(Prinxiety) war and peace
Requested by asinayuki I hope this is what you had in mind! It's actually longer than most of my one-shots.
Virgil desperately clutched onto Roman's hand. “Roman!” He hissed and skidded to a stop. The bruised male sighed and turned around to face Virgil who glared up at him. “You're no going back there.” Virgil said. Roman felt his heart ache, finally taking a good look at Virgil.
He was trembling, bruises and cuts littered his face, his clothes were tattered and ripped, and even burned at the edges.
He had been through so much.
Their kingdom had been ambushed. The king overthrown. The town burned down.
The kingdom was no longer the happy and safe place it used to be.
It was now a burning and ruined land.
People had been captured and enslaved, women and children killed within the chaos of it all. Men forced to work under a new ruler.
The people who had escaped left their families behind, their home..
Roman was not going to allow his kingdom to fall any longer.
He had to do something. He was the leader of the resistance that he had formed. He had some power.
He had hope. Something that became scarce as soon as they fled from their home.
Virgil hated it. Hated how the war and hatred, pain and misery, chaos and destruction changed his lover. He hated how Roman became a leader he never wanted to become, he was always a kind young man. A pacifist. Someone who sang with a smile on his face and a gleam in his beautiful eyes.
Now it was as if the old him had been destroyed along with the kingdom, and from the ashes birthed a new man meant to become a righteous leader. A knight. A hero.
He had become someone Virgil had not fallen in love with.
And that terrified the younger male.
“You know I have to do this.” Roman explained solemnly. Virgil shook his head. “You don't have to do this, we can always run away, we can be together.” He replied. Roman pursed his lips and took a firm hold of his shoulders. “Virgil I need you to listen to me.” He demanded. Virgil dropped his gaze glumly, his shoulders slumped. Roman took his chin and lifted it so that they could meet each others gazes.
Virgil's eyes were glossy with unshed tears. Roman swallowed the lump in his throat. “When I'm away I need you to take my place.” He told him. Virgil gasped and took a staggering step back. “N-no.” He stammered. “Virgil please, if I don't do this, all those innocent people will die. Children, the elderly, parents. For goodness sake Virgil families have been separated!” He shouted.
Virgil winced and stayed as far away as possible. This was not the Roman he knew. “Please Virgil. I can't do this without you.“ Roman begged. Virgil felt as if the weight of the world had been placed on his shoulders. It had become hard to breathe, he was exhausted, tired of having to shoulder his pain. And now Roman was going to add-on to it.
Even so, as much as he hated the pain. Virgil loved Roman. Even if he had changed. Even if he was a fool for even thinking about going back to the kingdom.
Even if he had to say goodbye...
Virgil still loved him with all his might.
He couldn't refuse his request.
“Okay.” He whispered.
“I'll take your place in your stead, but you must promise to return or I'll go over there and get you myself.” He snapped angrily, but Roman knew he was afraid. He walked up to him and encased him in his arms, holding him close against his chest.
“I will return. I swear my life on it.” Roman promised and pressed a kiss to his temple. Virgil closed his eyes, allowing a few tears to slip. And for that moment everything was okay, there was no pain or misery, no sadness or despair. Everything was whole.
When the time came that the pair had to separate Virgil was extremely reluctant. He tightened his grip on Roman for a little while longer before be finally let him go. The pain suddenly slammed into Virgil and he could've sworn he had forgotten how to breathe. The ache in his chest returned with greater force and he had to hold his breath in order to stop himself from hyperventilating. “You are strong Virgil. I will see you soon.” Roman promised and turned on his heel to join the others.
Virgil watched him as he ran and settled himself on a beautiful black stallion. He never took his eyes off of him. Even as he rode off. And soon. Disappeared...
Days passed.
Days turned to weeks.
And weeks turned to months.
Virgil was petrified.
He had become the best leader he could be for Roman, he tended to the sick and wounded, he cared for the children who had no family left, he kept everyone safe and fed.
Of course he had some help.
Logan and Patton were both young men who cared for the children.
Patton loved the children, he always made sure they were happy, fed, and healthy while Logan taught the children what he knew, which in his case was quite a lot. Virgil was happy to have them by his side. If he didn't...
He'd been in pieces, a broken man.
Virgil was in his tent, it was a harsh cold night and the cold wind passed by him. He shut his eyes as his teeth chattered and his body trembled, he remembered when Roman used to hold him tight against his chest. He'd hold his hands and warm them with his warm breath. Oh how he longed to be in his arms once more.
