Whumptober day 11 (hypothermia)
Q: ...Michael in the bathroom at a party...(sorry)
Pairing: Logicality
Logan cursed under his breath as the harsh cold wind nipped at his nose and ears, he knew it was a bad idea to go hiking, but he so badly want to go out with Patton, to go somewhere different for a change. He just never expected things to go bad so quickly.
Now there they both were, in a tent, stuck in a blizzard, waiting for someone, anyone, to come for them. It had only been a couple of hours, but Patton had began to shiver violently not too long ago, of course with the thin layers of clothing he wore it was to be expected. Logan scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around him. “I'm sorry love, it's going to be a while until someone arrives.” He apologized. Patton huffed, his breath coming out in a large white puff in front of his face. “I-it's okay.” His teeth chattered. He looked paler than usual and that worried Logan, a frown pulled at the edges of his lips and his jaw flexed. If they didn't get out soon Patton would surely get sick...
Or worse.
Logan growled and pushed back the negative thoughts. Patton leaned against his chest and let out a shuddered breath, his shoulders shook and his fingers trembled uncontrollably. Logan pulled out a sleeping bag and unzipped it. “It might not be much but it'll give some warmth.” He offered and gently pushed Patton and eased him into the bag. The moral trait looked at the other and motioned for him to join in, Logan hesitated, but he'd be able to also give off heat. So, he climbed into the sleeping bag and zipped it up, Patton scooted closer to him and let out a content sigh. It was then Logan realized how cold Patton really was, he was ice cold, his finger that clung to Logan's arm sent shivers down the logical side's back.
When he pressed his cheek against his chest Logan could only feel the cold seeping through his clothes. Patton was freezing. And that wasn't good. Logan sat up straighter and sat Patton on his lap, “Why don't you tell me a story love?” He offered. Patton visibly beamed and nodded happily. “Did I ever tell you about the time Roman tamed a dragon!?” He asked excitedly. Logan smiled, for a moment Patton had stopped shivering. “I don't think so.” He replied.
Patton gasped and began his story, Logan listened to Evey part and detail, he adored the way Patton's eyes lit up, and how he changed the pitch of his voice when he spoke as someone else. By the time his story ended Patton had his head against his shoulder, his eyes drooping. “Hey now, don't tell me you're sleepy already.” Logan pouted, behind that façade he was panicking. He couldn't let Patton sleep, with the state he was in it was too dangerous, he couldn't take any chances.
Patton whimpered and once again began trembling as soon as he remembered where he was, his body hurt, the cold wind hurt, it hurt to breathe. His lungs hurt. Logan hugged him tight and rubbed his back soothingly. He couldn't say anything to ease Patton of his pain, all he could do was hold him for however long he needed. Unfortunately it wasn't long until Patton started to panic, his breathing quickened and he clung to Logan as if his life depended on it.
And perhaps, it did.
Logan grew worried. “What's wrong? Are you hurt?” He asked quickly and looked him over. Patton whined and shook his head. “I..” He swallowed and licked his chapped lips. “It hurts to breathe. I'm just...” He took a sharp breath. “Going to breathe like this for a while.” He explained between breathless pants. Logan bit the inside of his cheek and carded his fingers through his hair, in return Patton stuck his cold face in the crook of his neck. Logan shuddered and shushed his whimpering boyfriend.
Time passed, the storm showed no end, and by the time Logan began to shiver Patton was already incoherent. It scared the intellectual trait, seeing how pale and weak he looked. The color of his lips was worrying him, and the way his eyelids drooped made him alert. He hadn't said a word since his story, but the rapid rise and fall of his chest somewhat comforted Logan. And then, suddenly, as a gust of cold wind passed by, Patton closed his eyes and let out one more whimper before he stopped.
He stopped whimpering, his quick breaths slowed to a stop, he stopped shivering...
He just stopped altogether.
Logan felt his heart stop in his chest, his ears rang for a moment before he shook Patton's shoulder. “Patton.” His throat was tight. “Patton come on, wake up.” He begged desperately and shook his shoulder more harshly. Patton jolted and his eyes snapped open, he whined and pressed himself against his chest. “I know, I've got you. But you can't fall asleep, you..” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “You won't wake up.” He whispered.
Patton whimpered softly. “I'm so sleepy.” He slurred and his head drooped once more, his eyes half lidded. Logan bit his lip and made a mental note to apologize to Patton later. He slapped him causing the tired trait to sit up, he gave a soft yelp. “Wake up, stay awake. Please.” Logan kissed his cheek and held his ice cold hand.
