Whumptober day 3 (insomnia)
Q: Do you have a favorite Tim Burton film?
Pairing: Logince
Logan had been up for a week.
A whole week, seven days, one hundred and sixty-eight hours, ten thousand and eighty minutes, six hundred four thousand and eight hundred seconds.
He could not, would not, sleep.
The dark bags under his eyes became more prominent than they were last week, and his skin had gotten sickeningly pale.
Of course he mostly blamed it on his anxiety, yes, he, the embodiment of logic, had anxiety.
He was the mind, logic, and he had a very important job to do. Of course it wasn't an easy one, he always had to make the right decisions, always had to make sure Thomas was on the right path. Always kept everything in order.
So of course everything would become a bit overstimulating from time to time. But, it had never been this bad. He never stayed up this long before, perhaps it was the many cups of coffee he had, or the energy drinks he consumed, but his body did not allow him to sleep. Each time he tried to sleep his body would twitch or tremble, his eyes would not stay closed, his heart would pound hard against his chest and his lungs would begin to feel tight.
He was frustrated.
Another sleepless night had passed and now Logan sat numbly at the kitchen table, gazing down at his untouched breakfast. Across from him sat Roman who had his worried gaze settled on him, he tapped his fingers against the table and chewed on his bottom lip. “Logan?” He called. The intellectual trait stiffened and turned his attention to the prince. “Yes?” He rasped.
“Have you been sleeping well?” Roman questioned with a raised brow. He frowned when he saw the way he twitched, and the bags beneath his dull eyes. “That's none of your concern.” Logan frowned and dragged his fork across his plate. “You look ill Logan, and you're trembling.” Roman pointed out. Logan sighed and ignored his comment, he pressed his cheek against the palm of his hand and yawned. “Morning jitters I guess.” He hummed.
“Something bothering you?” Roman asked and leaned forward. “Not exactly, but as I've said, it's nothing for you to worry about.” Logan stated. “You're about to pass out Logan, I think I have the right to be concerned when you look like death.” Roman huffed and stood from his seat. “I've seen this look on Virgil before, the same look you have right now, he had it way before. He told me something about insomnia, not being able to sleep properly, or sleep at all.” He explained as he walked up to Logan who scooted away.
“I'm not tired, nor do I have insomnia.” Logan grumbled. “Prove it then, walk without tipping or tripping over your own feet.” Roman demanded. Logan pursed his lips and stood from his seat, a little bit too fast for his liking, and in an instant he doubled over and caught himself when he felt himself fall forward. “You're so exhausted you can't even hold yourself upright.” Roman said and gently took hold of his forearm.
Logan flinched at the touch and glared at Roman. “Leave me be Roman.” He demanded icily. “You're grumpy too...” Roman pouted jokingly and scooped the tired trait into his arms. Logan yelped and clung to Roman, fearing that he'd fall if he didn't hold on. “Put me down!” He hissed. “Calm down, I'm just taking you to bed.” Roman said nonchalantly. “No! Roman put me down now.” Logan seethed.
Roman sighed. “Would you rather me tell Patton about this?” He asked. Logan froze and tightened his grip. “You wouldn't.” He breathed. Roman merely shrugged and rose a brow, Logan slumped his shoulders and gave into his exhaustion, he leaned his head against Roman's shoulder and closed his eyes. “You're horrible.” He groaned. “Oh you're just delirious from exhaustion.” Roman scoffed and carried him all the way to his room.
“What's been going on Logan? Why aren't you sleeping?” The princely trait asked as soon as he set Logan down on the bed. “It's nothing.” Logan grumbled and crossed his arms making him look like an upset child. “Logan you looked horrendous, no offense, and you could barely stand! This is not 'nothing' it's something that's harming you. Logan, I don't mean to be rash, I just really care for you.” Roman explained with a light blush.
“....Oh alright fine.” Logan sighed. “I have insomnia okay? I haven't slept in a week and I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try. I just can't and it's frustrating, but there's also so much to do and do many things to manage. I can't just stop either, it's my job, I have to do my job.” His voice sounded strained. “But...” He covered his face with his hands. “I'm so tired...” He whimpered.
Roman felt his heart shatter at the sight and climbed into the bed with Logan, he brought him into a tight embrace and earned a small gasp. Logan uncovered his face and looked at Roman with a quizzical expression. “Ro—” Roman shushed him and lowered himself down to a comfortable position on the bed, Logan grunted as he was squeezed against his chest. “For today, just relax. It's the weekend. There's nothing to worry about. There's no important meetings or occasions. Catch up on your sleep, everything is okay. Just sleep.” He whispered.
Logan calmed himself down and allowed himself to relax against Roman's chest, the warmth he gave was soothing, and his arms were snugly wrapped around him giving Logan a sense of security and comfort.
“I suppose I can relax today.” Logan muttered, feeling his heavy lids drop.
“Yes, do that.” Roman urged.
And he watched as Logan drifted off not even seconds later, and for once, he was able to sleep properly, safely tucked in Roman's arms.
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