Whumptober day 2 (bloody hands)
Q: What's your favorite scary movie?
Pairing: platonic Moxiety
Virgil tossed and turned restlessly in his bed, sweat beaded his temple, his nose scrunched up in discomfort. His chest let out ragged breaths as he clutched onto his pillow as if it could protect him from the beast in his nightmares.
In his dream he was running through dark woods, it strangely resembled the imagination where Roman usually hunted dragon witches or played his part as a prince. But something's was different, these woods were more eerie and gave off an odd aura, the whole atmosphere was thick with unnecessary tension. Virgil slowed his run to a light jog and stopped when he was sure he was no longer being chased.
By what?
Even he didn't know.
All he knew was that he had to run away from something. Something that wanted him. Something that wanted to hurt him.
Virgil caught his breath and tiredly leaned against a sagging tree, it's branches drooped and its leaves fell little by little, covering the ground with multicoloured leaves. “You can't hide...” A low, weak voice whispered in his ear.
He yelled and jumped away from the tree, his eyes grew wide with fear and the hairs on the back of his neck stood. He turned around and was met with Patton, standing weakly, his skin deathly pale and his glasses cracked. “P-pat?” He stuttered quietly. “Virgil..” Patton whimpered, his legs soon gave out and he began to fall forward. Virgil gasped and immediately caught him in his arms, he felt sick to his stomach as soon as he felt a sticky substance cover his hands.
He held his breath as he lowered himself and Patton to the ground so that they were both on their knees, and slowly he pulled his hands away and pried his fingers from Patton's back. He gasped in terror as he gazed down at his blood soaked hands, blood was caked beneath his finger nails, it was deep within the lines of his palms and seeped into his fingerprints.
“Patton....” He uttered, afraid that if he spoke any louder he would end up throwing up.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and pulled Patton away from the embrace so that he could fully look at his face. But as soon as he took a firm grasp of his shoulders he disappeared in his hands, leaving Virgil once again alone, his hands now dripping with wet blood.
He took a sharp breath and frantically looked around. “Patton? Patton!?” He quickly got to his feet and whipped his head from side to side. He looked back down at his now trembling hands and felt tears fill his eyes. “Look what you've done.” The voice from earlier accused. “You run from a monster, but you are the true monster.” It claimed.
“No! Bring him back! Please just...”
He took a shaky breath.
“Please give him back to me.”
He sobbed.
“You will.”
“You just have to wake up.”
Virgil wiped at his eyes, smearing Patton's blood across his cheek.
“Wake up..”
“Virgil, wake up.”
“Wake up!!”
Virgil woke with a start, he sat up and coughed for breath.
A pair of arms wrapped around his torso form and pulled him into a tight hug. “Shhh it's okay I got you, I'm here Virgil. It was just a nightmare.” A familiar soothing voice shushed him, fingers ran through his hair while another hand rubbed his back. Virgil controlled his breathing and lifted his head, he nearly cried when he saw Patton standing above him, holding him, pressing sweet kisses against his head.
“Patton.” Virgil straightened his posture and clung onto Patton, digging his nails into his shoulders and hiding his face in his neck. “You're alive, you're alive.” He whimpered. “Oh my gosh, thank you. Thank you so much.” He nuzzled into the safe embrace. “Of course I'm alive silly, I mean, I have to always be with you no matter what kiddo. How can I leave you?” He cooed.
Virgil buried his face into his shirt and let out a long sigh of relief. “I love you dad, I love you so much.” He murmured. “I love you too kiddo, now how about you go back to bed? I'll sleep with you if you want.” He offered.
Virgil nodded quickly and pulled him onto his bed, Patton huffed and chuckled as he settled himself into the bed and pulled Virgil closer to him. “I'll be here for you, always.” He promised.
Virgil smiled and cuddled up against him. “Thank you. Goodnight.” He yawned. “Goodnight kiddo.” Patton whispered and drifted off to sleep.
Virgil let himself relax, and then he himself allowed himself to once again drift off.
This time, he no longer had nightmares.
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