(Prinxiety) fallen angel
Everything had changed that night, Roman was in his backyard lying on a blanket that he had placed over the grass, he watched the stars in serenity adoring the way the stars twinkled against the dark sky, and then out of nowhere it was as if the sky split in two the stars trembled for a minute and then a figure came spiraling down.
Roman immediately jumped to his feet his eyes trained on the figure that headed right towards him, he quickly moved out of the way before the figure came down with a large crash, the ground shook and bits of dirt and grass hit his face, he squinted and coughed when dust settled into his lungs and cautiously took a step towards the crater in the ground.
He paused making sure the thing in the ground didn't move, he gathered up his courage and peered into the crater, there he saw huge black feathered wings, his jaw dropped to the ground and his eyes grew wide at the sight. The feathers twitched and opened ajar revealing an unconscious young male, he wore thin clothing, his skin was fair and pale, his hair a beautiful auburn with purple, Roman thought he looked beautiful.
Though when he finally realized the situation he was in he quickly slid into the crater and carefully rested his hands against the huge wings, they were surprisingly soft to the touch and Roman was once again mesmerized by their beauty, pushing that aside he looked for a good position and somehow found a way to lift the male into his arms, his wings folded against his back and Roman was extra careful when he climbed out the crater.
He retreated back into his house and lied the male on his couch taking a better look at him, he was thin, almost ill looking, and he had sustained various injuries from the fall. Roman wondered where he came from, he knew he was acting oddly in the situation, but as soon as he laid eyes on the male he set aside all his fear and caution, the only thing on his mind was 'I need to help this boy'.
He kneeled to the ground beside the male and leaned forward, he softly moved the hair away from his face and grew worried at how cold his skin was, he frowned and ran to gather some medical supplies. When he returned the boy had shifted uncomfortably, his wings stretched out underneath him and when he felt his wings spread out in an uncomfortable position his eyes slowly opened.
The winged male drew in a sharp breath and immediately bolted up right, his breathing became short and quick and when he looked at Roman he fell off the couch and backed away. “Woah woah it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.” He reassured in a low comforting tone, the boy took a breath before he spoke. “W-where am I?” He asked in a low sweet voice Roman was sure he was going to melt.
“You're at my house, it's safe here.” Roman replied. “How do I know you won't try to take my wings?” The boy asked with a small fearful frown. “If I wanted to you wouldn't be in my house now would you?” Roman questioned, the young male flushed and dropped his head. “You promise you won't hurt me?” He mumbled. “I promise, cross my heart and hope to die.” Roman smiled.
“What's your name?” The boy asked curiously and lifted his head to meet up with his eyes. “It's Roman.” The other male replied happily. “And you are?” The smaller male flinched and warily looked around his surroundings. “It's...Virgil.” He said barely above a whisper. “That's an exquisite name.” Roman beamed. “Thanks?” Virgil replied nervously. “Ah, what's that box you have?” He pointed at the medical kit in Roman's hand. “Oh yeah, I noticed that you were injured and I thought you'd like to mend your wounds before they get worse.” He explained and cautiously took a step forward, Virgil tensed but then calmed down and took a breath.
Roman nodded to him in reassurance and kneeled down in front of him. “While I patch you up, will it be okay to ask where you came from and why you fell out of the sky?” Roman said as he opened the medical box retrieving a few disinfectant wipes and a couple of bandages, he reluctantly took Virgil's hand in his own, a buzz jolted throughout his skin under his palm. “Just as long as you don't say anything or tell anyone else.” Virgil warned. “I promise.” Roman smiled and urged him to go on.
Virgil sighed and flinched when Roman wiped at the cuts and scrapes on his arm with the wipe. “I can't really tell you where I came from because it's a secret, but I'm an angel.” He said, Roman froze and looked at him with wide eyes. “W-well I should've thought about th-that.” He stuttered. “But don't most angels have,” he looked at Virgil's huge black wings. “white wings?” He uttered, Virgil frowned and slumped his shoulders. “I'm a fallen angel, most fallen angel's wings turn black as soon as we reach earth's atmosphere.” He stated.
Roman nodded and placed bandages on the cuts that were a bit deeper than others. “And why did you fall?” Roman mumbled. “A friend of mine also fell down, most people don't like him where we live so they literally threw him off, I'm here to make sure he's okay, but I don't really know where he is.” He frowned. “I just hope he's okay, I hope no one is hurting him.” Roman took his other hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I'm sure he's alright.” He said encouragingly.
Virgil felt something fill in his chest and in an instant his cheeks flushed. “Thank you.” He squeaked out. After a while Roman had finished patching the angel up and stood from the ground. “Would you like something to eat?” He asked curiously. “Ew, no thanks.” Virgil shook his head and settled himself back down on the couch, Roman's phone, that rested on the coffee table, began to buzz and Virgil almost immediately jumped at the noise he scurried off the couch and ran to Roman clinging onto his arm. “It's a beast.” He stated.
