(Prinxiety) not an act
Roman sighed and wiped the sweat off his brow, as he had just finished shooting a scene and, after many takes, he was finally done, but he was going to have to shoot another scene in the next hour. He tiredly returned to his trailer, dragging his feet, where his makeup artist waited. Roman smiled as soon as he arrived.
The young man's name was Virgil, he was short and had a head of purple and brown hair, he was an edgy male but Roman liked that about him. His last artist was a bit...clingy to say the least. She could never keep her hands off of him, and one time she got too touchy and the young actor had gotten fed up with it. She was immediately fired. Virgil then took her place, fresh out of highschool with a dream of become an artist, the closest he got to was a makeup artist which he didn't seem to mind.
Roman sat on his chair that was in front of his desk and Virgil stood in front of him. “How was your scene?” He asked as he delicately held the actor's face in his hand turning it from side to side to see what he had to fix up. “It was honestly tiring.” Roman muttered while Virgil touched up his foundation and blush with a brush that tickled his nose. “It'll be over soon. Besides if it makes you feel any better I have to stay here until you're done, so we're both basically in this together.” The male smirked.
Roman smiled, he did feel a bit better, Virgil always somehow calmed him down after a tiring shoot and before that they had both spent most of their time together, eating lunch or chatting in between breaks, they had made a special bond. “Well how about I take you out after I'm finishing with my final scene?” The actor offered. The male froze, the brush in his hand just above the actor's cheek. “...You shouldn't joke like that. Acting is only allowed when you're in front of the cameras so cut it out.” He muttered and finished up the actor's makeup. Roman frowned. “I would never joke about things like that.” He stated.
He was never one to play with people emotions. Especially those of which he cared about.
Virgil gave him a nonchalant look and returned his supplies in a 'Nightmare before Christmas' makeup bag. “You don't want to go out with me, you're just bored, and I'm not going to be used like that.” He explained in a low murmur, and Roman could've sworn that he heard a quiet almost inaudible “Not again.” From said male. “Virgil you've been my makeup artist for two years now. And during those two years I've learned so many things about you, and I think I've developed a few feeling for you.” Roman nervously twiddled his thumbs as he spoke.
Virgil could feel his face go warm, if he was being honest to himself he'd swoon and admit that the actor was pretty darn charming, but he growled and shook his head trying not to fall into the temptation. How could he go out with a well known actor? What would people think? What would they say? Would they hurt Roman? Would he lose his job? Many questions swam in his mind and he had to lean against a wall to stay steady on his feet. “You can't just say that out of nowhere idiot.” He said and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, or confuse you.” Roman apologized.
Virgil groaned. “It's not that, it's just,” He sighed. “how can you love someone like me? I mean I'm just your makeup artist, nothing special, you should date someone who is more...interesting.” He said. Roman frowned at his words. “You are interesting.” He claimed. “You help out at the set, you do my makeup, you like your coffee with almond milk, you're favorite color is purple, you love Tim Burton films, you're favorite animals are cats, and you have this habit of biting your lip or thumb when you get nervous or when you're in deep thought.” Roman chuckled. “The list just grows from there.”
Virgil was shocked, what else could he say? He was smitten by the actor, and he wouldn't deny it. But as much as he wanted to admit his feelings, he couldn't. He wouldn't want to ruin the actor's reputation, he loved him too much to do that to him. “Please, say something.” Roman begged after the moment of silence dreadfully dragged on. Virgil swallowed the lump in his throat and blinked hard. “There's nothing to say.” His voice was low and tight.
Roman felt like his world was falling apart, the color drained from his face and his blood turned to ice slush. A horrible pain probed at his heart, like an iron hot rod was being stabbed through it and someone was twisting it over and over, each movement sending a new wave of pain. He breathed shakily, and nodded slowly.
When Virgil turned to face him he instantly regretted his words. The look on the actor's face was heartwrenching, his throat was tight with guilt and Virgil wanted to wrap his arms around him and apologize, to make him feel better, to kiss him. His mind yelled at him to run to him, to do what his heart wanted him to do. “I...I should practice my lines.” Roman stiffly rose from his seat and trudged past the guilt stricken male.
Before he left, Virgil took hold of his hand and held him back. Roman turned his head to face him. “Please...” Virgil murmured. “Don't go.” He pleaded, his eyes filled with anguish and remorse. Roman felt the pain surge throughout his body as soon as he felt Virgil's firm touch, he couldn't handle it. It was too much, too painful, he wanted to scream.
Virgil pulled the actor toward him and closed the gap between their lips, after two painful years of applying lip gloss to the actor's lips he had finally gotten the chance to kiss them. The feeling was extraordinary, like nothing he ever experienced before. Roman was definitely caught off guard, he barely even had time to process what was happening until he felt the soft and slightly damaged lips against his own, and in an instant the pain in his chest disappeared.
Virgil drew him close deepening the well needed kiss, and the actor immediately melted into it forgetting about the ugly feelings that were once bottled up inside of him. When they parted ways both males were blushing messes. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I really do like you Roman, but I'm afraid of losing this. This thing that we have in secrecy, behind closed doors. I can't bear the thought of your fans hating you, your reputation crumbling because of me.” Virgil sighed. “I can't hurt you like that.”
“Who says we have to announce it?” Roman cupped his cheek. “We can wait, until you're ready.” He reassured. Virgil smiled at him. “You'd really do that for me?” He asked. Roman's face split into a grin. “For you, I'd do anything.”
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