(Prinxiety) change my world
This was requested by FictionalBoysRock I'm sorry if it's a little late. I got a bit of writers block but I'm back! Also this one is a little long so I hope you enjoy!
The young boy watched from his window, dressed in rich silk cloths, groomed nicely and fed well, and resting on the top of his head was a crown encrusted with gems, jewels, rubies, and emeralds.
To say the least, he lived a life of luxury.
“Virgil! Virgil come on down! You have to rehearse for your speech.” Patton, one of the kings, called for him. The prince sighed and took a deep breath before heading out, as he ran down the halls he halted at a large window allowing him to gaze upon the gardens, the sun was rising, the sky was a beautiful gold and blue.
For a moment, Virgil took the time to appreciate what he had gained upon being adopted by the kings, he had a family, a roof over his head, a very grand roof, a nice big bed to sleep on, and nice hot meals on the table. Yet, he felt as though he were missing something, a hollowness rested in his chest, gaping, empty..
A hand slapped down on his shoulder, startling him greatly. “Virgil!” Patton breathed. “You'll be late for breakfast. Afterwards you will rehearse.” He told him and took his arm. Virgil huffed and allowed himself to be dragged off by his adoptive father. “Father, what if I'm not ready?” he said with a solemn tone. “Nonsense! You are special, you have potential, you will become a great king one day. I swear on it.” Patton assured the distressed prince.
Virgil scoffed with a roll of his eyes and soon found himself seated at a grand table, settled in between Patton and his other father, Logan, who had been waiting patiently for his arrival. “Good morning father.” Virgil greeted with a slight nod and nearly salivated at the plate in front of him, eggs and thick bread with a side of thick juicy sausages and sizzling bacon. His stomach growled upon the scent of the hearty meal and within a second he dug in as though he were a man who had been starved half to death.
When he had finished his meal he got up from his seat. “I would like to rehearse on my own if that's alright with you, ” he started. “I am put more at ease when I'm alone." He explained. “That's quite alright son! Why not go rehearse in the gardens? The fresh air will do you some good.” Patton suggested. Virgil gave him a small thankful smile and turned to Logan, waiting for his approval. Logan simply nodded and called for his plans. Virgil first ran to the library to gather his belongings, and then he made his way outside.
The sun was rising, the sky was a beautiful mixture of soft orange, gold, and blue. Virgil took a deep inhale, filling his lungs with the fresh air. The wind carded through his hair and tousled his soft brown locks. A smile played at the corners of his lips, he walked towards the gardens, a trail of rich earth led the way. Years ago he would have never had this, he would probably be dead in a ditch somewhere or dragged off by a pack of wild and hungry wolves. The thought of what could have been brought a chill up his spine, he shook his head and cleared his mind of any negative thoughts.
Instead he focused on his surroundings and smiled when he caught the strong scent of the flowers around him, a kaleidoscope of bright colors surrounded him. He was however taken aback when he saw a figure not that far away, he stopped suddenly in his tracks and squinted to try to get a better look at the person. They were...
Frail, and were dressed in torn and dirty clothes.
The prince took a moment to come up with a solution to this discovery, should he call for help? Perhaps a guard would do something about the boy, but suddenly he was softening as the boy kneeled down to catch a petal of a vibrant red rose between his fingers. His bruised face lit up and for a moment Virgil just watched as if he were a majestic animal, a deer perhaps, small yet elegant.
Mesmerized by the boy's presence alone Virgil continued his stroll, being extra cautious with each step he took, afraid that if he were to startle the boy then that'd be the last he'd see of him. When he was close enough to the boy he pondered on what to say, ever since he was a child he had always been timid, never one to chat so casually with others. Unluckily for him he never grew out of it, for this reason he found it very difficult when his father's told him that as a prince he had specific duties he had to fulfill, ones that required him to speak to large crowds.
Yet again, this was only a mere boy, he didn't compare to a large audience, surely talking to him wouldn't be that difficult. Virgil licked his dry lips and opened his mouth, “H-hello?” he quietly greeted with an awkward wave, in an instant the boy jumped and scrambled away from the struggling prince who immediately apologized to him. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, ah my name is Virgil. I was coming down here to rehearse and couldn't help but notice that you were admiring the gardens. The flowers are beautiful aren't they?” he gave a shaky laugh.
