Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil were all best friends in highschool. Graduation was in a few days, so they decided paintball sounded fun.
Roman picked them all up and he drove them to the paintball course downtown.
They all got out of the car and paid. They waited patiently as the employees got their chest armour and weapons. Once they came back, which was fairly quickly, they told us to split up on teams because of the number of players. Which made them sad of course, but Roman thought it would be fun to go up against his friends. He smirked.
Virgil didnt like the idea of being on a team with complete strangers. He didnt like social interaction.
Logan wasnt too fond, but he decided it might be good since he would have the chance to brag to his fellow teammates about how smart he was and help them win.
Patton, of course, loved the idea. He thought about making new friends. And obviously he loved making new friends.
Logan and Roman were on a team while Patton and Virgil were on the other two teams.
Virgil thought it wasnt fair that they got to team up and not him or Patton. He sighed and got ready for the game.
Roman hid back against a wall and peered over the side. He searched around the room and found the coast was clear.
He ran to another wall as someone tried to shoot at him, but missed. He chuckled, looking around to see where the shooter came from.
Then, he found a kid that was on Virgil's team. And another on Patton's team, who was aiming for the kid on Virgil's team.
Roman smirked and aimed for the team Patton kid. He focused on him and shot, managing to succeed.
Meanwhile, Logan was trapped. Three kids from Virgil's team ganged up on him and now have him cornered.
He thought about what to do in the situation.
(Im skipping all the mathmatical shiz)
He saw his teammate aim for one of the Virgil teammates, then Roman distracting another. He winked and Logan and the kid shot the Virgil teammates who were paying attention to Logan.
The kid smiled at Logan then got shot by Virgil. Logan ducked down and sighed.
Patton looked around. He ducked behind a wall once he saw Virgil turning his way. He scooted over to the side and scanned the room.
Then, out of no where, a kid comes up and shoots him.
"Well it was fun while it lasted. Have fun kiddos!" Patton said before walking out.
Virgil turned to Roman across the room. "Why is he still referring to us as his kids?" He asked. Roman shrugged and tried to quickly shoot him but missed.
Virgil laughed and aimed towards Roman's direction. He saw him pop out for a second and took his shot. He missed and leaned back against a wall, turning and shooting a Logan and Roman teammates that was sneaking up on him.
"Nice try buddy." Virgil smirked. The kid frowned and walked out of the course area.
Virgil turned his attention back to Roman, who was now missing. He looked around the area, no Roman. Until he spotted him on the other side of the wall.
He stood up and faced his gun down on the other side. He shot him. Straight in the chest. "Bye bye." He said.
Roman frowned and made outraged princey noises. Which of course, Virgil and some kids found very funny.
Roman, Patton, and five or six kids have gotten out already. So far, there was only one member left on the Patton team.
Logan looked over and found the Patton teammate. He was spying on one of the Virgil teammates.
Virgil saw Logan spying on the kid spying on Virgil's teammate, who was spying on Logan's teammate.
He smirked and held up his gun, obviously noticable.
Roman glared at Virgil. "What in the world is he doing?" He chuckled. "I hope he dies." He joked.
Virgil pointed the gun to the Patton teammates and shot, quickly moving before Logan shot him.
He crouched behind a different wall. Logan was oblivious as to where he just went, so instead he focused on someone else.
Virgil snuck up behind Logan and shot his back. "Sorry to break it to ya." He said in his friend Deceit's voice. He chuckled.
Logan fixed his glasses and walked out of the course to Roman and Patton. "Finally." He sighed.
Virgil and four kids were left. One on his own team and two on the Logan and Roman team.
He found his teammate and met up with him. He told him his plan and the boy nodded.
The two kids were on either side. The kid got up and jumped up to the highest point, while Virgil stayed hidden, but still was able to see the opponents.
He shot one. And the Virgil teammate swung down with a rope attached to the highest point and shot the other kid.
Roman dropped his juice box. "They won?!" He said, sounded offended.
Virgil highfived the kid and walked out of the course with him.
Roman frowned at Virgil. "I cant believe you won." He sighed.
Patton clapped. "Oh im so proud! Congragulations Virgil!" He giggled and smiled.
Virgil smiled a little.
Roman sighed. "Well, congrats, I guess.." He said.
Virgil blushed lightly. "Thanks Princey." He smiled a little more. Which made Roman smile too.
"Lets go home, I am famished." Logan complained.
Requested by: @Kawaii-kiwis
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