Whumptober day 18 (hostage)
This idea was given to me by QueenTeenxox909 thank you for the amazing idea!
Q: have you ever played with a quija board?
No ship
The four teens huddled up against each other, Virgil was practically sitting on his older brother's lap, but Roman didn't mind. If fact he was quite happy, the last time he had his baby brother on his lap was when he was barely a toddler and super clingy. Their other brothers, Logan and Patton sat uncomfortably. Logan hated touching others and Patton didn't do well in tight spaces. They just hoped the assembly would go by quickly.
Patton whined and rested his head on Logan's shoulder, yes, Logan may have disliked others touching him, but when it came to his brothers he never pushed them away or cringed. He always enjoyed their company. The loud sharp feedback came from the microphone at the gym floor, the school principal grunted and adjusted the microphone to his height. He cleared his throat and began his announcement.
Virgil ignored most of what he said and scrolled through his phone while Roman pouted and shifted away from the very buff student that sat next to him. Logan sighed and tried listening, but behind him some girls were gossiping and giggling making it hard for him to hear. Patton dozed off a couple of times but each time Logan caught him he would shake him awake and scold him.
Of course the commotion died down when the principal brought up last months incident. The shootings, the deaths, the broken families. Patton scooted closer to Logan and took his hand. Roman pursed his lips and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. "As we all may know we also have a problem with in and out of school gangs, need I remind you all that gangs are not allowed on or off school campus and there will be consequences for any gang members who start up trouble-"
Before the teacher could even finish his speech a student stood up on the the bleachers, catching everyone's attention. He shouted and suddenly the gym doors flew open, five people ran from the front doors and five more entered from the back doors, all holding guns in their arms. The students screamed and ran down the bleachers, many fell and tumbled over each other, the teacher at the bottom of the bleachers tried to calm the students but even they were terrified.
Roman gripped onto Virgil and stood from his seat. "Come on! We have to get out." He called to his other brothers. Patton clung to Logan and whimpered. "We need to call the police." Logan retorted. "If we try to escape they'll-" A round of gunfire erupted and more screams filled the gym. Patton began to cry and he hid his face in Logan's shirt. "Alright, then we stay unseen. Don't do anything stupid, keep yourself safe." Logan explained. Patton sniffed and gathered himself. "Alright." Roman nodded and took Virgil's hand.
A hand gripped onto Virgil's forearm and tugged him harshly pulling him away from Roman's grasp. The teen gasped and scowled when he saw an older male pulling at his brother. "Hey let him go!" He yelled and ran towards his startled younger brother. The man sighed and pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at him. Roman froze and raised his hands up, taking a few cautious steps back in order to cover Logan and Patton. Virgil looked terrified, his eyes glazed over with unshed tears.
Roman gritted his teeth, the bleachers were clear of students, they were all rounded up at the gym floor, huddled up against each other. "If you don't want trouble I suggest you join the others." The man nodded over to the large group of students and teachers. Roman looked over at Virgil and gave him a reassuring look, the scared teen took a shaky breath and nodded slowly. "Alright, just don't hurt him." Roman agreed. The man dragged Virgil over to Roman and lightly shoved him. Roman caught him and steadied him on his feet.
"There, now go." The man demanded and led the brothers down at gunpoint. Patton clung to Logan's arm while Virgil had an arm wrapped around Roman's waist. When they reached the gym floor the teens huddled up against a far corner, holding onto each other. As time passed the sound of sirens was heard from outside the gym, a muffled voice came from outside in the parking lot. It was a cop, stating that they had the area surrounded. The gang scoffed and rolled their eyes, a larger male, possibly the leader, tapped one members shoulder and whispered in his ear.
The member nodded and headed outside, many students cried and shrieked. The teachers settled themselves in front of the students to provide protection. "We want a ransom!" The member yelled out the door. "And if we don't get it soon then for every hour that passes a hostage dies!" He claimed angrily. Students sobbed and clung to each other, teachers tried to keep themselves together for the students sake. Patton was trembling in his brothers arms, Roman tried to calm him down.
The member shut the door and returned with an angry look on his face. "This better work." Logan heard him mutter to their leader.
And so they waited dreadfully.
And the long dreadful minutes turned to an hour.
The leader checked his watch and sighed. "That's one." He said.
One member looked throughout the crowd and dragged a teacher from the group, the teacher thrashed and struggled but gave up as soon as he was set on his knees. "Woah wait we're not actually going to kill anyone right?" A shorter male asked. The leader glared at him and without a second thought, he shot the teacher. Screams erupted from the crowd, Virgil had hid his face in Roman's shirt and Logan clutched Patton to his chest who closed his ears, pressing his arms against his head.