The boy stood his ground and held himself in a protective manner, his eyes reminded Virgil of the rich soil beneath his feet, they were beautiful. The blush in his cheeks resembled powdered pink roses, and his hair was perfect waves of brown and chestnut. Virgil took a step forward, the boy took a staggering step back, Virgil paused and held his hands up, to show that he meant no harm. “I won't hurt you, I rarely get any visitors, and I don't really have friends. I just thought maybe, if you'd like, we can just talk?” he suggested.
The boy's tense posture relaxed and he gave the prince a cautious look. Virgil smiled at him and sat down, his hands lowered to rest on his lap. “I'll stay here then okay? You don't have to join me.” He reassured and pulled out his speech, his eyes scanned the words, squinting as he tried to make out the elegant letters that came from the hand of his father, Logan, for a righteous king he sure did have a liking to calligraphy.
The boy settled himself onto the ground and sat crisscrossed beneath the shade of the tree towering over him. He watched as Virgil read and couldn't help but notice the little features on his face, like how his brow furrowed and his forehead creased, or how he bit down on his lip as he concentrated. And soon enough he found himself nearing the young prince, Virgil watched from the corner of his eye as the boy came closer and closer until he was so close Virgil could reach out to hold his hand if he wanted to.
The boy looked up and tilted his head. “What's that?” he pointed at Virgil's head, the prince frowned and looked up. “My crown?” he questioned, the boy nodded. Virgil took off his crown and set it on his lap, on top of his speech. “I'm a prince, I live in the castle with my fathers. When I wear this crown I am looked upon by the people as a symbol of power wealth.” He glared at the crown. “But I'm not all that, they don't know I'm a fraud. I'm not of royal blood, I'm not...” he trailed off and sighed.
The boy gave him a sympathetic look. “What's that have to do? What really matters is if the king is kind, trustworthy, empathetic, and fair.” He told the distressed prince. Virgil smiled at him, feeling an odd twinge in his chest. “I never got your name.” He stated. The boy flinched and dropped his gaze. “It's...” he hesitated before answering. “It's Roman.” He mumbled bashfully. “It's a pleasure to meet you Roman, now how in the world did you get in here? If I'm not mistaken, the gardens were a private place.” Virgil told him.
Roman flushed pink and pulled at the grass. “I burrowed beneath the gates.” Virgil looked down at Roman's damaged hands and quietly gasped. “Are you in pain? I can take you to my place—” Roman quickly shook his head. “I like it better here.” He replied. “Besides, I'm not in any serious pain. I'm okay.” He assured. Virgil nodded, yet still uneasy and concerned, but he later dismissed it seeing as how Roman did not seem to be in any real pain.
Roman admired the glistening crown that rested on Virgil's lap. The prince smiled at him and carefully handed the crown over to the boy who tensed up as the crown as placed into his hands. “W-what are you doing!?” he stammered fearfully. “It's alright, a shiny crown isn't what defines me.” Virgil shrugged, Roman pursed his lips and gazed down at the crown. Virgil watched him as he caressed the gems and traced his finger along the patterns that were carved within the crown.
“If you want, I can make you a crown.” Virgil offered, Roman perked up and settled his gaze on Virgil who smiled kindly at him. “Can you?” Roman questioned. Virgil nodded and scooted closer to the rose bush they sat across from, carefully he picked the roses and plucked off the many thorns of the stems. Roman watched intently, his eyes widened with interest. Soon enough Virgil had weaved a crown of roses for the boy. “There you go, now you can be a prince too. As the prince of the kingdom, I deem you prince of the gardens.” With that Virgil settled the crown upon Roman's head.
The boy visibly beamed and Virgil could've sworn that at the same moment, his heart skipped a beat and his cheeks became flushed, it felt as though they were set aflame. Roman smiled charmingly, Virgil took many mental pictures and kept them safe within the chambers of his mind, promising himself to keep such a beautiful sight to remember. “Young prince!” a voice called for him, ruining the time he was spending with Roman. “The guards, Roman if they find you here they'll punish you, you must go! Hurry!” Virgil scrambled to his feet, pulling Roman up with him, and took his crown from his hands.
