Whumptober day 10 (bruises)
Q: if you were dared to spend a night at a haunted house would you do it?
Pairing: Logicality and Prinxiety
“If anybody sees this tell them you fell. Got it?” Patton whimpered as his father gripped onto his already bruised arm. He slowly nodded, refusing to meet with his horrid gaze. “Look at me!” He yelled. The teen winced, and slowly he turned his head to meet with his father's eyes. “This.” The man lifted his arm and pointed at it. “This is all your fault. You made me do this. You deserve it.” He explained in a harsh tone.
Patton nodded once more, feeling the familiar sting of tears behind his eyes. “Can you let me go?...” He asked in a low murmur. “I swear, it won't happen again.” His voice wavered and betrayed him, and before he could stop himself warm tears slipped down his cheeks stinging the new mark on his cheek. His father gritted his teeth and shoved him away. “Get out of here. And remember what I told you.” With that Patton gathered his school supplies and ran out of the house in a heartbeat.
As he ran to the bus stop he pulled down the sleeves of his sweater making sure to hide the many bruises on his arms. And he made sure to wipe away his tears, he couldn't raise questions. Especially from his friends or teachers, if anyone were to find out he'd lose his friends, and if questions were raised there'd be phone calls, and his father would literally kill him, and that terrified him.
As he waited for the bus he pulled out a small pocket mirror from his backpack and a tube of concealer, looking at the mark on his face he did his best to make it look like it was not there at all. Happy with his work he put the stuff back and climbed onto the bus as soon as it arrived. There he was met with Virgil, one of his best friend's, who gave him a small smile and scooted over on his seat to make space for him. “Hey Pat.” He greeted when Patton sat by him.
Patton smiled. “Hey Virge, how was your morning?” He asked, setting his backpack on his lap. “You know I hate Monday's, but it was okay. How about you?” Virgil replied. “Same old same old.” Patton shrugged and subconsciously tugged at the sleeves of his sweater. Virgil nodded and leaned his head against the window. “Have you talked to Roman?” Patton giggled mischievously. Virgil blushed and bit his lip. “N-no, but he said yesterday that he'd meet me at the front office.” Virgil replied bashfully.
Patton gushed over his reply and teased him. “You two are so cute together.” He cooed. Virgil huffed and crossed his arms. “Stop.” He whined. “You should definitely hook up with Logan, now you guys will make an adorable couple.” He suggested mischievously. Patton quietly gasped and frowned at his chuckling friends. “There's no way I can go out with Logan. He's so smart and handsome, and I'm just...” He trailed off. “I'm just me.” He mumbled glumly, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater.
Virgil frowned and rested a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Pat, you're the most sweetest and kindest person I know. And you're like a literal angel on earth.” He stated and gave him a small reassuring smile. “How about this? You and Logan can sit with us for lunch, that way I'd still be close by and you will get to know him better.” He offered. Patton hummed in thought. “...Will you buy me a cookie?” He questioned innocently. Virgil groaned and slumped his shoulders. “Yes, I'll buy you a cookie.” He agreed. Patton beamed and gave Virgil a tight hug. “Okay! Thank you Virgil!” He squealed happily. Virgil rolled his eyes and suppressed a smile.
Soon enough they had arrived to school, and there keeping his promise stood Roman with the most biggest smile on his face. Virgil felt his heart flutter and immediately ran out of the bus as soon as the driver opened the doors. Patton giggled and followed after him, what he didn't expect to see was Logan standing not that far away from Roman. His arms were crossed and he held a small frown, books were in his arms and it looked like he could no longer hold them on his own.
Patton looked over at Virgil who tackled Roman with a hug and sighed, he reluctantly walked over to Logan and gave him a small smile. “Do..do you need help?” He asked curiously, eyeing the many book in the taller male's arms. “That would be delightful.” Logan replied with a pleading look. He carefully handed a couple of books over to Patton and sighed in relief. “That's much better, thank you Patton.” Logan smiled to him. His smile was absolute beautiful.
Patton blushed and looked down. “H-how do you know my name?” He squeaked. “You're friends with Virgil right? Roman is always talking about you two. He said I should get to know you better, I guess we got a head start.” He chuckled. “I hope I gave off a good impression.” Patton gave a nervous laugh. “So far, you've given an excellent impression. I'm already eager to learn more about you.” He claimed in a hushed tone, and for a split second Patton could've sworn Logan winked at him.
His blush worsened and he tried to keep himself calm. “Uhm, where are you headed?” He asked. “Oh right, I'm in calculus, I'll lead the way.” Logan ushered and turned on his heel. “It'd be best if you leave those two alone. When they're together the only thing that matters is them and them only.” Logan stated. Patton laughed and followed close behind Logan through the crowded halls, he struggled to keep up, his arms hurt and the extra weight was not helping, but each time Logan turned his head and gave him one of those dazzling smiles Patton somehow found the strength to keep going.
