Cold Blooded
"You can't trust a cold blooded human." Roman said, resting his chin in his hands.
"You can't trust a cold blooded woman." Remy replied.
"Fair point. But a woman is a human." He turned towards his best friend.
Deceit sat on the counter, phone in hand. He swayed his legs back and forth, which were crossed at the ankles.
Patton was making breakfast, whistling the tune of Steven Universe.
Virgil came out and sat next to Deceit, pulling out his phone from his hoodie pocket and sitting criss crossed.
Deceit wore a black Fall Out Boy t-shirt and boxers while Virgil was wearing his black and purple hoodie with boxers.
The two friends sat in silence while listening to Patton whistle, who was now playing the tune of Voltron.
Remy and Roman came downstairs, laughing.
"Right on time kiddos! Breakfast is ready! Logan!!" Patton giggled.
Logan came trudging down the steps and to the dining table, where everyone was beginning to sit at.
"You didn't get much sleep, huh? You were still fast asleep when I woke up." Patton kissed Logan's head as he walked by, setting down plates in front of everyone.
Virgil and Remy were brothers. Patton and Logan were their fathers. Deceit and Roman were stsying over for the weekend. It was rare when all four hung out, sometimes they did at school though. It was usually just Remy and Roman, and then Deceit and Virgil.
"Why don't we go do something today, maybe like the dog park?" Patton suggested.
"Dad, please, we have things to talk about, maybe we can go to the dog park some other time." Virgil said.
"Girl please, dogs are always fun to be around. I mean, seriously babes, have you seen them?" Remy replied, looking at his brother.
Virgil groaned at his annoying voice. (No its not, I love you Remy)
"So, I saw you had your eyes all over my brother at breakfast, what are you planning?" Remy asked, raising a brow at Roman.
He cleared his throat. "Oh please, like I'd ever like him. I was just getting a good look at his face without make up on. I've never seen it before. It was kinda nice." Roman ran a hand through his hair. "Anyways, what's on the agenda today?"
"I was thinking truth or dare with the others. It was always mine and Virgil's favourite when little. C'mon girl! It'll be fun!" Remy suggested.
"Well, I suppose. We have nothing better to do." Roman shrugged.
There was a knock at the door and Virgil growled. "What?"
"Wanna come play truth or dare with us?" Roman asked through the door.
Virgil heard his voice and relaxed his muscles. "Uhm, I guess?"
Him and Deceit stood up and they all walked to Remy's room.
"Okay, I'll go first. Virgil, truth or dare." Remy said, pushing his sunglasses up.
Virgil shrugged. "Truth?" He chose.
"Is it true your gay?" Remy raised a brow. He knew he was, but he wanted to make sure Virgil would feel uncomfortable in front of his crush.
"Yeah, so?" He snarled.
Remy frowned. "Oh, right, okay, uhm, your turn then."
"Deceit, truth or dare?"
"Dare." He smirked.
Virgil pointed at the door. "Go try to catch our dads kissing."
"Okay." They got up and followed him as he peered into their bedroom. But he found something way off to what he was expecting.
Remy and Virgil pushed passed Roman and Deceit after hearing what was hapoening in there. They opened the door and ran up to their dads.
"F-Father? What's wrong?" Virgil asked, wrapping an arm around the crying man.
"He's alright, don't worry kiddos. You guys can go back to having fun." Patton smiled reassuringly at the boys.
"You sure?" Remy asked.
Patton nodded. The four walked back to Remy's room and sat back down.
"Uhm, okay, uhm... Roman, truth or dare." Deceit asked, clearing his throat.
"Dare." Roman smirked.
"Curl your hair." Deceit bit his tongue while smiling, teeth showing.
"Hey Virgil, your the only one that knows how to use curlers and straighteners." Remy motioned to the wall where Virgil's stood on the ither side.
He rolled his eyes and got up to grab his stuff from his room. He returned with a curling iron, which he has never used.
Roman was sat on a chair in front of Remy's mirror on his desk. He looked at himself in the mirror, admiring his hair then sighing.
Virgil plugged it in and waited a minute or two for it to heat. Then he grabbed a few strands of hair and started curling them.
Virgil finished curling and spun Roman's chair around. He had spun it to easily get to front hairs after a few curls.
Roman touched it here and there, looking at it. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
"Y'know, it's not a bad look on you." Virgil said, looking at Roman in the mirror. "It suits you."
"Thanks, but straight hair is for sure more my thing." He smiled and stood up.
Remy looked up from his phone when the two had joined them back on the floor. "Finally-" he stared at Roman, trying to hold in a laugh, but failing.
