(Prinxiety) Disney songs
It all started with one movie, just one, and then it just continued. The movies just kept on going and going and before the trait's knew it, Roman was lost in the world of Disney.
It wasn't bad until the next morning, Roman pranced into the kitchen with his charming smile and sparkling eyes, and then everything changed when he spoke. “Bonjour! Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour!” He grinned as he sung the beginning of the song 'Belle' from "Beauty and the Beast" and Virgil, who was seated at the table, groaned and dropped his head on the table top. “Well someone's bright eyed and bushy tailed.” Patton laughed. "And extra annoying." Virgil muttered. “Well there's nothing wrong with being a little extra is there?” Logan, who sat beside him with a mug of coffee in his hand, asked.
Patton smiled at him. “Of course not.” He reassured and got back to making breakfast, and so the rest of the day was filled with Roman singing Disney songs, Patton has joined along with him stating that it was an opportunity he did not want to miss, but he mostly sung the songs so that he could flirt with Logan. Roman, Virgil, and Logan were all in the common room while Patton was in the kitchen washing the dishes.
Logan sat on the couch with his laptop resting on his lap, Virgil sat beside him watching Death Note on the television, and Roman was at the other couch quietly humming a song to himself. After he was done washing dishes Patton entered with a bright smile and looked at Logan who looked right back at him with a confused look on his face, Patton calmed himself before he started.
“All those days watching from the windows.
All those years outside looking in.
All that time never really knowing,
Just how blind I've been.
Now I'm here blinking in the starlight.
Now I'm here suddenly I see.
Standing here it's all so clear.
I'm where I'm meant to be,” Logan was entranced by Patton's beautiful melodic voice he could feel his heart swell at the sound of his voice.
“And at last I see the light.
And it's like the fog has lifted.
And at last I see the light.
And it's like the sky is new.
And it's warm and real and bright.
And the world has somehow shifted.
All at once everything looks different.
Now that I see you.” Roman was internally screaming and Logan had gotten what Patton was trying to do, he sighed and rolled his eyes before joining along
“All those days chasing down a daydream.
All those years living in a blur.
All that time never truly seeing.
Things, the way they were,” he stared backed at Patton who's smiled had faltered and he instead held a look of surprise, Virgil had covered his ears mid way into the song and Roman just watched with a huge grin on his face, Logan continued with much more effort.
“Now he's here shining in the starlight
Now he's here suddenly I know
If he's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go.” It was only on rare occasions that Logan would sing, today was one of those rare moments and Patton was beyond happy, he was so happy that tears formed in his eyes, Logan was a very good singer, possibly better than Roman himself.
Patton squealed and wiped at his eyes before he ran to him and wrapped his arms around him. “Thank you thank you thank you!” He cooed excitedly and happily, Logan smiled and returned the hug, he couldn't help but to place a kiss on his forehead. Roman looked over to Virgil who stared back at him and then eyed him suspiciously. “Don't you even think about it.” He warned, Roman pouted in response but then he stood from his spot on the couch and took a step towards Virgil who turned off the television and was ready to retreat to his room. “Wait Virgil!” Roman called to him as he hurried off to his room.
“Please don't shut me out again!
Please don't slam the door
You don't have to keep your distance anymore!” Virgil groaned in annoyance and practically ran to his room slamming his door shut and locking it behind him, but Roman still continued on.
“Cause for the first time in forever I finally understand.
For the first time in forever we can fix this hand in hand,” Roman stood in front of Virgil's door trying to get him to come out.
“We can go through your conflict together.
You don't have to live in fear.
Cause for the first time in forever,
I will be right here.”
Virgil sighed. “Go away!” He yelled already fed up with all the singing, Roman sighed and slumped his shoulders knowing that he had failed to involve and cheer Virgil up, and so he glumly returned to his room quietly singing.
“When you wish upon a star.
Makes no difference who you are.
Anything your heart desires will come true.”
When Virgil couldn't hear Roman's singing anymore he let out a long breath and plopped down onto his bed, he stared at the ceiling before closing his eyes and parting his, and ever so quietly he began to sing.
“I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend,” he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“and does he notice.
My feelings for him?
And will he see, how he means to me?
I think it's not to be... ”
Patton who had been passing by heard his quiet singing and when he realized what he was singing he immediately ran to Roman's room, the prince was in a glum state, he sat on his bed wrapped in his blankets watching a movie. “Roman.” Patton called to him with a frown, when he didn't respond he cautiously walked up to him. “Roman.” This time he shook his shoulder which startled him.
Roman jumped back and looked at Patton with wide eyes. “P-Patton wha-” He was cut off when Patton took hold of his arm. “You have to listen to this!” He said and pulled at his arm trying to pull him out of his bed. “What is it?” Roman frowned at him. “Just come on!” Patton demanded and literally dragged him out into the hallway.
Patton placed his finger over his lips signaling Roman to keep quiet, and he did, the pair quietly tiptoed down the hall and stopped right in front of Virgil's door. Roman leaned in closer, and then he heard it, Virgil's quiet voice was perfect as he sung.
“What will become of my dear friend?
What will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd.
In their enthusiastic cloud.
Try as I may it doesn't last.
And will we ever, end up together?...” There was a long pause before he finally finished with a wavering voice.
“No I think not, it's never to become.
For I am not....the one.”
Roman felt a pang in his heart. “Oh Virgil...” He mumbled and looked down feeling ashamed at himself for not taking notice of how Virgil felt. “I'll leave this up to you, I'm sure you know how to fix it.” Patton said and left not wanting to intrude or make things worse. Roman sighed and paced up an down the hall trying to come up with a solution to make everything up to Virgil, he chewed on his lip and bit his nails until finally he came up with something. He hurried back to his room and changed his appearance, switching his normal wear with a striped suit and a long tie that looked like a bat.
He looked at him at the mirror and patted down his hair before returning to Virgil's door, he took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to finally knock. After three knocks he heard shuffling and the dragging of feet, the door unlocked and slowly opened a crack revealing a puffy eyed Virgil. Roman felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he cleared his throat, when Virgil got a good look at him his eyes grew wide in surprise. “W-wha?” Before he could say anything more Roman began to sing.
“My dearest friend if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side,” Roman gave him a small smile, Virgil opened the door even more allowing the princely trait to step into his room, Roman took his hands into his own and arched a brow at him as if telling him that it was his turn to sing now.
Virgil rolled his eyes and felt a smile begin to form on his lips.
“Where we could gaze upon the stars.
And sit together, now and forever.
For it is plain as anyone could see...” Roman leaned down pressing his forehead against Virgil's and together they finished the song.
“We're simply meant to be.”
They looked into each others eyes and smiled. “I love you Virgil, I really do and I'm so sorry for making you wait.” Roman apologized and cupped Virgil's face in his hands. “Took you long enough.” Virgil snorted, and with that they both shared a kiss.
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