Roman was so overwhelmed by fear he had forgotten where he was for a moment. “W-will I be able to see you again?” he asked anxiously as Virgil ushered him to leave. “Next week, same day, same time.” Virgil replied quickly. Roman nodded and within seconds was digging his way out of the garden and back into his horrible reality, everything that once was colorful disappeared from his sight and was instead replaced by bleak, gray colors.
The crown resting on his head was set askew during his escape, but it was still intact, he took the delicate crown into his hands and admired the bright, vibrant colors. He smiled.
He still had some color in his sad, colorless life.
Ever since that day, both boys had come up with a routine, each week, on every Friday right after breakfast they would meet in the gardens in private and just talk.
Sometimes they'd talk about hobbies, or books.
Other times they'd talk about their family life or what they planned for the future.
And before either of them knew it, they had unexpectedly fallen in love.
Unexpectedly? Yeah right, It was destined to be the first time Virgil laid eyes on Roman.
For a while, both boys were oblivious to it. And yet, they were so close, inhumanly close, so much so that if one of them were in pain, the latter would also be in pain. Of course they never realized their love for each other until that faithful day, when Roman hadn't arrived.
It was unlike him to miss a day, he was never late, always on time, sometimes even early. But, this day was different.
When Virgil finished his hearty breakfast and eagerly made his way to the gardens he was shocked when he caught no sight of his dear friend. Roman was nowhere in sight, and that greatly worried the prince.
Where had Roman gone?
Surely he was okay, right? There was a logical explanation as to why he hadn't shown up, Virgil had decided to shake off his initial fear and told himself that perhaps Roman had a family emergency, of course. Just a family emergency...
Three weeks passed. Still, no Roman.
Virgil was petrified as he stood alone in the gardens. What happened to Roman? Where in the world was he?
Was he ill?
Or perhaps...
He was hurt?
The thought of Roman being in any type of pain brought a terrible ache to his chest. At that moment Virgil made a risky decision, he was going to search the village, he was going to find Roman at any cost. Even if it cost him his life. He removed his crown and set it on a bed of purple daisies. He followed Roman's usual escape route and braced himself to face the outside world.
He dug beneath the gates and grunted as he crawled out into the streets, he quietly gasped as he witnessed the events going on around him. People roamed the streets, some wealthy, some poor, women and men of all ages walked throughout the busy streets. Children played along the sidewalk while others were isolated, curled up in boxes and dressed in nothing but worn rags.
Suddenly, Virgil felt out of place, for he was a boy, dressed in colorful clothing while everyone else wore bland colors.
He was a blazing phoenix within a flock of crows.
He picked himself up off the ground and dusted himself off. “I sure do hope my fathers don't get upset.” He murmured softly and looked around. He remembered when Roman had explained to him about the world he lived in, he always talked as though it were a paradise, always speaking of the good times, never talking about the bad times. And now as Virgil walked through the busy streets he was starting to question whether or not Roman lied about his true life outside of the gardens.
Virgil ignored the many stared given to him, his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment but he ignored it, he couldn't afford to give up his search now. He was already breaking the rules his father had set up for him, the crowded streets were too much for him, people shoved and pushed him, some stepped on his shoes while others nearly tripped him over. Of course he was cut short when he collided with a much smaller person, of course with a great impact he and the person fell and landed to the ground. Virgil hissed and winced as he sat up, in front of him sat a young boy, pressing a hand against his head. “Oww...” he whined. “Hey watch where you're going you!—” the boy gasped, his eyes widened as he met with Virgil's gaze.
The boy quickly scrambled to his feet. “Y-you're the prince.” He stated and pointed at him. Virgil quickly shook his head and got to his feet. “No! No, I'm not.” He defended with a desperate look in his eyes. The boy, who immediately understood, nodded. “Sorry, ah what brings you here?” He asked in a hushed tone despite them both standing in a large crowd.
