(Prinxiety) love without words
Requested by FictionalBoysRock I hope you like it! Sorry if it came out horrible. (╥_╥)
*bold letters= sign language*
Virgil huffed as he struggled to see the board ahead of him, the teacher droned on and pointed at the words on the board, the teen focused on his lips, watching, concentrating. He felt a soft tap on his shoulder and flinched at the touch, he peered over his shoulder and was met with his friend Patton smiling brightly at him. “Would you like to use my notes?” He signed with an arched brow.
Virgil smiled and nodded and rested the tips of his fingers against his lower lip, towards his chin, and then moved it forward to Patton with a thankful smile. The bubbly teen lit up and handed his notes over to him. “Honestly this school needs teachers who can provide for students with special needs without alienating them.” Virgil's other friend, Logan, muttered under his breath and huffed. Patton nodded in agreement and Virgil furrowed his brows.
Patton gave him an apologetic look. “Logan is fed up with teachers having you fend for yourself when you need their help the most.” He signed to him, Virgil rolled his eyes and continued writing down the rest of his notes. The day went on like usual, he mostly spent the day with Logan and Patton, his only friends, which he really didn't mind. Large crowds always made him nervous. Plus he really enjoyed their company, and they were the only ones that didn't bully him for being deaf.
When the lunch hour came Virgil tensed and waited for every student to leave the class, of course in the matter of seconds the class was empty except for him and his friends. Patton held his hand out to him. Virgil looked down at his hand and then back up out him giving him an unsure expression. Logan stood next to Patton and signed. “It's okay.” He then laid his hand flat and against his chest, he breathed in, lifting his chest prominently. Virgil knew what it meant. What he was trying to say.
He took a deep calming breath and repeated the process until he was calm.
He stood from his seat and joined his friends, together they walked into the student infested hallway, Virgil scooted closer to Patton and grasped onto his forearm. The fatherly teen patted his hand reassuringly. “Hey look! It's the odd trio.” An older teen called from down the hall. Patton pulled Virgil closer to him and kept on smiling not wanting to worry his friend. Logan on the other hand scowled at the bully and tried his best not to say something back, so they just kept walking.
The teen was having none of it, he stomped over to the trio and stepped in front of Patton and Virgil who flinched back as he went up to them. He held a dangerous aura that sent shivers down Virgil's spine. He looked up at Patton who spoke to the bully, his hand trembling on his shoulder. “Look we don't want any trouble okay? Can you just please leave us alone?” Patton pleaded shakily.
Logan pursed his lips and stood in front of Patton. “In other words, get lost you big jerk.” He spat icily.
The teens face hardened and flushed red with anger, he rose his hand and Patton stiffened, he held Virgil behind his back and Logan braced himself. “Hey!” A loud, booming voice shouted, the teen stopped and the group looked towards to who the voice belonged to. Virgil followed their gazes and he suddenly blushed.
There standing proudly with a small group of friends surrounding him was the most popular student in the school.
Roman Prince. Charming, strong, well built, a great actor and a very kind person.
Gods Virgil was awed.
“Leave them alone.” Roman demanded and walked up to them to settle things down. “Or what? You'll sing a song?” The teen scoffed. One of Roman's friends snickered but stopped when Roman gave him a stern look. Virgil watched as Roman spoke, he held an upset expression, he had never seen him upset before.
Virgil suddenly frowned when the teen gestured to him with a smug look. He then looked back at Roman who immediately charged at him and held him by the collar of his shirt, pressing him against the lockers. The bully in an instant was terrified.
Patton pulled him away from the quarrel and tugged at Logan's arm, urging him to join them. The logical teen shook away his shock and nodded over to Roman's group of friends who nodded back and then smiled over at Virgil who timidly waved at them.
When he and his friends were at the cafeteria he sat down at their usual table and got Patton's attention. “What did he say?” He signed with a frown. Patton held a sad look and reluctantly shook his head. Virgil pouted and tugged at his arm pleadingly, Patton looked away guiltily. Logan sighed and lightly touched Virgil's arm, the teen stopped and gave him a quizzical look.
Logan bit his lip before he signed to his friend, “He said something about you being a handicap.” Virgil bit the inside of his cheek and nodded slightly to him. He dropped his gaze and brought a hand to his ear, Patton felt a dull pain in his chest and wanted so badly to embrace him. But he knew that Virgil hated being embraced when he was like that. Sometimes he hated being babied.
Virgil closed his eyes for a moment before reopening them, he lifted his head and looked at his friends, giving them both a bright smile. “I'm starving.” Patton tilted his head and furrowed his brows, Virgil returned the gesture with a much smaller smile. “Are you not hungry?” He signed. Patton shook his head and looked over to Logan who just nodded to him.
Virgil wanted this.
Patton gave in and nodded to Virgil. The teen beamed and headed to the lunch line. The others followed in his stead. When they returned to their table they were surprised to see that Roman and his friends were seated there, seemingly waiting for them. Virgil blushed of course and sat next to Roman who smiled at him with a bruised cheek.
The teen frowned and set his lunch down. Roman curiously looked at him, knitting his brows together. “Does it hurt?” He signed curiously, concern filled his eyes. Roman's mouth flew open but he immediately closed it. He pursed his lips and shook his head. “Guys, do you think you can leave me and Virgil alone for a bit?” He asked with a pleading tone. Patton was hesitant at first, Virgil looked worried and feared he had done something wrong.
Sometimes he hated being left out of a conversation. It always annoyed and frustrated him.
Of course his worry increased when everyone left the table except for Roman who was looking quite flustered despite having been beaten up not that long ago. “Ah...” He opened his mouth to say something, but then he realized how much of an idiot he looked like.
Sure Roman. Talk to a deaf kid! I'm sure he'll listen to what you have to say!
Roman bit the inside of his cheek and mentally face palmed. He took a deep calming breath and rose his shaking hands. He pointed to himself and then pulled his hand back, pinching his middle and thumb fingers together before he pointed over to Virgil.
It took Virgil a moment to process what was happening. But as soon as he got it he was a blushing mess. He looked down and attempted to hide his face, with no avail of course. Roman chuckled and took hold of his hands in order to get his attention.
Virgil looked up at him, red-faced and wide-eyed. Roman smiled at him and rose a brow.
He needed some type of response from him.
Virgil soon calmed himself down and recollected himself. He looked down at his hands intertwined with Roman's one.
He couldn't sign at the moment.
He licked his dry lips and took a breath.
“I....” He trailed off, still hesitant and a bit self-conscious. Roman gave his hands a small reassuring squeeze.
Virgil exhaled and smiled lovingly at him.
“I like you too.”
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