(Prinxiety & Logicality) coffee and confessions
Requested by Caleigh_Kingsley I tried to make it the way you wanted it, I may have changed things up a bit but I really do hope you like it! Ps: sorry if it's totally late. (there is a reason why I'm lacking and I'll let everyone know very very soon.)
Roman tiredly sighed as he leaned against the counter, he played with the hem of his apron for it had been a rather slow day and the only thing he wanted to do was get his shift over with and go home. He sighed once more and pulled up the sleeve of his sweater to reveal words, his soulmate's first words, imprinted on his skin he smiled softly and lightly traced the words with the tips of his fingers.
"Coffee. Black. Witch ice."
The words were so odd and random but it only gave Roman hope that one day his soulmate would walk through the doors and order his rather odd beverage. For this reason, he tolerated working at the coffee shop despite receiving many headaches due to the strong scent of coffee grounds and baked sweets. Sure he had rather enjoyed working there during his first week on the job, but eventually, the same things he saw and smelled became something he grew to dislike.
"Hey Roman! Your shift is almost up, you can take off early, I can settle things on my own." Roman's bubbly friend-Patton-claimed from the kitchen where he was recently finishing up a batch of cookies. The young man perked up like a puppy and smiled to his friend, "I really couldn't leave you all alone here Pat, besides I can manage a couple of minutes." He assured, but Patton thought otherwise and pulled on a frown which always seemed to weaken Roman.
Roman inwardly groaned knowing well enough that once Patton pulled on that frown of his he couldn't say anything more, although he really appreciated that he cared about him, it was nice to have someone kind and caring every once in a while. "I owe you, Pat," Roman promised with an excited grin and rushed to the employee's lounge as he messily untied his apron. Patton giggled and saved up the rest of the cookie dough for the next day, he checked his watch and pursed his lips, it was almost closing time and yet...
The bell at the front door jingled, signaling that a customer had arrived, at that same time Roman was leaving through the back doors.
Patton quickly washed his hands and hurried over to the counter, there stood a young man dressed in black and purple looking rather tired. "Hello, what can I get you?" Patton asked cheerfully with the same old bright smile, the young male cleared his throat and mumbled in a slurred voice.
"Coffee. Black. With ice."
Virgil Black was a freshman in college, and currently, he was hopelessly behind on homework and projects.
Tonight had been the same with him scrambling through papers, typing endlessly on his laptop, and skimming through thick books. His roommate was starting to get worried about his health, "Virgil, perhaps a cup of coffee would help? I ah...I have a friend who works at one, we can go if it would suffice for you." Virgil's roommate, Logan, offered with concern lacing his usual monotonous voice. The younger of the two groaned and slumped in his chair, he ran his fingers through his messy hair and heaved a large breath. "Yeah, okay." He agreed and quickly stood up, big mistake.
In an instant he swayed to the side, and had it not been for Logan catching him on time, he would have cracked his skull open. "Okay wow, definitely not doing that again," Virgil muttered and squeezed his eyes, Logan steadied him but kept a hand on his shoulder just in case he was to sway again. "I'm fine, it's just vertigo." Virgil huffed and shrugged off his hand, Logan couldn't help but worry over his friend he looked so pale and sick, the dark bags under his eyes were prominent against his pale complexion. But he would stay quiet because he knew Virgil hated being coddled and worried about he did not want to be seen as a weak child.
"Any luck today?" Logan asked suddenly as he and Virgil walked out of their room, the youngest hummed questionably. "Your soulmate. Any luck on finding them?" Logan repeated, Virgil snorted and rolled his eyes. "Lo, I've been studying all day. Besides, if I were to find them, you'd be the first to know." He explained and solemnly looked down at his wrist, a ghost of a smile played at his lips.
"You're tragically beautiful."