Roman laughed and patted his shoulder. “It's just a phone," He said and went over to answer it. “Hello?” He answered curiously. “Roman! I really really really need you to come over!” Patton, Roman's best friend, screeched from the other side of the phone. “There's this-this beautiful angel! And no it's not a puppy this time, it's an actual angel!” He exclaimed, Roman's blood ran cold. “Did the angel give you their name?” He asked and Virgil immediately perked up. “Yeah, he says his name is Logan. He literally fell out of the sky Roman, he..he's scared and hurt, and I really don't know what to do.” His voice dropped and broke. “I really need your help.” He whispered.
Roman looked down at Virgil and sighed. “I'll be there right away, just try to get him to calm down alright?” He instructed. “Okay, thank you Roman, I'll see you soon.” With that they ended the call. “Virgil, is your friend Logan?” Roman asked curiously, the angel gasped and nodded. “Yes that's him, do you know where he is?” He asked anxiously. “He's with my friend, he's very kind and wouldn't hurt a fly. We have to go, my friend is very concerned about Logan and needs help, I'm sure you'll be able to help out too.” He explained and took hold of Virgil's hand pulling him along.
He paused at the door and grabbed a coat from the rack throwing it over Virgil's shoulders to hide his wings. “Just in case.” He said and lead him outside to his car. “I'm not going in that.” He grumbled. “It's not dangerous and it won't hurt you.” Roman reassured. “It'd be easier to fly.” Virgil protested. “Yes, but I cannot fly and you don't know the way so..” Virgil huffed and crossed his arms in defeat. “Fine, but this will be the first and last time.” He stated and climbed into the car uncomfortably, Roman climbed in after him and started the car. “Buckle up.” He strapped himself up and Virgil followed in suit.
After a ride of failed attempts of starting a conversation and awkward silence they had arrived to Patton's house, Roman climbed out and helped Virgil by taking hold of his arms and lifting him out, he set him back down on the ground and walked up to the door, Virgil hid behind him while he knocked on the door, there were sounds of tumbling and thrashing around, and then a worrying thump.
Virgil whined and pressed himself closer against Roman's back, the door then opened revealing a very disheveled Patton. “Roman!” He grinned and looked over at Virgil who peered over Roman's shoulder. “And who's this?” He asked. “Patton, you may or may not believe this but this is Virgil, he's also an angel.” He said, someone stood behind Patton and gently took hold of his arm. “You're arm is leaking red.” A low voice mumbled.
Virgil gasped. “Logan!” He smiled. “Oh, salutations Virgil.” Logan stepped closer and stood beside Patton, dark wings folded against his back and covered him all the way down to the back of his knees. “You've fallen as well? Though if I may add you quite look better in black.” He complimented the younger male. “Right back at you.” Virgil scoffed. “I see you've found your soulmate as well.” Logan eyed Roman up and down. “My what!?” Both Virgil and Roman yelled in unison.
Logan winced and frowned. “There's no need to shout honestly, did you really think we both fell down by accident?” Logan sighed. “I wasn't thrown off either, we were both sent down here to seek our soulmates Virgil, we were chosen.” A smile made its way to the logical angel's lips. “We found our soulmates.” He wrapped an arm around Patton who blushed at the closeness.
Virgil looked over to Roman who had a shocked expression plastered on his face. “S-so that means, he's my...” He trailed off and immediately dropped his head. “Oh.” He breathed. “Wow, okay.” He laughed shakily. “This, this is really weird Logan, I-I mean everything is happening so fast. Aren't you at least a little freaked out?” He asked, Logan shook his head. “We were destined to fall in love with these people Virgil, and I'm quite happy.” He longingly stared at Patton who buried his face in his hands.
Roman grew still besides Virgil, he had not uttered a word which worried the angel. “We were destined...” He mouthed. “Virgil, do you not find interest in me?” He turned to face him. “It's not that, you're really handsome and kind, I just think things are moving too quick ya know?” Virgil shrugged. “But other than that, I do enjoy it when we hold hands, and when you smiled and told me everything was going to be okay I felt a little weird...” Logan perked. “Oh! It's like something is filling up in your chest correct?”
Virgil nodded. “Is that what love feels like? Or is it just interest?” He whined once more. “Allow me to help.” Roman grinned and pulled him into a kiss, the coat slipped from Virgil's shoulders and his wings spread out in surprise before they slowly folded back, when Roman pulled away he was met with a flustered Virgil. “T-that helped a bit.” He murmured.
Patton squealed and clung to Logan's arm. “That was so adorable!” He exclaimed. “Roman I've never seen you look so happy before.” He stated. “I'm just glad I've found my soulmate...” Roman smiled down at Virgil. “My literal fallen angel.” And they both shared a loving embrace Virgil's wings encased them both as they once again shared a kiss.
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