The sound of yelling snapped him from his daze, he jolted up and scrambled out of his tent just as a man riding a horse skidded to a stop. Breathing harshly. Virgil ran to to the man and helped him down. He had recognised him as one of Roman's men who joined him. “Where are the others?” Virgil asked anxiously. The man leaned against him, exhausted, and huffed. “They have been captured and imprisoned. The new ruler has set a date for Roman to be executed at the gallows.” He explained.
Virgil felt his blood run cold, his breath hitched in his throat and he trembled violently. “I will have you healed and fed, I will retrieve Roman and the others myself. While I am gone, please, make sure the people and children are safe.” Virgil begged. “But sir—” Another set of footsteps startled the pair. Virgil turned his head and was met with his good friends Patton and Logan. “Surely you don't plan on going alone?” Logan questioned with a tilt of his head. Patton pouted and crossed his arms.
Virgil laughed as tears fell from his eyes. “You can't be serious.” He blubbered as he messily wiped away his tears. “Of course we are, I mean. We have friends we want to save too. And family...” Patton stated with a glum smile.
Back when the kingdom was first overthrown, he and Logan had to leave their child behind. Thomas who was only ten. And it had pained them so much, having to let go of their child, leaving him alone, and just imagining how afraid he must've been. It was torture.
Logan patted his husbands shoulder sympathetically. Virgil was hesitant, what if something were to go wrong? He'd hate for either of them to get hurt, he cared for them. He truly did.
But he did not have enough time, so with a heavy heart he agreed and allowed them to join him. Virgil led the wounded man to the camp and gave him specific orders. The man had agreed to take his place and within minutes Virgil, Logan, and Patton were on their way to rescue their loved ones. The night dragged on, and for this night only Virgil was grateful.
They had arrived early dawn, it had been so long since either of them had seen their kingdom. They were absolutely shocked when they saw just how badly their home was, buildings were in ruins, homes burned to the ground, the city was catastrophic. The sick and wounded wandered aimlessly, moaning and crying. Women lived in the streets, clutching their sick babies to their chests. There were little to no men, children wandered the streets ranging from three to fourteen. The older teens were taken by the new king, forced to become soldiers.
Patton covered his mouth with his hands as tears welled up in his eyes. It was absolutely horrid. Heartbreaking. The young men dismounted their horses and cautiously walked up to the large iron gates that held the villagers prisoner. Patton looked around while Logan looked around the perimeter, trying to find another way in without being detected. “The side of the walls, there must be an opening.” He claimed.
Virgil nodded. “Good idea, let's go.” He ordered and rushed to the far side of the wall, Patton stayed where he stood. Starting. Tears now cascading down his face. Logan took his shoulder and gave him a small shake. “Patton? What's wrong?” He asked curiously. Patton turned to face him. “It's Thomas...” He uttered breathlessly. Logan felt his heart swell, but he had a job to do, he couldn't allow himself to he distracted. The lives of many rested on their hands.
He pulled Patton away, even as he protested. Eventually he managed to drag Patton to the far side of the wall, away from the gates. They turned the corner of the wall and followed Virgil as he examined the wall thoroughly. When he skidded to a sudden stop Logan looked over his broken lover who had been quiet ever since they left the gates. Tears dripped from his face, the sight made Logan's heart ache. He cupped his face in his hands and wiped away his many tears. “We will have him with us once again. That I promise you my love, Thomas will be safely tucked in your arms, where he belongs.” Logan promised him.
Patton sniffed and hugged him tight. “Okay.” He blubbered and recollected himself when it was time to enter through a secret passage that had been hidden very well. Virgil was the first to go, it was a tight fit, but he made it through. He soon found himself inside the castle grounds. Logan soon followed after him and then Patton. “Where to?” Logan asked.
Virgil looked around, they were in the gardens, surely the prison must have been close. He gasped and quickly ducked when he saw someone approaching, the others followed his actions. They all held their breath as the person neared, Virgil bit the inside of his cheek, hoping that they wouldn't get caught. The bush he hid behind rustled and he felt a presence above him.
The person above him gasped.
Virgil lost all hope.
This was it. After everything they had gone through, it was all useless.
They had been caught.
“Virgil?” A familiar voice called him.
Virgil's eyes snapped open and he looked up. He gasped and stood quickly. “Demitri!?” He screeched. Logan sighed and pushed Patton behind him, still cautious, not knowing if this were a trap. “You really did come...” He laughed shakily. “Roman said you would, but I never really believed him.” Virgil perked up. “Roman? Do you know where he is? Please Demitri I need to know.” He begged.
