Queen Valerie
Part 5 is here. Last one? Who knows.
"No no no! No i-it can't be! I-I only-" Tears began forming in Roman's eyes.
"You... betrayed Princess Valerie.. and your country." The guard said. "You are a disgrace to the throne!"
"Save it, buster." A short servant stood behind the guard.
"Stay out of this. Get back to work." The guard flicked them on the forehead.
"You have no right to order anyone around!" Virgil shot up. He got off the bed, shirtless, and took Talyn's arm. He pulled them away from the guard. "That's a kings job."
Roman sat on the bed, panicking. He knew this was the end of his ruling.
"So, Talyn, get back to work." Virgil said, looking down upon them.
The guard smacked him clean across the face, which caused Talyn to step back.
Roman stared at them. His vision went blurry. But he was furious.
"You shouls be dead! I should have made sure you died right there!" The guard yelled.
Virgil looked up at him and smirked. "Whoever dies loses." He sighed. "Games not over."
The guard smirked and grabbed the sword by his side.
Roman passed out and Talyn went to his aid immediately.
"Take care of him! Remy, Dee and Logan will help you." Virgil looked back at them. "I'll be back later."
Virgil ran out from the guard. He slid down the railing of the stairs and jumped off at the end. He ran over to the sword rack and grabbed one of the swords then ran out of the king room and down the stairs to the outside.
"Wouldn't want to risk getting blood on anything! And plus, it's a nice day out!" Virgil said as he kept running. He stopped and swung his sword behind him, striking the man in the arm.
"So, just because the king is fond of you, that makes you a king?" The guard asked.
"I'd like to think so." His sword clashed with the other's.
"But your a servant. And you-" he stopped Virgil's attack. "Don't have even a trace of royal blood in you."
"Royalty is like imprisonment." He dropped his sword as he was sliced in the forearm. He picked it up with his other hand and sliced at his leg.
"And to top it off." Their swords struck and he looked deep into Virgil's eyes. "Your a man."
Virgil moved his sword away and stepped to the side to dodge his attack. "Says who?" He smirked. "You don't know what's down there."
"Prove to me your a woman then."
He hit his shoulder hard with the flat end on his sword. "Let's not get too eager now."
The guard held his shoulder and made an attack towards the servant causing him to collapse. He held the sword at neck point. "Over already."
"Seems so." Virgil sighed. "But that wouldn't be too fun. Y'know, being scolded, or even punished, every day by the king himself."
"It would be understandable. I'll do anything to have the royal family continue as it should." He pressed the sword closer. He pricked his neck and blood began trickling down.
"Well, it can't be helped then." Virgil said.
Just as he pushed down, Virgil moved to the side, causing a scratch at his throat. He coughed up blood and moved out of the guard's grasp. He grabbed his sword and moved the point along his back.
"I don't give up so easily." He said, voice raspy and still coughing.
His vision started becoming darker. He saw the man charging at him, but he tried his best to hold his sword up.
"I'm not letting you have him.. so easily.." he said before collapsing again. Everything went black.
"Shock. He passed out from shock." The nurse said. "Stay here and keep an eye on him."
"O-Of course!" Logan said. He looked down at the unconcious King.
"Where is he? He told me he'd be back. It's been three hours!" Talyn sighed in frustration.
"Do you suppose something happened?" Patton asked, worried.
"Please, it's Virgil we're talking about. I highly doubt anything happened to him." Dee said.
"That guard knows no sword tricks. Virgil knows a lot. He didn't have a chance. But maybe something did happen." Logan shrugged.
"We'll go check on him, then!" Remy said.
"Get Queen Valerie in here, then you can go." Patton demanded.
Valerie had already stepped in the room as he said that. So Remy and Dee were on their way.
"They could've been anywhere!-" Remy peered around the corner and gasped.
Dee ran over and found what he was looking at. Virgil's body.
He was pale and bloody. His eyes closed, and his mouth hanging open. Dried blood and fresh blood surrounded him.
As they got closer, they noticed another body, the guard. He was dead. On the ground, with a sword in his torso.
Dee picked up Virgil as Remy opened doors and found short routes to the nurse's room.
