Prince Virgil
Part three of the royal chapters ;)
Virgil sighed, not looking at Roman, he said, "I'm not so sure about this... what if they find out and try to kill me again?" He looked up at the royal.
"You think I will let them do that?" Roman said. He pulled Virgil closer. "I won't let them lay a finger on you, and if they do, they shall be executed."
"Roman, I-" Virgil stopped himself as the door opened.
"My apologies, but your father wishes to speak with you, Prince Roman." Logan bowed.
"Very well." He said, letting go of Virgil and walking downstairs.
"Uhm, your majesty, he would like to see Prince Virgil as well." Logan said.
Virgil walked to Logan and stopped at his side. "Please don't call me prince." He said before continuing downstairs.
"You with to speak with me, father?" Roman asked.
"Yes, please take a seat, you too." He said, looking at Virgil. He looked back at Roman. "So what are your plans?"
"For what?" Roman raised a brow.
"For this." He gestured to him and Virgil. "You are getting married in three days! To the betrothed princess of Carthya! What are you gonna do about the servant?" He asked, kinda angry.
"The princess is fine with it. We have talked it over. Her and I will get married and become king and queen, no one will know about the truth between me and Virgil." Roman explained.
"So there is something going on between you two." He turned his head towards Virgil with a nasty smile. "You ever do anything to my son, and you will be executed. Leave those things to the princess and he."
"Yes your maj-"
Logan stiffened beside Roman.
"Hold on!" Roman and Logan said.
"Once I am the king of Carthya, I will let him do as he pleases. My body is not yours just because I am your son!" Roman snapped.
"You," he turned his head to Logan. "That is no way to speak to a royal!"
"We are not conversing about that right now, father!" Roman stood and slammed his hands down on the table. "Don't even try anything with Logan or Virgil!"
And with that, the prince was off. Logan gave a look to Virgil and thry followed.
"Can you believe him?!" Roman growled as Logan closed his bedroom door.
Virgil walked up to him and set a hand on his shoulder, which the royal shook off.
"I just need to be alone for a moment." Roman didn't look at either of them as he sat on his bed.
"Of course. Pri- Virgil, come along." Logan opened the door again and Virgil sighed, following him out of the room. "We can go visit Lord Patton."
"Yeah..." Virgil looked at Roman's door before walking away with Logan.
"Lord Patton," Logan bowed. "We wish to speak with you."
"Of course! Come sit!" Patton sniled brightly as he gestured to the chairs in front of him. "And I've told you to just call me Patton. Any specific thing you'd like to speak about?"
"Yes, of course." They took a seat. "Not really. Prince Roman is not in a very delightful mood at the moment, so Virgil and I needed to go somewhere. And we thought you could help, since you always know about something to speak about." Logan smiled at the brightly grinning boy in front of him.
"Well I'm so glad you came!" Patton looked at Virgil. "So your the one with Roman's love interest?" He asked, giggling. "Logan talks about you."
Virgil blushed. "Uh y-yeah." He looked at Logan and glared at him. "He talks about me, huh?"
The doors opened as the king stepped in. The three stood and bowed. The king looked at Virgil in disgust then to Patton.
"Lord Patton, I wish to speak with you. Alone." He looked at the two boys.
Logan bowed and him and Virgil left and decided to go back to Roman.
"So what are you? Cause I know you are no servant." Virgil looked at his steps.
"One of the twenty regents of course." Logan replied, expressionless.
"Right, sorry it was a stupid question." They walked through the doors then went upstairs.
"Of course not." Logan knocked softly on Roman's door.
Virgil opened the door after hearing sniffles. He ran up to the prince, who was sitting on his bed, head rested in arms with his knees pulled up. "P-Princey? What's wrong?!"
Roman sniffled again then threw his arms around the servant. "M-My father..." he trailed off. He flinched when Virgil touched his head.
"He hurt you, didn't he!" Virgil's anger rose up in him.
Logan rushed over. "He did what?!" He demanded.
"He went to go tell Lord Patton something, do you think-" Virgil stopped himself and turned his head towards Logan, eyes wide.
"Let's go." Logan said. Roman got up and went with them.