Logan then got an idea. He shuffled in the bag and got Patton's attention. “Skin to skin contact might help. Don't take anything off just..” Logan stammered and tried not to show his blush. Patton shook his head, trying to keep himself awake. Logan sighed and pulled him in under his shirt. Patton wrapped his arms around him and sighed. Logan hissed at how cold he was, his fingers burned his skin. But Patton didn't seem to notice or care at the moment, all he knew was that Logan was warm.
Well, warmer than him.
Logan shuddered and hugged Patton tighter, he held him like close, fearing that if he let him go he'd disappear. As soon as Patton found warmth his body began to relax on its own, he collapsed against Logan and let out a soft whimper. Logan looked down, trying to see if his eyes were open or not. “Patton?” He called. Patton lifted his head slowly. “Yes Logi?” He mumbled. “Don't fall asleep okay?” Logan warned.
Patton stayed silent, seemingly not being able to concentrate. Logan began to feel the effects of hypothermia take over him, it wasn't as bad as Patton's symptoms, he just began to tremble violently. And before he even knew it he found himself drifting off, his body exhausted and finally needing to rest to recharge and gather more energy to keep him alive.
He was out in the matter of seconds.
Time passed, the storm died down, and by the time the sun was up Logan jolted awake and took a sharp, painful breath. He coughed and sat up finding it difficult at first until he realized it was Patton still lying against him, limply. Unresponsive. And extremely pale, his skin ice cold, his lips nearly blue.
Logan gasped and gathered him in his arms, he shook him and yelled. Tears filled his eyes and he scrambled out of the sleeping bag, taking Patton with him. He practically ripped open the tent and squinted as he crawled outside, an arm clinging onto Patton. The trails were covered with thick snow, the wind still harsh and sharp cold. Logan stood slowly and held Patton bridal style in his arms, his head lolled to the side and rested loosely against his chest.
Logan bit back a cry and looked around, he found the trail that led to the parking lot and started his run, he nearly tripped over his own feet. His lungs ached with cold, his breath came out in puffs in front of his face, Patton jostled violently in his arms. By the time Logan made it close to the parking lot he was breathless and tired, he dragged his feet through the snow and winced at the sound of sirens and shouts. “Logan!” A voice behind him shouted. He turned on his heel and was met with Roman and Virgil both teary eyed and relieved.
Virgil gasped as soon as he laid his eyes on Patton who bounced limply with each step Logan took. “The ambulance is here, hurry we got to take him!” Roman held his arms out, taking notice of how exhausted Logan looked. “you too, you got to get yourself checked. You look horrible.” He stated. Logan nodded and reluctantly handed his boyfriend over to the anxious prince. As soon as Patton was away he allowed himself to give in and fell to the ground, once again falling unconscious.
Everything was warm, his lungs no longer hurt, his bones didn't ache, but something was missing and that disturbed him. He cracked his eyes open and winced, everything was bright, the smell of anesthetics was strong and sharp, the full beep of a machine drummed in his skull. He realized that he was in a hospital room.
He sat up slowly and groaned, sitting beside him was Roman and Virgil who immediately rushed to his side. “Oh thank God you're finally awake!” Virgil sighed and softly embraced Logan. Roman smiled and patted his shoulder. “Where's Patton?” Was the first thing that came out of Logan's mouth. Virgil gave him a reassuring smile and nodded to the other end of the room where another bed was.
There Patton slept soundly and swaddled in many heating blanket. “He's going to be okay, it was a close call, but thanks to you they were able to help him in time.” Virgil explained. “How long was I out for?” Logan asked as he kept his gaze on his boyfriend. “A day or so, you were half frozen when you got here. Patton sacred us and them the most.” Roman replied.
Logan sighed and shifted uncomfortably. “Can I...” He hesitated. “Can I lay down with him?” He asked bashfully. “Of course, come on I'll help.” Roman took his forearm and helped him up. Logan took quick steps towards Patton and smiled when he made it to the edge of his bed. “Hey love.” He whispered and stroked his messy hair. Patton sighed and unconsciously leaned against his touch.
Slowly, carefully Logan climbed into the bed and lied beside Patton who in an instant scooted closer to him and curled against his chest. Logan smiled and quietly thanked Roman and Virgil as he wrapped his arms around his sleeping lover who was now warm and safe. He pressed a kiss to his warm cheek and forehead and allowed a few of his tears to escape. “I love you so much.” He whispered and held him close.
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