As Virgil further examined the boy he couldn't help but notice that he looked a lot like Roman, he had specific features that resembled those of Roman. “I'm sorry, this may be an odd question but do you know a boy named Roman?” he questioned. The child perked up at the mention of Roman's name. “That's my big brother! I can take you to him.” He offered and immediately took Virgil's hand, without having a say of his own the prince allowed himself to be dragged off by the hyperactive child. “I never got your name.” Virgil told the child.
“Oh yeah, it's Remy! It's a pleasure to meet you young prince.” He grinned up at him. Virgil smiled and dodged the many people as they ran through the large crowd. Eventually they slowed their pace as they reared into an almost empty alleyway, vacant makeshift homes littered the empty street, all but one. At the farthest end of the alley, a small, comfy house was built, in shambles but still standing. “That's where I live with Roman and my other brothers.” Remy explained as they stood in front of the house. Remy released his hand and knocked at the door. “Guys it's me Remy!” he called out.
Virgil could hear quiet shuffling and the rattling of locks before the door creaked open revealing a smaller child who beamed upon seeing Remy. “Remy! You're back.” The child giggled and immediately wrapped his arms around the taller boy. “Yeah, I brought a guest, he's here to see Roman.” Remy explained to his younger brother who gazed up at the pretty looking prince who in return gave him a kind smile that warmed him up inside.
The boy suddenly grew solemn, he whimpered and hugged Remy tighter. “He's taking care of Demitri...” he said in a hushed tone, his throat was tight with fear. “He's getting sicker, his fever went up this morning and he won't eat.” Tears welled up in his chocolate brown eyes. Virgil felt his chest tighten as he sympathized with the child. “Hey, he'll be alright Picani, don't worry okay? He'll be better in no time. I promise.” Remy eased his little brother of his worries and stepped inside, inviting the prince in as soon as he entered.
“I'll take you to Roman. But you must be quiet, our brother is very ill you see. He was in an accident and was really hurt, ever since then Roman's been taking care of him.” Remy explained as he held Picani's hand. Virgil was led to a small room and waited as Remy quietly knocked at the door, a weak voice replied from the other side. Remy nodded to Virgil and left to console his stressed brother. The prince took a breath before allowing himself to enter, as soon as he did he was met with a worrying sight.
Roman sat on a small bed, holding a sleeping child in his arms, he looked exhausted and ill, sweat beaded his temple and dark bags rested under his eyes. When he looked towards him he gasped and complied on whether or not to jump up, Virgil beat him to it, overwhelmed by his emotions he launched himself at the boy and wrapped him in a tight embrace. “You idiot, you scared me half to death, do you have any idea how terrified I was?” he scolded the boy.
Roman chuckled. “I'm sorry, there was an emergency and I may have lost track of time.” He explained in an apologetic tone. Virgil released him from the embrace and gazed down at the child in Roman's arms, he was in pain, his face was pinched and contorted with it. One half of his face was damaged, barely healing as Virgil saw the bright pink skin, obviously burned. “Factory accident, he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Roman explained as he carefully ran his fingers through the boy's hair.
Virgil frowned. “Have you taken him to a doctor? He needs proper treatment, if he doesn't he can....” Virgil trailed off and swallowed the lump in his throat. “I've tried, but they kicked us out. They don't help the poor, they just leave us to die.” Roman spat out, a raging fire was set ablaze in his eyes. One that allowed Virgil to feel just how enraged Roman was, he could feel the licks of fire against his cheek, and for a moment they burned and stung until Virgil realized that they were not flames, but tears dripping down his cheeks.
Roman's gaze softened and the fire within his eyes were distinguished, only to be replaced by pools of sorrow. “I apologize, I'm just frightened Virgil. He's my brother, I can't lose him.” His voice dripped with pain. An ideas suddenly came go Virgil's mind. “The castle, we have doctors who can help him.” He stated. “They won't help us Virgil, we're nothing to them. We're the dirt beneath their shoes.” Roman mumbled.
