Whumptober day 17 (drugged)
Q: Sweeny Todd or Edward Scissorhands?
Pairing: Logicality
It had been a long, hardworking day for the moral trait, he had gotten up at exactly five thirty, got himself freshened up and changed into fresh clothes and began his usual morning routine which usually started with him checking up on the other sides.
When he was certain that each trait were still sound asleep he cleaned around the place and gathered the stuff he needed for breakfast. Of course that took several hours and by the time the others woke up breakfast was already waiting for them on the kitchen table and Patton was cleaning up the mess he had made.
After breakfast was done Patton washed the dishes and continued to the living room and bathrooms. By the time he was done it was the afternoon and he was parched. He tiredly sat at the kitchen table and jumped up when Deceit suddenly appeared in the kitchen with a glass of, well something, in his hand. The deceitful trait smiled upon seeing Patton and walked up to him. “You look exhausted dear Patton.” He hissed and sat in front of him.
Patton smiled weakly. “I'm okay.” He assured, licking his dry lips.
Deceit set the glass down and pushed it towards him. “Have a drink.” He insisted. Patton looked at the glass and frowned. “What is it?” He questioned. “Just something I made, raspberry lemonade.” Deceit lied easily through his teeth. Patton gasped and observed the red colored beverage. “Is it okay if I have a sip?” He asked. Deceit gave a wicked smile. “Oh please have it all, you've been working so hard. You deserve it.” He urged and pushed the glass into the trait's hands.
Patton thanked him and pressed the glass to his lips, but Deceit being the very impatient trait he was tilted the glass up and practically forced Patton to take a huge gulp. The beverage was sweet and bitter, and it held an odd aftertaste, but Patton dismissed it seeing as how it was the first time he had tried the drink. Halfway he set the glass down and wiped his upper lip, they tingled slightly. His tongue felt thicker in his mouth and it was odd.
He frowned and looked over at Deceit who chuckled and shook his head. “You really are naive my dear.” He muttered solemnly and stood from his seat. “Oh well, my job here is done. Have fun.” He grinned and with a snap of his fingers, he was gone. By then Patton had began to feel stuffy, his head felt clouded and his eyesight blurred. He took a deep breath, if he panicked it'd do no one any good. So he stayed as calm as possible and slowly, cautiously, stood up from his seat and gripped onto the edge of the table, fearing that if he let go he'd fall face first onto the floor.
At that time Logan walked in, stating that he needed a spoon for his crofters, but as soon as he caught sight of the tipsy looking trait he stopped where he stood. “Uhm Patton? Are you alright?” He asked curiously. Patton jumped and immediately turned around to face him, which turned out to be a bad idea because as soon as he did so his head spun and before he knew it he was falling. Logan was quick to act and immediately ran to catch him in his arms, clammy hands grasped tightly onto his shoulders and gripped onto his shirt.
Logan steadied the trembling side and looked him over, he noticed how his eyes were glazed over and glassy. His face was flushed and his breathing was laboured, his skin felt cold and clammy and he trembled violently. “I-I think I'm sick.” Patton stammered. And the he rushed to the sink and threw up the bile that had been choking him. Logan rushed to his aid and rubbed his back as he gagged and heaved. When he was certain that he was done Patton rinsed his mouth and slowly turned around, his eyes now droopy.
“I...” He swallowed thickly. “I don't feel so good.” And he collapsed, Logan gasped and fell to his knees to get Patton back to his feet, but Patton didn't move. His hearing faded and his vision blurred and darkened. He could see Logan yelling for someone and then the others arrived. Everyone hovered above Patton as he gasped and trembled, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. Logan leaped into action and sat Patton upright, he pressed the back of his hand against his cheek and checked his pulse. His wide worry filled eyes locked onto his own out of focus ones. “He's been drugged.” He breathed, the color drained from his face.
Virgil felt his heart drop and Roman gritted his teeth. “Patton? Love can you hear me?” Logan asked worriedly, his brows knitted together. Patton nodded sluggishly and whimpered as another wave of nausea hit him. He curled in on himself and groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. Logan rubbed his back and scooped him into his arms. “We have to flush the drugs from your system.” He told him and carried him over to the living room, Virgil and Roman followed close behind with worried looks on their faces. Logan sat down and placed Patton on his lap.
Roman pursed his lips and then parted them to say something. “What if we take him—” He rose a hand toward Patton who leaned tiredly against Logan's chest, his fingers splayed and his mouth open to assure or reprimand. Logan flinched and immediately clutched Patton closer to his chest, his eyes wide and cautious. “Don't!” He yelled, startling the prince and darker trait. “Don't, don't take him away from me.” He begged.
Roman took a step back and nodded. “Lots of water, and if that doesn't help, well the nausea is a good thing.” And as if just on cue Patton coughed and heaved, Logan carried him over to the bathroom where he once again thew up.
It was a long afternoon and when nighttime came Patton was dehydrated and utterly exhausted. Logan was in his room, lying on his bed with him, making sure that he was comfortable and safe. Each time he gagged he brought him to a bucket that Roman had set beside the bed. Logan made sure that he drank lots of water, as soon as the sun set Patton was out like a light, he had slipped into a feverish sleep and Logan secretly hoped he would forget about today.
When the next day came Patton had a serious headache and a small fever, but he was much better than before. And he was actually smiling. Logan couldn't have been more happier. “Logi? What are you doing in my bed?” He yawned and wiped the sleep from his eyes. Logan smiled and stroked his hair back behind his ear. “Just wanted to cuddle.” He replied.
Patton giggled and snuggled up to him. “Aww you could've just asked me to cuddle, I would've said yes.” He exclaimed. Logan chuckled and wrapped his arms around his waist and pressed their foreheads together. “It's much better when it's a surprise.” Logan answered.
Patton hummed. “How come?”
“Because, I'm able to cherish the good times even more.”
And they stayed there in each others arms.
Of course after they got out of bed and Patton had recalled that Deceit had met up with him at the kitchen yesterday, but then his memories became fuzzy after that.
So of course sure enough the very next day Deceit was covered in bruises and scratches. And he never messed with Patton ever again.
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