Secret Sickness
REQUESTED BY @JayNightmare1
Patton was humming the tune of the Steven Universe opening while making pancakes for everyone.
Virgil walked down, slouching more than usual. He sat down on the couch, instantly going on his phone.
"Hey kiddo!" Patton giggled. He turned off the stove and put the pancakes on separate plates.
"Yo." Virgil yawned. He got up and went to the dining table.
"Is that pancakes I smell?" Princey asked, walking downstairs and towards the table with the plates of food on it.
"Yup! Enjoy boys!" Patton giggled and sat down with them as Logan joined.
Virgil ate one and a half pancakes then put the remains of the pancake on Roman's plate before putting his plate in the sink.
Patton finished all of his then picked up the other two plates along with his own and started washing the dishes. The other sides went back to their rooms. He coughed a little then sneezed. He finished the dishes then had a queezy feeling in his stomach. He decided to start vacuuming.
Roman walked downstairs to grab a drink. He looked in the fridge and grabbed a gatorade. He opened it and watched Patton for a second. He smiled at how astonishing he was. He was always being a father towards them, Princey loved that. He loved Patton. He chuckled to himself
Morality coughed a little again and turned off the vacuum.
"You okay, Patton?" Roman asked.
"Of course kiddo! I should probably dust." Patton smiled brightly.
Princey couldn't help but smile back. "Would you like some help?" He asked.
"No thanks. I got it." Patton started wrapping the vacuum cords and put it away. He grabbed the duster and began dusting.
Roman stood there and watched him for a second before finally going back upstairs to finish his project.
Patton sneezed and sniffled. He put the duster down and started sweeping the kitchen. He began coughing again. He shook his head and put away the broom, only doing half the kitchen. He grabbed the thermometer and checked his tempature. 101°.
He sighed and put away the thermometer after washing it off. He walked upstairs and lyed in his bed, falling asleep.
Logan walked downstairs for a snack and water. He walked one step into the kitchen before stopping. He noticed two piles of sweeped up mess. Did Patton forget to finish? He sighed and grabbed the broom and dust pan, cleaning it up. He then grabbed his snack and a bottle of water. "Patton always finishes. I wonder if he's alright?"
Virgil walked out of his room and went downstairs to watch some cartoons. He noticed three qaurters of the carpet were vacuumed. Was Patton vacuuming? Why hadn't he finished? He grabbed the vacuum, which was sloppily put away. He finished the carpet. He put away the vacuum and slouched on the couch and put on Zoboomafoo. (Fuckin love that show)
Roman cleared his throat before walking downstairs to find Virgil or Logan. He noticed the anxious boy, but also noticed bad dusting marks. Wasn't Patton dusting? He usually always does a good job. He grabbed the duster and got rid of the marks.
"Yo Princey. I had to finish his job too. He didn't finish vacuuming. You think he's alright?" Virgil asked.
"He was doing just fine earlier. He might be just tired. I think he's sleeping upstairs right now." Roman reassured. "Anyways, I wanted your opinion on something." He said, snapping his fingers and having a canvas appear in his arms. "Does this look good?"
"Oh my god, Princey that's... really good!" Virgil got up and grabbed it from him, admiring the art.
"I mean, I am the creative side. I wanted to give it to Patton as a gift..." Roman said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"He's gonna love it." Anxiety smiled at Princey. It was a painting of Morality. He had his cat hoodie on with a puppy in the front pocket and a puppy in his arms. He looked as happy as ever.
"I want your help though." Roman took it back. "Presenting it to him. I don't just want to give it to him. I wanted to..." he looked away. "... ask him out while giving to him.."
"Princey, that's awesome! You can be our mom." Virgil looked away. "I mean, mom has always been Logan, but I don't think either of them like each other, so I mean."
"If he says yes, please don't ever call me mom." Princey sighed. They started talking about how to plan the asking out part.
Patton woke up, coughing, sniffling, and sneezing. He got up and walked downstairs for some water and ibuprofen for his massive headache.
Virgil noticed Morality and took the painting from Roman and hiding it.
Patton noticed the two boys and hid his face, wiping his nose with his cardigan sleeve. He forced a smile while he got his stuff. "Hey kiddos!" He said before going back upstairs.
"Hey dad." Virgil said. He sighed. "That was close." He looked at Princey. "Did you notice his nose a little red? And his voice was also a bit raspy." He mentioned.
"Yeah. I hope he's alright. He didn't seem as cheery." Roman frowned. He grabbed the painting. "I think I might be ready." He gulped.
Virgil nodded. "I mean, it's Patton. How bad could it go? Actually it can go very bad. He co-"
"Okay no thanks. I don't want to know the bad possibilities, thanks Virge." Roman said. He started walking upstairs with Anxiety following both for himself and physically Virgil following him.
Roman knocked on Patton's door and the bubbly side sniffled and answered. Virgil smiled at the fatherly figure while Princey stood off to the side.
"I'm gonna make it bend and break. Say a prayer but let the good times roll," Virgil sang. "In case God doesn't show. And I want these wprds to make things right. And the wrongs to make the words come to life. Who does he think he is, it's the worst you got bit it puts your fingers back to."
Roman moved to the side so he was in Patton's view. "One noght and one more time, thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great, it tastes like you but sweeeteeer. One night, yeah, one more time, thanks for the memories thanks for the memories. It tastes like you but sweeter ooooh." He sang.
"Aw, that was awesome kiddos!" Patton clapped.
Roman took the canvas from beside the door and held it up to Patton, getting down on one knee. "Patton Morality Sanders. Will you go out with me?"
Patton's eyes went wide and his smile dropped. "Roman... I-I-" he coughed and sniffled. "Of course I will Roman!"
Princey smiled and hugged the other trait.
"Uhm, dad? Are you... sick, by any chance?" Virgil asked.
Patton pushed Roman off and hid his face. "Um... no?" He gulped.
"Oh my god, Patton why haven't you told us?" Roman asked, pulling Morality's hands away from his face.
"Well, I didn't want you guys to worry..." he admitted, looking at the floor.
Roman looked at his slightly parted lips and licked his own. He knows Patton was sick, but honestly, he didn't care, he just wanted to put his lips against his own. And he did. He pulled Patton into an embrace and made their lips connect.
Virgil wolf whistled. Which caught Logan's attention as to what was going on.
He opened his door and peered out. He saw Virgil. And Roman leaning in Patton's room. He walked a little out of his room and saw two pale arms wrapping around Roman. He walked up to them confused and found the two kissing. "Why am I never invited to these things?" He asked.
"Ha, you should've been there. Also Patton is sick, and no doubt Princey is about to be as well." Virgil shrugged and went to his room.
Roman pulled away and looked into Patton's brown beautiful eyes. "I'm sick now, so let's be sick together. Logan," he said, turning to Logan. "Take care of us."
Logic groaned.
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