(Royality) a happy family
Requested by GlassWolf48 I'm so sorry for the long wait!
Roman watched as his husband sat glumly at the table silently picking at his food, they had both been missing something in their lives. They had each other, and they took care of a cute dog. But even so everything was just so...
Roman sighed and sat next to his husband taking hold of his hand, they had both recently been talking about children. At first they thought about getting a surrogate, but Patton then brought up adoption. Many children didn't have parents or a home, some were abused or given away. They were in need of a home. And Patton being Patton he wanted to adopt a child instead, he wanted to give them a place they could call home.
After talking and discussing about it weeks on end Roman finally had an answer, he looked at Patton who sighed and leaned his head against his shoulder. “Patton sweetie?” Roman whispered to him. “Yes love?” The other replied and looked at him. “Let's go adopt a kid.” Roman smiled, Patton gasped and straightened his posture. “Really? Do you really mean it!?” He asked curiously.
Roman chuckled and nodded. “Let's start a family together. I think we're ready.” Patton leapt up and smiled widely at his husband. “Let's go!” He shouted and tugged at his arm, Roman laughed and got up practically being dragged away by an overexcited Patton, outside Roman stumbled over his feet and begged Patton to slow down fearing that he would end up falling flat on his face.
When said male did so he whined and pouted at Logan. “I'm sorry, I'm just so excited! I'm also really...scared. Oh gosh why am I scared? This is normal right? I-Is it okay to feel like this?” Patton suddenly let go oh Roman's arm, he pursed his lips and paced back and forth around the parking lot. He rubbed his arm, something he did when he got overly anxious, till his skin got agitated and swelled pink.
Roman immediately took hold of his hands and stopped him from hurting himself any further. “It's okay to feel the way you're feeling sweetheart. It's going to be okay I promise.” Roman smiled and pulled him into a kiss, and once they were both calm they pulled away and smiled at each other as they climbed into the car.
Patton shifted from side to side. “Now I'm really nervous.” He mumbled taking hold of Roman's hand, “It'll be okay cookie. We'll have a family before you know it.” He reassured, Patton nodded and nearly jumped when the door of the small office they waited in slammed open revealing a smiling woman. “Thank you for confirming your paperwork. I'll take you to see the children now.” She stated and urged the couple to follow her.
Patton leapt to his feet and stood behind Roman who followed the woman, Patton grasped onto his arm and pressed himself against his husband's back. “Patton darling there's nothing to be scared of.” Roman chuckled, from afar the sound of screaming and laughing could be heard. Patton perked up and quietly gasped, the woman opened a large door and revealed many children running around and laughing, some were playing tag with others and some played with toys.
Patton smiled and resisted the urge to squeal, Roman urged him to follow and together they went over to a small table surrounded by children who now stared at them with wide curios eyes. They both sat at the table trying to strike up a conversation with the children around them, but when they did the children either got bored with them or ignored them, some older children also seemed to be uncomfortable around the pair.
And so the couple moved on to another section of the large room repeating their attempts to talk with the children all ending with the same result, Patton sighed and looked down at his hands anxiously twiddling with his thumbs. “Maybe we're not meant to have children? I'm sorry Roman, I really am.” He apologized in a guilt stricken tone, “I promised we'd be happy and make a family together, but I can't even do that. I'm a horrible husband Roman, and I'm so sorry for letting you down.” He wiped at his glossed eyes.
Roman pulled him into a hug and soothed him. “Let's give it one more shot, okay?” (can also be translated to: I am not throwing away my shot! I'm sorry I've been obsessed with Hamilton again...) He whispered to him trying to encourage him for a while longer. Patton sniffed and nodded in agreement, he was willing to try again, for Roman's sake.
So they continued and stopped when Roman spotted a pair of older children, maybe about twelve or thirteen, one boy sat at a table reading a book while another shorter boy sat with his shoulders against the other, he dozed off with headphone covering his ears and wore a baggy jacket with the hood over his head. “Don't drool on me.” The intellectual child warned the shorter child who jolted upwards and grumbled under his breath.
Patton giggled at the pair and looked up to Roman as if asking for permission to proceed. Roman met his gaze and nodded to him urging him to do as he pleased, Patton took a deep steady breath and slowly walked up to the pair, the smaller boy was first to take notice, his eyes went wide and he immediately shook his brother's shoulder. “Virgil can you just stop?” The older child scowled at him. “Logan look.” Virgil hissed and looked towards Patton who now nervously stood in front of them.
Logan immediately straightened his slouched posture and set his book down on his lap, bookmarking it before he shut it, and pulled on a happy smile while Virgil removed his headphones allowing them to rest heavily on his frail shoulders. “Maybe he'll be the one” Virgil whispered excitedly to his brother as the man approached them and kneeled in front of them. “H-hey there kiddos.” Patton stuttered.
Logan looked at him while Virgil peered over his shoulder. “Salutations, I'm Logan. And this is my brother Virgil.” Logan introduced himself and pointed over to his brother who shrunk at the gaze given to him. “It's nice to meet you, I'm Patton and this,” Roman kneeled to the ground next to Patton and draped an arm over his shoulder. “is my—” Patton swallow the lump in his throat. “My husband.” He replied with a hopeful smile.
