welling up with tears.
"We need to find a way to get rid of these. I know powers would be cool and all, but it's hell, absolute hell. I almost burned down my house this morning by turning on my tv!" Roman grabbed Virgil and hugged him.
"My friend, Deciet, might be able to help." Virgil said in Roman's collarbone as they hugged.
"Take us right now." Roman pulled away and looked at his boyfriend. "Please."
"One second!" Deciet called to the knocking door. He opened it and frowned at who he saw. "Oh, hello, Virgil." He stepped to the side and let them in. "When brings you here?" He asked.
"So, we have these powers, and we hate them." Virgil said. "Any possibility you can help?"
"What kind of powers?" He asked, a little quieter as he shut the door.
"Mind reading, teleportation, electricity, and telepathy." Roman said.
"Ah. Okay. Follow me." They all followed Deciet down a corridor and to stairs which led, down.
Patton clung to Logan as they started heading down the stairs. Virgil did the same with Roman.
"Do not fear you two, I am sure it is... totally safe... down here." Roman gulped.
Deciet walked over to a slightly lit up table with different mixtures of elixirs. He had scales on the side of his face from being bitten by a sea monster. He hasn't really dreaded them, they have been no bother to him.
He looked around and knocked down a bottle, which melted through the old wooden table. Virgil and Roman stepped back, looking down at it then back up at Deciet, who was holding a bottle with white liquid.
"This is for whoever has teleportation." He swirled it around. Virgil hesitantly took it.
"You sure these won't kill us?" Roman asked.
"Of course not!" Deciet turned and kept looking for the others.
Roman and Virgil shared a look before he drank it.
He stopped and dropped the bottle, which shattered on the ground. He fell limp but stiff in Roman's arms.
"Virgil!" Patton cried, moving foward at him.
"What did you do to him! TELL ME!" Logan lunhed at Deciet, who knocked over another bottle.
"Calm down, he's fine." He said.
"Wait a minute... you lied. Your name is... Deciet, which means lying. AGH!" Roman held Virgil and ran back upstairs with him. Patton and Logan followed after Logan punchrd Deciet.
"I-I was... just trying to.... help.." Deciet's sigh was shaky. (I hate to make Deceit the bad guy :( I love my snake boi so much...)
Roman set Virgil down on his couch and started up his electricity. He held in his hands for a second before pressing it to his chest. He did it several times then gave up. He started crying.
Patton cried in Logan's shoulder.
"V-Virgil..." Roman coughed and sniffled. He leaned into his chest and cried.
Roman raised his head as Virgil coughed and sat up. His cough was nasty and horrid. As if he were coughing up his lungs.
He stopped and breathed heavily before being attacked in a hug by Roman. He grunted.
"I feel awful..." he said. Roman cried more into his shoulder.
"I wonder if h-he has the ability to teleport?" Logan wiped his tears, happy to see Virgil, who was dead just a second ago.
"Uhm.. may I help you?" Virgil lightly pushed Roman off.
"V-Virgil! You were de-dead!" Patton cried.
"I'm so gl-glad your alive.." Roman choked out.
"May I ask... who are you guys? Where am I?" Virgil looked around Roman's living room, then back at the three boys.
They all stopped. They stared at him.
"Virgil..?" Roman whined.
"Aren't we friends...?" Patton asked.
"I'm not so sure we are..." Virgil raised his brow. "Last thing I remember is being with my... girlfriend."
Pain struck Roman's heart. "B-But... your gay.."
"What do you mean? My girlfriend is right in front of me." He smirked at Roman.
All their faces lit up as Roman moved to kiss him.
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