The male looked over his shoulders, making sure the coast was clear, and sighed. “You don't have enough time, when the sun is at its highest they will kill Roman and the others. Please Virgil, they have Remy, and Picani. I can't...” He swallowed thickly. “I can't lose them.” He whispered.
Virgil took his trembling, calloused hand, and gave him a small smile. “I'm going to save them. No matter what it takes.” He promised. Demitri sobbed quietly and thanked him endlessly. When he recollected himself he led them to the jailhouse, the door was guarded and sealed shut. Demitri took a shaky breath and dug a key out of his pocket. “You were already planning this...” Virgil mumbled. Demitri smiled solemnly at him. “When you're desperate and in love, nothing is impossible.” He took Virgil's hand and gave him the key. “I'll distract the guards. Get them out as soon as possible.” He told him and left.
He asked something to the guards, looking desperate, and he led them away. Virgil wanted until they've out of sight, and they quickly ran to unlock the door. Virgil pushed the heavy door open with all his strength and nearly cried when he caught sight of the horrific scene. Everywhere he looked there was pain, men were chained to the walls, groaning and crying, women were held in cells. Children were crying and sobbing, asking for their parents. Logan and Patton were shocked. Logan pushed the door closed and pulled Patton closer to him.
The pair followed Virgil who searched frantically, they stopped when Virgil stopped in front of a small cell, holding a chained man.
Virgil walked up to the cell and quietly called out. “Roman?” He whispered. The man gasped and jolted up, wide frantic eyes met his own. “Virgil?” His voice was strained and weak. “Virgil it is you!” He cried out and struggled against his restraints. Virgil fiddled with the lock of the cell and hissed as he struggled to break it open, eventually he got it open and in an instant he ran to Roman and fell to his knees.
He wrapped his arms around him and pressed his lips against his own. When they pulled away Virgil smiled at him and stroked his hair back. “Did they hurt you?” He asked. Roman bit his lip and nodded reluctantly. “But I'm okay. Nothing serious.” He reassured. Virgil sighed and looked him over. “How can I get you all out?” He asked. “There are keys in the front. Right where the door is. But be quick, the guards will be here soon.” Roman urged. Patton looked over his shoulder. “I'll get it.” He mumbled before he ran back to the front door, people called for him, they reached for him, children and women called out for him.
Patton retrieved the keys and fought back his tears as he ran back. He skidded to a stop when one child caught his eye, they were so small, crying, reaching for him. “Patton!” Logan hissed. The young man hesitantly looked away and returned to his friends. He gave the ring of various keys to Virgil and waited as Virgil released his lover from his restraints.
When he was free Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil and held him tight. “Let's get everyone out of here.” He told him. Virgil smiled up at him. “Okay.”
Within the matter of minutes, the many imprisoned soldiers were released and overthrew the leader. Families were reunited, couples were back together.
Demetri was reunited with his loved ones who saved him from being beat to death, before the guard could deliver the final blow he was shoved away and tied up.
In the streets Logan and Patton searched for their son through the chaos, they called his name and searched frantically through the crowd. And when all hope seemed to be lost, they heard a small cry. “Dad!? Papa?” A small frantic voice called for them. Patton looked around and cried out when he saw his son, a few feet away from him and Logan. He took Logan's hand and ran towards their son. “Thomas!” They yelled. The child gasped and ran towards his parents.
The small family reunited, holding each other tight, crying as they clung onto each other. The people who were once enslaved rioted and fought against the guards. There was now hope.
Hope for everything to go back to the way it was.
Hope for a new future.
Roman and Virgil were at the now empty castle, the leader had been overthrown and bound. The pair stood in front of him, Roman had an arm wrapped around Virgil's waist. “What do you think love? Punish the leader? Or the soldiers?” He asked.
Virgil gazed at the cursing man. “For everything you have done...” He started.
“For all the families you have separated, for all the husbands and wives you have ruined. For the children you hurt...”
“You will not be punished by me or Roman, we will have each and everyone of you exiled to the land of dragons. Unarmed, of course we're not cruel, you'll have the necessary necessities for survival. But other than that. I wish you all luck.” And with that they leader and his soldiers were taken away. “You're quite terrifying my love.” Roman muttered and pulled him closer. Virgil huffed and hugged him tight. “Just shut up you jerk, you scared me, and I had to be the one to save you.” He muttered.
Roman chuckled and pressed a kiss to his head. “I love you Virgil.”
Virgil blushed and hid his face. “I love you too...”
Peace had finally been restored.
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