He blushed and averted his gaze away from the words, of course eventually he always found himself gazing at the words longing to meet his soulmate, the wait was far too long, and he was growing impatient. "If that's the case, then I must inform you that I have found my soulmate," Logan explained and coughed afterward, Virgil's mouth flew open and he immediately looked up at him with wide eyes. "Are you serious? How? When?" he sputtered out. Logan pulled at the collar of his shirt and remained silent until they were both seated in his car, "I met him at the coffee shop nearby, it was my first time going there and he was cleaning up. I was just walking in when he suddenly slipped, of course with me being closest to him I immediately caught him in my arms. It was terribly cliché to be honest.." He muttered darkly.
Virgil snorted and playfully punched his arm. "What were your first words?" he asked giddily and was practically jumping in his seat, Logan blushed and started the car. "I said, 'you have to watch out next time.' and he looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of his and flashed me a breathtaking smile, and he said, 'guess I really fell for you.' and he giggled, goodness that giggle..." Logan trailed off once more and ended his encounter with an awkward cough, Virgil smiled and looked out the window as Logan drove off, heading towards the coffee shop.
Roman arrived home with a tired sigh, he flicked on the lights to his apartment and was shocked to see his brothers sleeping soundly on the couch.
Remus and Dee slept soundly, practically cuddling one another which was a rare sight indeed seeing as how the brothers were never ones to be so affectionate, unlike Roman who always threw smiles and compliments as though they held no impact whilst in reality his words were priceless and sacred.
The eldest grinned mischievously and pulled out his phone to snap a couple of pictures of his little brothers, surely he wouldn't want to forget this one of a kind opportunity. When he was positive that he had some Instagram famous worthy pictures he grabbed a blanket from his room and returned to the living room where he draped the blanket over the sleeping boys.
With a smile, he wished them a good night and trudged over to his room where he immediately collapsed onto his bed and almost instantly fell asleep and slipped into dreams of hope of finding his soulmate, and as he slept, a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips.
The next day Roman arrived rather early to work, it had been the weekend which meant he didn't have to worry much about schoolwork, that and he really owed his time and attention to Patton who was always helping him out on his times of need. "Ro! You wouldn't guess how crazy a customer's order was last night." Patton called as soon as Roman walked in, the taller man jumped back at the sudden outburst but laughed it off. "Well, you've got my attention."
Patton giggled and tugged on his apron, he then turned around and Roman helped tie the strings around his waist. "A young dark and mysterious man was standing at the counter, he had arrived just as you left," he started and turned around when Roman finished tying up his apron and then urged him to put on his own. "I skipped up to the counter and asked for his order," he stuck out his tongue as he now helped Roman tie his apron, although he was trying to make a cute little bow out of it.
Roman listened to his every word and was now intrigued by his friend's late-night encounter. "What did he order?" he asked curiously and thanked him after he had tied up his apron.
"Black coffee with ice," Patton replied bluntly.
Roman's blood ran cold, and he was positive his heart had stopped beating for a dreadful moment.
Patton, easily taking notice of his behavior, tilted his head and lightly tapped his shoulder to break him out of his trance. "Uh, you okay Roman?" he mumbled quietly, the ladder jumped and immediately took his friend's shoulders. "Did you get his name?" he asked urgently, his eyes filled with both hope and hopelessness. Patton squeaked and shrunk beneath his tragic gaze, "n-no, I'm sorry. He was the only one there and it wasn't a huge order so there seemed no reason to get his name." He stammered out in a panicky voice.
Roman released him from his grasp and apologized to him. "I'm sorry Pat, I didn't mean to scare you, it's just.." He sighed and showed Patton his forearm, revealing the words on his skin. Patton gasped and tears suddenly filled his eyes, Roman felt his chest ache in sympathy and he quickly shook his head. "No Pat, please don't cry, you didn't do anything wrong." He explained and tried to comfort his distressed friend who sniffled and weakly wiped at his seemingly endless tears.
Roman placed a comforting hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him, at the same time the exit door of the employees lounge opened and in walked a man dressed in a black polo shirt and khakis, "Patton you-" He stopped himself short as he took in the scene in front of him. His boyfriend was in tears, and an unknown person was touching him, holding a guilty expression.