By the time they made it to the class Patton was shaking, he set the books down on Logan's desk and let out a shaky sigh. “Now that was a workout.” Patton dramatically wiped at his temple. Logan snorted and set his books down. “Are you okay?” He asked and looked him over. Patton nodded and hugged his arm to his chest. “I should get going.” He said and walked by Logan.
“Wait!” Logan took hold of his forearm. Patton yelped and tugged away from his grip, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Logan hummed backed away. “I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, are you...” He trailed off, his eyes landing on Patton's exposed wrist. A nasty bluish purple bruise was imprinted on the pale skin. “Is...” His eyes widened. “Is that a bruise?” He whispered.
Patton gasped and quickly pulled his sleeve down. “N-no! It's nothing, I got to go.” He stammered and ran out of the classroom. Logan called out to him as soon as Roman and Virgil arrived, Virgil grew worried and glared over at Logan. “What did you do?” He spat, his protective instincts taking over. Logan swallowed the lump in his throat and held his hands out in defense. “I swear I didn't hurt him! At least I hope I didn't.” His heart was hammering hard against his chest.
He lurched forward and gripped onto Virgil's shoulders. “Virgil did you know?” He asked. Roman pushed Logan away from his startled boyfriend and warned him to be careful. “Know what?” Virgil felt his stomach churn. “Patton...” Logan started, “He was bruises Virgil, I think...” He pursed his lips. “I think someone's hurting him.”
Virgil felt his blood run cold. “I think I know where he went.” He whispered. “Please Virgil, we need to help him.” Logan begged. The teen nodded and gave his boyfriend an apologetic look. “I'm sorry, looks like we're gonna miss out on our classes.” He sighed and urged Logan to follow him. The three of them ran into the teen filled hallways, they would occasionally bump shoulders with some passerbys but nothing serious happened. Well for that time that is, it wasn't until they arrived at the end of a nearly empty hallway, by the exit doors was a small janitors closet.
Virgil skidded to stop and caught his breath. “He always hides here when things get too overwhelming for him.” He explained. Logan took a shaky breath and rested his hand against the door. “Patton?” He called. A small whimper came from the other side. “It's alright Patton, no one will hurt you here. You're safe.” Logan promised. “I'm coming in okay? I won't hurt you, you don't have to worry.” He soothed and slowly opened the door, standing in the small closet, pressing himself against the wall was Patton, trembling and holding himself.
Logan's heart ached and he cautiously stepped inside, he looked over at Virgil and Roman and gave them a reassuring nod before closing the door. Now it was just him and Patton. “Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?” Logan asked with concern lacing his voice. “You didn't hurt me, not you.” Patton dropped his gaze to his feet. “Patton, let me help you, who's hurting you?” Logan asked. Patton shifted his weight and rubbed his arms, wincing every time he grazed s bruise.
“Patton, whoever is hurting you can do something worse. We need to help you, I'm scared Patton. I know we haven't talked much, but I've been in love with you ever since middle school.” Logan admitted. Patton looked up at him with wide eyes. “You have?...” He mumbled. “Yes, Patton I love you. But now is not the time, I need to know who's hurting you. You can't keep living like this.” He begged.
Patton bit his lip. “I'm scared.” He admitted shamefully. “You don't have to be scared, I'm going to protect you now. I swear on it. No matter what.” Logan looked into his eyes. Patton held his gaze, and looked at him, really looked at him. And for the first time he was....
Tears welled up in his eyes and he sniffled. “It's...” He hiccuped and wiped at his eyes. “It's my dad.” His throat was tight. Logan felt sick, how could a father hurt their own child? He shook his head and pushed back his angry thoughts, he pulled Patton into a gentle embrace and shushed him. “it's all going to be okay, you're going to be safe. No one is going to hurt you even again.” He cooed. Patton clung to him, and for that short moment they were one.
Of course their moment was short-lived since Virgil opened the door. “We seriously got to go, security is patrolling the halls.” He warned. Patton recollected himself and took Logan's hand into his own trembling one. “I'm ready.” He nodded. Virgil smiled glumly. “The office it is then.”
The group soon found themselves at the office, talking with counselors and the principle. The cops were called and charges were pressed, for once Patton was free, he was happy, and safe. How long had he lived in a world of pain? He had lost count. Logan pulled him into another hug and offered him to stay at his place for the time being, Patton agreed, sure it would be awkward at first, but as time passed he would learn to cope.
He would be okay again, safe.
Happy with Logan by his side.
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