(Prinxiety) corpse groom 2
The corpse paced back and forth, his soon to be husband had fainted moments after they had kissed and now there they were, in the underworld with many other corpses and skeletons surrounding the breathing human who lied on his back on the ground. Virgil frowned. Was he really that bad? Was he a horrible kisser? He gasped and placed his skeletal hand over his mouth. Did his breath stink!?
He shook his head frantically and whined once more. "This is horrible.." He mumbled and fiddled with the tie of his worn suit. "Now don't fret dear." An old woman corpse walked, more like limped, over to him and took hold of his hands. "Now don't you worry, we don't want you worrying on the day of your wedding." She stated.
By then Roman had began to stir, Virgil rushed to his side. "Roman? Are you alright?" Virgil asked in a hushed tone. Roman groaned and squeezed his eyes before reopening them. "What?...What happened?" He looked around. "Where am I?" He asked and quickly sat up. "Looks like we got ourselves a breather!" A corpse exclaimed. A small skeleton appeared from the crowd and poked at him. "He's still soft." He stated.
"A toast, then." A skeleton ordered. "To the newlyweds." Roman scrambled to his feet and dusted himself off. "Newlyweds?" He questioned.
Virgil smiled and skipped over to him, gently taking hold of his arm. "In the woods, you said your vows so perfectly." He said proudly. "I did?" Roman whispered with furrowed brows. "I did." He groaned and tugged at his hair. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He shouted and tugged at his hair painfully. Corpses soon surrounded him again telling him that they'd help out with their wedding and whatnot which only made matters worse for him.
Roman pulled himself away from Virgil's grasp and backed away from them and took hold of a sword that was impaled through a skeleton. "Stay back! I've got a...." He trailed off as he stared at the short skeleton that he pointed towards the other beings. "A dwarf? And I'm not afraid to use him!" He threatened. "I want some questions. Now!" He demanded.
"Answers. I think you mean answers." The dwarf skeleton corrected him. "Thank you, yes, answers." Roman nodded. "What's going on here? Where am I? Who are you?" He stared at Virgil who timidly dropped his gaze. "Well, that's kind of a long story." He mumbled. "What a story it is." A skeleton agreed. The others turned their attention to face him. "A tragic tale of romance, passion..." He sighed. "...and murder most foul."
"Oh this is going to be good." A corpse stated giddily. Roman set down the dwarf as a song began to play. The skeleton urged everyone to hear and pay attention, as they sang Roman tried to look for an escape, as he walked around he heard the corpse grooms story. "Well, our boy was a beauty known for miles around." Roman couldn't help but pause and listen. "When a mysterious stranger came into town. He was plenty good looking, but down on his cash. And our little baby, he fell hard and fast." Virgil held a sad look, and Roman was beginning to feel sorry for the corpse.
"When his father said no he just couldn't cope, so our lovers came up with a plan to elope." When the others corpses began to sing Roman was caught within the crowd, eventually he was brought to the band of skeletons and was thrown, pushed, tugged, and twirled until finally he was left alone and the skeleton continued telling the story.
"So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night. They told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight." The skeleton walked over to Virgil and fixed up his worn tie. "Now his father's wedding tux fit like a glove, you don't need much when you're really in love." Virgil shifted away and held himself. "Except for a few things, or so I'm told. Like the family jewels and a satchel of gold." By then Roman knew something was wrong.
The air around him suddenly felt thick with sorrow and dread. "Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree, on a dark foggy night at a quarter to three. He was ready to go, but where was he?" Roman waited, now eager to know what happened. "And then?" The crowd around him asked curiously.
"He waited.." The skeleton stated and looked around the crowd.
"There in the shadows, was it his man?"
"And then?" The crowd questioned once more.
"His little heart beat so loud." He replied teasingly.
"And then?" This time, Roman whispered along with the crowd.
"And then, everything went black." The crowd gasped and Roman felt his heart drop. How could someone do such a thing to a young man who only wished for happiness?
"Now, when he opened his eyes he was dead as dust. His jewels were missing and his heart was bust." Virgil wiped at teary face and gave a small, glum smile. "So he made a vow lying under that tree, that he'd wait for his true love to come set him free. Always waiting for someone to come ask for his hand..." The crowd pushed Roman up to Virgil who timidly stood in front of him. "Then out of the blue comes this groovy young man who vows forever to stay by his side, and save him from his doom." Virgil held his hand out for Roman to take, the young man hesitantly took hold of his skeletal hand and together they spun around.
"And that's the story of our lovely corpse groom."
Roman yelped while Virgil laughed happily, a wide smile was plastered on his pale face. The male suddenly remembered where he was, and the fear from before returned in greater force than last time, he tugged away from the groom's grasp which resulted in him pulling off his whole hand. Roman gasped and quickly shook it off before he ran into the crowd and eventually found an exit.
He did not belong in the land of the dead, that much he knew.
Virgil looked around with a small frown and searched for his hand. "Must be the wedding jitters." He mumbled and sighed when a skeleton handed his hand back to him, Virgil smiled at him and reattached his hand. He gazed at the glistening ring and felt happiness rise within himself.
"Finally....I can be happy again."
He sighed and shook his head.
"Honestly, all he ever does is run away from me. But I do love a man who likes to play hard to get."
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