They opened the doors and stood there, getting the attention from the king and Patton.
"Prince Roman? What's wron-" Patton stood.
"I thought I said I wanted to talk privately." He interrupted.
"Well the conversation has ended!" Virgil growled.
Patton walked over to them and looked at Roman. "Prince... Roman?"
The king's anger boiled inside him. "That is no way to speak to the king!"
"Do you want an ice pack? The landing must have hurt." Patton said.
"Landing? That is absurd! He was simply hit!" Logan said, loiking at Patton.
"Hit? By whom?" He asked, standing straight.
"Oh gee, I wonder." Virgil said sarcastically.
"What is the meaning of this? He fell! Period!" The king yelled.
"As if! Do you think he would've hit the ground so hard to cry this much? And do you think the ground is gonna make him flinch when someone touches near the spot he was injured? By you." Virgil shot death glares.
The king yelled in aggravation. "You shall be executed!" He shouted, which caused everyones eyes to go wide.
"NO!" Princess Valerie walked in to see what the shouting was. "I will not let you do that!"
The king's eyes went wide as he bowed. "P-Princess Valerie! A pleasure to see you!"
"Executed? Whom?" The queen asked, walking in behind Valerie.
"The servant boy, Virgil, he has been conversing with me in an inappropriate way! Shouting at me and saying lies!" The king turned his looks to Virgil.
"As if! Me being not already dead gives you no right to abuse your son!" Virgil's eyes basically lit on fire and he couldn't stand looking at the ungrateful king any longer.
"Abuse?! What is the meaning of this!" The queen looked at Roman than to the king. "You son of a bitch." She said.
"He simply fell! I would never abuse him! Tell them Roman, did you fall?" He gave the prince a nasty look.
"Heavens no!" Roman growled. "A fall would not make me afraid of you!"
The queen walked over to her husband. "I can't believe you. You are a disgrace to the throne! You have embarrassed the name of the royals!" She slapped him. "Off with his head." She scowled.
"N-no! Please!" Guards walked in and took him. They handed his crown to the queen.
Patton's eyes were wide, tears at the brim. "I-I..." they began to fall as Logan held him in an embrace.
"That was life or death." Roman looked at Virgil. "How stupid are you?" He asked before walking out to his room.
Virgil's eyes went wide. He ran after the royal. He opened the bedroom door.
"What?" He snapped.
"I just basically saved you, and now your angry!" Virgil yelled.
"Don't shout, I have a headache." He looked at him. "You put your life at risk! You could have died!" He said.
"But I didn't."
"But you could have." Roman said quietly. "I could have lost you, Virgil. And I would have had to live the rest of my life unsure of what to do. I can't do anything without you, Virge." He choked on his words.
Virgil walked over to him and hugged him. "I'm not gonna leave you, got it? Not ever. I'll be here for as long as you need." He felt Roman hug him back, tightly.
"Okay... thank you..." he kissed the top of his head. "Here." He said, pulling back and holding out white foundation and black eyeshadow.
"R-Roman I-I..." he took the items. "Where did you get these?" He looked up at the prince.
"Your father of course. You told me to give them to you. Thomas, was his name?" Roman smiled. "I was wondering why a peasant was in the castle walls speaking to me, but when I heard he was your father, I instantly listened and watched."
"Thank you." Virgil wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him.
Roman kissed back then pulled away. "No problem."
"Knock knock." Virgil said, lightly knocking on the door frame.
Roman groaned. "Your back to this again? Virgil it's two in the morning!" He growled.
Virgil shrugged and walked to the bed. "The couch isn't comfy, scoot over." He said.
Roman moved. Once the other was under the covers, he wrapped his arms around him. "You better not keep me up."
"Okay, Princey." Virgil kissed his nose.
"Logan?" Patton began. "Why are you taking so long?" He asked.
"Where the bloody hell is the arm hole?!" Logan walked out of the open bathroom and looked at Patton, who was laughing on the bed.
"Around your head." He laughed.
Logan took the shirt off and inspected it, mapping out where his body fits in it. He finally got it on right and groaned as he layed down next to Patton.
He giggled. "Goodnight Master Logan."
"As to you, Lord Patton."
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