Once they made it, Dee set down Virgil on a bed as the nurse, Brittney, checked his wounds. He was hardly breathing.
She told Remy and Dee to get things for her. Like bandages and such.
Brittney cleaned up his blood and wrapped them. She stitched up the one on his forearm and neck.
"He's lucky to be alive." She said. She smiled once she finished. "Once the prince wakes up, you can tell him to come over." She stood. "But one of you should stay here."
"I will!" Dee said. "In about half an hour, go get the prince."
"Sounds good."
Remy ran down the corridors until he made it to Roman's place in the castle.
He opened the door to his room after running up the stairs. To his relief, the prince was awake.
"P-Prince Roman! It's Virgil! He-He's in terrible condition!" Remy huffed from running.
Roman bolted up. "What?!" He swung the covers off him and got up.
"You should be careful-" Logan said as Roman slammed the door shut. "-with your body..."
Him and Remy ran down the corridors to the doctors room he was staying in.
Virgil was still pale and unconcious. His eyes were closed lightly, and his wounds had been cleaned up and closed, so no blood was leaking from anywhere. However, the wounds were still serious.
Roman walked over and grabbed his cold hand. Tears formed in his eyes. "How could I let this happen.."
"It's not your fa-"
"Yes it is, Dee!" Roman turned to him. "If I hadn't gone that far with him, then none of this would've happen!"
"That.. far?" Remy asked. "What do you mean?"
Roman looked back down, eyes shut tightly. "F-Fallen in love.. with him.."
Dee's eyes went wide. "It's no wonder you care for him so much.. what about the princess?"
"She's fine with all of it.. no worries.." Roman opened his eyes a little, still with his head down. Tears began falling.
"Do you want us..."
"Yes, Dee.." Roman replied, bot having to hear the rest.
The two servants left the room.
"He is going to be out for approximately two days. We will keep him here for safety." The nurse, Brittney, walked over and hesitantly put a hand on the prince's shoulder. "He'll be fine."
Roman blinked and looked up at the body. He sighed and stood, turning towards the door. "Take good care of him." He stopped at the doorway. "Anything happens, your dead."
"Yes, of course." Brittney bowed.
"Any news?" Logan asked when Roman stepped into his bedroom.
"He'll be in there for two days. Now, get out." He demanded.
He bowed. "Of course, your Majesty." He turned and opened the door. He looked back and sighed before closing it behind him.
"What am I going to do..?" Roman huffed. "Two days without him? I can't rule without my love!" He flopped back onto the bed. "I never should have fallen in love with you... despite being gay, I should have just stayed with the rules and been with Valerie.. as it should be.." he sighed. "There has never in history been a gay king, and then I come along and screw it up.."
"Actually," the queen said, startling Roman. "Your great grandfather was gay." She giggled and went to sit down on his bed.
"He did the same thing as you. Was supposed to marry your great grandmother, and he did, but kept a relationship to the side. A gay one. His mother and father did not approve of it and tried to kill his lover. And they succeeded. Your great grandfather had to live with your great grandmother, who wasn't all that great. She ordered him around constantly. His life was hell after the death of his true lover." The queen put a hand on Roman's knee.
"Is that.. what'll happen to me.?" Roman asked, trembling a bit.
"Of course not, darling. You have me, Sir Logan, Lord Patton, Princess Valerie, those two servant boys, the one servant gir-"
"Non-binary." Roman corrected.
"Yes, the non-binary servant. And you have Virgil." She smiled.
"How am I supposed to know if Virgil will even survive?!" Roman put his face in his hands.
The queen pulled them away. "Trust me, he will." She kissed her son's head before getting up and leaving.
He sighed and looked at Logan at the door.
"I'll get your night clothes.." he said, clearing his throat. He got them from the closet and walked back over to the prince. "Here." He undressed him and put on the night clothes.
"Sir Logan, do you think.. Virgil will survive?" Roman asked.
"Most certainly." He pushed up his glasses. "Good night, Prince Roman." He bowed and left the room.
"What am I gonna do..?"