The man gritted his teeth and pushed Roman away from Patton. "What did you do to him?!" he snapped and cupped Patton's face in his hands, he looked him over and tilted his head from side to side, scanning every inch of him. "Did he hurt you?" he asked in a hushed tone. Patton sniffed and quickly shook his head, he wiped away the rest of his tears and recollected himself. "No, I'm not hurt. That's Roman, he's one of my friends, he didn't hurt me I promise Logi." Patton assured and offered a small smile.
Logan sighed and pulled him into a hug, "thank goodness." He muttered into his shoulder. Patton giggled and returned the much-needed hug, the bell in the front jingled and Patton perked up and stood on his toes so that he could meet with Roman's eyes. "Hey, Ro, can you take that for me please?" he asked with a hopeful look, the shaken male quickly nodded and rushed out of the employee's lounge.
Standing at the counter was a young male wearing a purple and black hoodie and black skinny jeans, he looked terrible. Roman walked up to the counter and opened his mouth to say something-
The male rose a hand up, signaling Roman not to speak, he then sighed and let out a long yawn before speaking.
"Coffee. Black. With ice."
Roman's arm burned, the words tingled and prickled, but Roman's heart made the pain feel like a small brush compared to the seismic earthquake going on in his chest. He sputtered and nodded quickly before returning to the kitchen where he prepared the drink, his hands trembled and his breathing became shaky. He couldn't focus and found himself looking over at the male as he sat at an empty table, looking out the window.
Roman took everything in. From the hunched posture he took on as he sat, to the way he bit on his thumbnail as he drifted off into his thoughts. Despite looking like he had been hit by a truck, Roman thought the stripling looked rather cute, he had a look that compared him to a feral kitten.
When Roman finished with his drink he gathered his courage and willed himself to deliver it to his soulmate.
He stopped short as realization finally settled.
His soulmate, oh God, that meant he still had yet to speak his first words to him. Oh gosh, what if he were to mess up? What if it were just some freaky coincidence or a mistake?
No. Roman shook his head. He couldn't afford to think that way now.
He nodded and walked up to the table where the charming man sat, he set the cup down in front of him and just, stood there. The minor looked up at him and rose a brow, his features twisted with confusion. "Uhm-"
Roman opened his mouth and let the first words he could think of slip out of his mouth.
"You're tragically beautiful." He claimed.
The man nearly dropped his drink just as he lifted it, his eyes went wide and he immediately looked straight into Roman's eyes. For a moment the pair said nothing to each other, both still trying to figure out if they were dreaming or not, but then Patton and Logan arrived and the two both looked at their designated friends. "Oh! Roman, you found him! That was the guy from yesterday night." Patton claimed excitedly, Logan looked over at Virgil and then to Roman, and finally back to Patton. "I'm at a complete loss." He admitted.
Patton smiled up at him. "The reason I was crying was because last night that boy came and ordered a coffee. I just found out that his order turned out to be Roman's soulmate's first words to him, and I had done the mistake of not taking down his name. I really thought I messed everything up for Roman, but it looks like they finally met!" he stated giddily, Roman looked back at his soulmate and cleared his throat. "I-I'm Roman Prince." He introduced himself bashfully.
The male flushed pink and averted his gaze. "V-Virgil Black." He muttered and offered Roman his hand, which turned out to be the arm that had Roman's words on it. The shy employee quietly gasped and revealed his own arm to Virgil, "you have weird taste." He claimed with a chuckle, Virgil looked back up at him and gasped with an over exaggerated gesture. "Oh yeah? You are very weird when it comes to words, very fancy wording Prince Charming." He joked and allowed himself to laugh, he felt comfortable for some reason despite having met Roman not even seconds ago.
Maybe it was a soulmate thing?
Whatever, he really didn't care, because he was finally happy.
He was complete.
And when he looked and took in Roman's appearance, he couldn't help but smile.
This was his soulmate. His soulmate.
He wasn't alone anymore.
And finally, after stressing over homework and catching up, all that seemed to disappear.
Nothing else mattered but this exact moment.
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