Whumptober day 15 (manhandling)
Q: have you seen the movie Mama? And if you have, would you have stayed with her?
Pairing: Royality
Patton only went out for a simple stroll around the park with his boyfriend Roman, they were both doing fine. They were happy and no one seemed to care about what they were doing or how they were holding hands, but as they walked by an open bar Roman wrapped an arm around Patton's shoulders and pulled him closer as a group of foul smelling men stumbled out laughing and hiccuping.
Patton stiffened and tried to ignore their comments and conversations as they followed behind them, tripping over their own feet and swearing. The couple had hoped that they would lose them along the way, but when they stopped by a small cafe a man acknowledged them and hiccuped. "Hey! You two on a date or what?" He slurred. Roman pursed his lips and tugged at Patton, urging him to keep on going and ignore them.
But the man wasn't having it, he frowned and tapped Patton's shoulder. "Hey! You ignoring me?" He snarled, Patton winced and turned his head. Roman gritted his teeth and pulled Patton against his chest. "Leave him alone." He warned in an icy tone. His eyes hardened with anger. The man didn't even flinch, he tsked and motioned for him friends to back him up. Roman felt the tension around them grow thick. "W-we don't want any trouble okay? Just please leave us alone." Patton stammered out.
The man chuckled and smirked drunkenly at his friends. "Now ain't he a cutie?" He purred. His friends whooped in agreement and laughed while Roman fought the urge to punch the guy in the face. Patton shifted his weight uncomfortably and clung to Roman's arm. "Let's go." Roman muttered and tugged him away, but the man grew upset and took hold of Patton's forearm, pulling him away from Roman's grasp.
"Hey why don't you join us? We'll buy you a couple drinks, you can ditch this prick. You'll have lots of fun." He offered. Patton cringed and tugged at his hand. "N-no thank you." He stuttered and took a step back only to end up pressed against another man's chest. "I'm not asking!" The man yelled and took a tight hold of Patton's shoulders, a cry escaped his lips and he turned his head away.
Roman snapped.
He shoved the man away from Patton and pulled the trembling male to his chest. The rest of the group bolted into action and all hell broke loose, Roman was being shoved and punched, his grip on Patton loosened and he felt someone tug him away. His blood boiled with anger and without a second thought he pushed and shoved and punched. One by one the men stumbled back and fell to the ground holding their wounds or a bloody nose.
He grabbed Patton and by the time the men got back up, police had already shown up to arrest them. Turns out the owner of the cafe, who later addressed himself as Virgil, witnessed the whole thing and called the cops as soon as they grabbed Patton. Roman thanked Virgil while he tended to a shaken Patton who sat in front of him on one of the cafe tables, trembling and crying. Roman cupped his face in his hands and wiped away his tears.
"What's wrong love?" He asked worriedly, afraid that he had gotten injured during the commotion. "I'm sorry I couldn't help protect you." Patton blubbered as he messily wiped at his teary eyes. "You got hurt because of me." He stated. Roman frowned upon seeing a couple of bruises on both of Patton's arms. "Dear I'm a prince, what else am I if I can't protect you?" Roman gently took his hands and peppered various kisses on his bruises.
Patton sniffed. "You'd be my boyfriend. My perfect, sweet, kind and strong boyfriend if you weren't a prince." He replied. Roman literally felt his heart melt and he pulled him into a tight hug.
"You're such an angel." He murmured.
Patton giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"Thank you for protecting me." He whispered in his ear.
Roman smiled.
"Thank you for staying strong for me."
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