Roman has been out of it lately. He has been cooped up in hjs room, constantly, and the others have no way of bringing him out. He has been surviving on books, art, and little trays of food and water that Remy brings up. Remy and Patton are the only ones he lets into his room if he's hungry, thirsty, or need someone to talk to. Food from the servant, emotions from the High Lord Chamberlain.
But he was slowly falling apart. He couldn't take it. It's been four days, and Virgil still hasn't awoken from his coma. Who knows how long it'll be until he does!
As he put his book down, Roman looked up at the ceiling and thought. He didn't know what he was thinking about, just random thoughts that popped into his head. Which happened often. He always had his head stuck in the clouds, thinking about every possibilty of everything in the world.
He always had such a creative way of thinking. Like whenever a book would describe a setting or character, he would think about somwthing better than whatever the book described it as. He would even draw sketches from time to time.
There was light knocking on the door, which caught the Prince's attention.
"King Roman." Logan said, opening the door and peering in.
"Please, I'm still the prince. Still the prince until Saturday. When I have to marry Valerie." He sighed and sat up. "What is it, Logan?"
"Well, I thought you'd like a little talk to cheer you up." He closed the door behind him and sat on the bed.
"The only thing to cheer me up is being in Virgil's arms." Roman pulled his knees to his chest.
"Well, in a minute, but,"
"You can't keep yourself cooped up in here." Logan looked the prince in the eyes.
"I know.. I just can't face the world yet.." he admitted, turning his attention away from his brown eyes.
"Your people are worried about you." Logan pressed on. "Just for a little bit. Please?"
"I don't want to. Not yet."
"Then when? We're all worried about you! The sun behind the curtains isn't enough!" He sighed. "You need to go outside and enjoy the fresh air!"
"Can't you see it's hard for me to even move? Logan, I know you guys are worried, but I can't pretend to be happy when he's out, suffering!" Roman threw his hands up and put his knees down. He stood.
"We aren't asking you to pretend anything. Just five minutes outside to relax." Logan opened the door. "Come on." He said.
"Fine." Roman finally gave in. He walked out and followed the Prime Regent to the outdoors.
He hugged him. He hugged him and didn't let go. All he wanted was just to hug him.
Logan crossed his arms and smiled. He pushed up his glasses. "I never specified how you were going to relax he said."
"And this is probably the best way." Roman said, hugging Virgil tight, but not too tight.
"Due to the slice of his throat, he is unable to communicate well. So, when in need of desperate situation without paper, I will be teaching him sign language." Logan explained.
"I'll never hear your beautiful voice again.." Roman sighed.
"It just.. hurts.." Virgil said, hjs voice raspy and dark. Roman hardly understood him.
"Then don't talk. It's fine." Roman smiled and kissed him right below his right eye. "I'm fine with just looking at you."
"And do you, Prince Roman Sanders, take Valerie to be the Queen of Carthya?" The pastuer asked.
"I-I do.." Roman gulped and glanced to Virgil in the crowd. "I do.. Virgil.."
The crowd gasped and Virgil's eyes went wide.
"Roman.." Valerie whispered. "What are you doing?!"
"I-I don't know!" He whispered back. "I didn't mean to say it out loud! I just thought it'd make me feel better in this situation to say it in my head!"
"Roman, this could end very badly!" She sighed. "False alarm, you guys!"
Roman cleared his throat. "I do, Valerie."
"You may know be presented as King and Queen." The pastuer continued.
"Sorry, just once." Valerie whispered. But she stopped, just before his lips. She smirked and stepped aside.
Virgil slid in, kissing his lips and hearing the gasps and groans of the audience.
Roman pulled away. "Virgil, what are you doing?!"
Virgil moved his hands in language and smiled at Roman. Shut up, Princey.
They kissed once more before the guards started taking Virgil away.
He did a one last I love you, before completely leaving Roman's sight.
"Virgil.." he looked at the crowd with tears.
"Virgil, Virgil, Virgil..." they began chanting. The guard peered his head through the door before throwing Virgil back into the room.
He winked at the King.
"Now presenting, King Virgil and King Roman. The kings of Carthya." Logan said, stepping on stage.
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