Logan pursed his lips and counted to ten, trying to keep his composure as Roman did.
Time passed once again.
When the second hour came, a student was dragged and shot.
Third, a school nurse.
Fourth, a counselor.
By the fifth hour, each and every student was traumatized, Logan was so close to breaking down. Roman held a crying Virgil, and Patton still hid himself.
Roman tensed as the leader walked up to them, his huge buff arms were crossed, and when he looked up he was met with a malicious grin. He felt his blood run cold and held Virgil tighter. "No..." He shook his head. "Please don't, just leave us alone please." He begged.
His plead fell to deaf ears as the man looked over to Logan who tried to console a now sobbing Patton. "You." He said and grabbed Logan's arm. The teen grunted and hissed as he was pulled. Patton cried out and reached for him, trying to stay latched onto him as long as possible.
Anything to keep him safe.
A member pushed Patton off Logan and he fell back. "Please don't!" He yelled through his tears. Roman begged with him. "I won't stop until I get what I want!" The leader barked and pointed the gun at Logan who stood stiffly in front of him. "Just don't hurt them." He whispered.
"Even if it means killing everyone in here." The member rested his finger on the trigger.
The shorter male from earlier shoved his leader, the gun went off and Patton shouted and covered his ears. Tears blurred his vision. Roman felt his heart drop to his stomach, Virgil was utterly speechless.
Pain bloomed up Logan's side and slumped to the ground and curled in on himself, clutching his stomach. His teeth grinding together, his eyes squeezed in pain. Patton scrambled to his aid and fell to his knees. "Logan!" He cried and gently shook his shoulder. Logan groaned and took a shaky breath, he looked up at Patton and cupped his hand behind his head. "Don't." He rasped, the leader had shot the member that had shoved him and now pointed his gun at Patton.
The leader scoffed and returned his gun to his pocket. "He won't last." He assured the other members who were still pretty shaken after seeing one of their own get shot. Roman hurried over to his brothers with the youngest following close behind him.
Red seeped through Logan's dark shirt, Roman carefully peeled it up to see the damage done and grimaced at the blood running down his stomach and hip and into the waistband of his pants, pooling beneath him. The sticky substance coated Logan's hand as he apologized pressure, Roman cupped his face in his hands. "Stay with us Logan, don't you dare fall asleep." He demanded.
Logan nodded groggily, trying to keep his eyes open.
Patton gripped his hand hard while Virgil played with his hair, trying to get him to talk. It wasn't long before the blood loss began to take its toll on the poor teen. Logan felt tired, sleepy, his eyelids drooped and his vision blurred. Roman shook him once, twice.
He didn't respond.
The brothers yelled his name. Patton squeezed his hand tighter trying to get a reaction out of him.
He was dozing off. His eyes closed and he felt numb.
The gym doors flew open. Hundreds of cops rushed in and immediately shot down the gang members. Students yelled and ran for the doors.
The four teens stayed on the ground.
Three of them clutching onto their pale brother.
Tears dripping from their faces
Too bright.
Everything was way too bright. Even behind his closed eyes.
And his side hurt. It burned.
There was a lot of noise.
Chairs creaking.
Someone clicking their pen.
Someone tapping their feet.
People breathing.
The clock ticking.
Everything was a blur, but Logan vaguely remembered being lifted. He remembered bits and pieces, a pressure on the back of his knees, his head resting against something soft yet hard and defined, and a hand on his head. A warm hand holding his own.
Slowly he opened his eyes.
He winced and nearly groaned at the incoming headache.
Blurs of various colors surrounded him.
A small gasp.
And suddenly he had his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. In front of him stood a teary eyed Patton. Behind him, in the same state as him, were his other brothers. Standing at each of his sides. Holding his hands.
"You fell asleep. You jerk." Virgil growled and hugged Logan softly.
Logan grunted and returned the hug. Soon Roman and Patton joined in.
"I'm sorry I scared you all." He rasped.
"Don't you ever ever ever scare us like that ever again."
"What happened?" He asked.
"The police rushed in after you got shot. They came just in time, they shot the leader but some of the members surrendered. Six people died. You were the only survivor who got shot." Roman explained.
Logan took a while to process it.
"The only good thing is that school got cancelled for a bit, two weeks or more depending on the situation." Virgil said.
"Lo..." Patton mumbled.
"Yes Patton?" Logan questioned.
"You weren't planning on leaving us right?"
"Not one bit."
"There's no way I can leave you all. I love you guys."
"...We love you too."
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