Logan and Virgil both perked up, Virgil gaped at the pair and grinned. “That's so cool.” He muttered in awe, Patton let out a breath and felt the familiar sting of tears behind his eyes once again, but this time they weren't of sadness or despair, they were of relief and happiness. He cleared his throat and wiped away the unshed tears. “What are some things you like to do?” He asked curiously and scooted closer. “I like to read, it keeps me distracted. And sometimes when I'm having my down days I read to leave this world behind. We have some puzzles here too but the toddlers always lose some of the pieces, but it doesn't really bother me because they're just babies, all they really want is some attention. And maybe a nice family...” As Logan explained Patton felt his heart ache, how much had these children suffered? How much longer could they withstand it alone?
Virgil leaned against Logan's shoulder. “I just listen to music most of the time.” He mumbled. “They don't allow us to have phones but we're allowed to borrow one that the caregivers bought. It's worn but it still works. It's really hard though, the music helps me calm down when I can't sleep at night and now they're cutting off my phone hours.” He sighed softly and fiddled with the wires of his headphones, Patton now wanted nothing more but to take these children home with him. He reached for Logan's hand, the boy flinched at the soft touch and met with Patton's gentle and kind eyes. “Would you both like to come home with us?” He asked curiously, Logan gasped feeling his heart pound against his chest while Virgil tried to contain his excitement.
“Y-yes...yes please.” Logan stammered and smiled afterwards, he turned to face his brother and hugged him tight. “We're getting adopted Virgil! We're finally getting a home.” He breathed. Virgil nodded and returned the hug, Patton smiled up at his husband and stood from the ground. “It was good that we didn't lose hope.” Roman stated and wrapped him into a hug. “You were the one that didn't make me lose it.” Patton replied.
Logan and Virgil looked away from the pair feeling like they were looking at something they were supposed to. When the couple pulled away from the embrace finally realizing where they were Patton cleared his throat feeling his face heat up when he saw that both children were now looking away wearily fidgeting in their seats. While Roman went over to talk to Logan Patton crouched in front of Virgil and softly took hold of his small hands.
Virgil blushed and averted his gaze allowing his face to be hidden by his hood. “Are you really going to adopt us?” He mumbled, Patton nodded. “Of course we are. Why do you ask?” Patton questioned. Virgil shifted in his seat and pulled a hand away to furiously wipe at his eyes. “I was here since I was three and Logan since he was five. Ever since then nobody has wanted to adopt us.” He slowly turned his head to face Patton.
Patton reached out and wiped away a stray tear from the boy's cheek, and then he hesitantly pulled his hood off of his head. Virgil stayed frozen in his seat as Patton stroked back his messy hair and gave him a kind smile. No word were exchanged as Patton pulled the small boy into his arms enveloping him in a warm embrace. Virgil felt his breath hitch in his throat and his heart pounded hard against his rib cage, the familiar sting of tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. How long had it been since he had last been hugged by an adult?
Specifically one that cared for him.
Logan watched from the corner of his eye feeling a smile tug at his lips when Virgil reluctantly returned the hug burying his face in Patton's shirt. Roman chuckled and patted Logan's shoulder. “Let's go home.” He said. Logan felt a bubbly feeling rise in his chest and without thinking he wrapped his arms around the man. “Thank you,” He whispered. “thank you so much.” And after the small family exchanged hugs the wedded couple signed some papers and took their children home.
~~~~~~~{Time skip}~~~~~~~
Patton sniffed and once again embraced his son. “Make sure to always call us. And don't talk to strangers. And if you ever feel lonely you can always come back home.” He blubbered. “Dad, it's not like I'm leaving the country. I'll just be a couple of blocks away.” Virgil explained. Logan sighed and shook his head. “Dad Virgil is going to be late for his first class.” He stated. Patton merely ignored his comment and buried his face in Virgil's shoulder refusing to let him free of the embrace.
“Ugh, Pops! Dad is getting all feelsy again!” Virgil called out for his other father who soon arrived with a small smile. “Honey you know he has to go.” Roman said and pulled him away from their son. “I-I know but I'm not ready to let him go yet.” Patton whimpered and wiped at his eyes. Virgil sighed and looked at his father with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. He took a step towards him and faced him, Patton looked back at him with puffy eyes.
Virgil smiled at him, wipes away his remaining tears, and stroked back his hair, something that Patton always did to him to calm him down. No words were exchanged and Virgil wrapped his arms around his father squeezing him tight.
Soon Logan joined in on the hug, and then Roman. The family stood there in front of the door. “I love you guys.” Virgil whispered. “I love you guys as well.” Logan added, and they pulled away from the embrace.
The two males said their goodbyes and walked out of the house. “I'll see you guys next week.” Virgil reassured. “Bye! Love you!” And with that he climbed into the car with Logan and they both drove away. Patton leaned against Roman who in return wrapped his arm around his waist pulling him closer to his side. “Thank you darling.” Roman smiled to him.
“Thank you for giving me a happy family.”
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