"Remy! Don't be rude!" Virgil growled.
"It's fine." Roman shrugged. "Anyways, Virgil, truth or dare?" He asked.
"I'll go with dare this time." He replied.
"I dare you to do my make up then." Roman chuckled.
He sighed and stood up, going to his room to grab his supplies. He walked back in and set the on the desk. "I don't have any basic stuff, so I'm gonna use yours, Remy."
Roman sat in the chair yet again. He spun so he was facing Virgil, waiting then seeing him grab a tan looking liquid thing. Kinda like lip gloss, in the same container.
"Perfect. It matches your skin tone." Virgil muttered, basically talking to himself.
Roman was confused but said nothing and asked no questions.
Virgil patted his face with a beauty blender. Then he leaned over to grab foundation. "Remy, all I have is pale foundation, do you have anything?"
"Nope. Gonna have to live with what you got, sorry babe." Remy kept his eyes on his phone.
Virgil groaned and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his black eye shadow and Remy's gray eyeshadow. He held Roman's face and moved forward to get a better look of what he was working with.
Roman blushed and gulped. He tried to keep calm as Virgil told him to close his eyes.
Once Virgil finished the winged eyeliner, he moved to the lips. He used a a shade that was between pale and tan, kind of like a really light brown, and pressed it to his lips.
Roman fluttered his eyes open at the cold touch of the tip of the fuzzy stick. He sighed realising he's just getting his hopes up.
"Okay, we're finished." Virgil said, grabbing Roman's face and moving it side to side to get a good look at it.
Remy pulled away from Deceit. "You guys took so long, that I already got myself a girlfriend." Remy rolled his eyes and stood up to walk over to them.
Virgil looked over at his brother. "What do you mean?"
Remy gestured over at Deceit, who walked up to them.
Virgil looked st his best friend. "Are you serious?" He asked, glaring.
"I told you, you can't trust a cold blooded human." Roman sighed.
"And I replied, you can't trust a cold blooded woman either." Remy shrugged. "But as you said, a woman is a human. So don't be surprised."
"Congrats man, you finally started dating my brother." Virgil rolled his eyes playfully and lightly nudged Deceit, chuckling.
"And when are you gonna make moves on my brother?" He asked. Virgil stared st him quizzically.
"You don't have a brother..." Virgil trailed off then turned to Roman quickly. "You mean-"
"Yup. I'm brothers with the weird snake boy." Roman nodded.
"Whoa. Now there's a turn of events, don't you think girls?" Remy said.
"Well, I am not going to make a move on your brother." Virgil said.
"Aw, you aren't?" Roman pouted.
Virgil blushed, hearing it was his voice. "W-well I mean-"
"Fine, then I guess I won't make a move on you either." Roman crossed his arms and looked away.
"Well hold on now, I didn't mean like that! I-I'll make a move!" Virgil walked up to Roman, who was now standing.
He raised a brow. "Is that so?" He turned his head so he was facing the smaller, slouching, boy.
Virgil stood straight so he could reach Roman's face and kissed him on the lips.
Remy and Deceit had already gone back to kissing, so they basically missed the magic.
Roman grabbed Virgil after they stopped kissing and held him close. "Since the people we came for are now hanging out, would you want to hang out with me instead?"
Virgil smirked as they began walking out the door. "You don't need an answer for that, Princey."
"Oh please, Thomas! That's completely absurd and you know it!" Logan complained.
"C'mon, adopting a dog would be awesome!" Patton exclaimed.
"It is against the apartment rules, and he is not mature enough to take care of one!" Roman sided with Logic.
"He's 29! He should be mature enough!" Virgil growled.
"Age isn't about maturity, Virgil!" Logan pushed his glasses up.
"Okay guys, calm down, Logan and Roman are right, I really cannot own a dog, even if I wanted to." Thomas chuckled nervously.
"Whatever." Virgil said, sinking down.
Roman smiled at his victory and sunk down as well. "Virgil," he said, rising up in his room. "What are the odds we'd end up here?"
"Honestly, it's still surprising that we've just been living in Thomas' mind this whole time. I thought it was the real world." Virgil replied, clinging onto Roman and pulling him down on the bed.
"Yeah, but this is also pretty nice." Roman grabbed Virgil and kissed him.
"Hey Thomas! Wanna learn something!" Patton said.
"Uhm, sure?"
"Logan and I were married before we knew we were in your mind! We even adopted Virgil and Remy!" He chuckled.
"Patton... we're still married... and this is literally the fifth time you've told him.." Logan sighed and sunk down with his husband.
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