“Well to me your not.” Virgil claimed. “Roman, you wouldn't believe the pain I felt during your absence. I cried for you, prayed for you to return. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, Roman to me you are the sun that lights up my world.” He smiled lovingly at the boy. “To me, you're everything.”
Roman felt his heart swell, Virgil's words struck him and left him nearly breathless. “Virgil. Thank you, thank you so much.” He breathed. The prince once again embraced him and ushered him to get up. “We must go. I may have broken a few rules...” and then, as if just on cue, sirens went off. Officers yelled through the town claiming that the young prince had been kidnapped. Virgil groaned and slumped his shoulders. “Great, just great!” He grumbled angrily. “What will we do now? They'll raid the whole town for me, they'll drag me away from you and I'll be forced to be locked away in my room. I've ruined everything.” He scolded himself.
Roman laid his little brother on the bed and went over to console the anxious prince. “Don't fret Virgil, we can always disguise you.” He stated, Virgil lifted a brow. “Disguise?”
Soon enough Virgil found himself walking through the streets dressed in worn clothes, his hair was messy and matted with dirt, and for extra measures Remy and Picani both smudged his face with dirt and added a few extra rips to his clothing. Roman walked beside him, clutching his sick brother to his chest, the other two siblings were close behind them. “Through the gardens, I'll go in first to check for guards alright?” Virgil looked up at Roman who nodded in agreement, yet he seemed to be elsewhere, lost in his thoughts.
As soon as they arrived towards the secret entrance leading to the gardens Virgil took Roman's free hand. “Roman, I don't know what will happen from here on out, but I want you to know that I love you.” He said, Roman felt his heart tug, as though it were leaping in joy. “I love you too Virgil, I always have.” With that he leaned down and pressed a kiss against his soft lips. When they parted ways Virgil gave him one last look before entering through the small tunnel.
Virgil grunted as he crawled through and eventually found his way back at the gardens, his crown was gone, no one was in sight. He sighed and leaned down toward the opening of the tunnel. “The coast is clear, hand over Demitri, be cautious of his wounds.” He instructed, seconds passed and before he knew it he was pulling Demitri out of the tunnel, the child whispered and leaned against Virgil's chest. The prince wrapped his arms protectively around his frail frame and soothingly rubbed his back, trying to ease him from the pain he was in.
Soon after Roman and the others were with him, all unscathed and wide-eyed, Virgil carefully handed Demitri back to Roman. “I'll make sure they don't hurt you. Just stay close to me.” He told them and made his way towards the castle, his home. Seeing it again he compared it to Roman's home, and it wasn't fair. He slept on a grand bed while Roman and his siblings slept on a small mattress, he had grand meals every day while Roman struggled to put food on the table for each and every one of his brothers.
He was accepted by all, while Roman and many others were pushed aside and left to die as if they were animals.
It wasn't fair.
Virgil found a new type of determination welling up inside of him. He wanted everything to change.
He stomped into the castle, the others lagged behind him. It wasn't long before Virgil caught the sound of faint crying, cries that resembled those of his father's, Patton. Virgil made his way to the main hall, and sure enough both his fathers were there, pacing the floor, panicking. Virgil halted and lifted his hand, gesturing for Roman and his small family to stay put.
He swallowed back his fear and took a step forward. “Fathers, I've returned.” He announced nonchalantly, his expression plain. “Virgil!” Patton cried and immediately ran to embrace his son. “Oh my goodness you scared us all! Where did you go? Why did you leave!?” he blubbered. “Father I'm alright, besides I wasn't gone for that long.” Virgil mumbled. Patton released him from the right embrace and scanned him over. “What...what are you wearing?” He asked with a tilt of his head. Logan joined them, a relieved smile tugged at his lips. “Fathers I have a concern that I'd like to address.” Virgil stated.
Logan suddenly tensed and in an instant rushed his husband and son behind him. “Intruders!” He yelled, Virgil took his arm. “No! They're with me father, they mean no harm I promise you.” He quickly explained and stood in front of Logan, his arms outstretched, he acted as a shield to protect Roman and his brothers. “Please, they need help. A child father,” Virgil looked toward Patton. “A child may die if we don't hurry.” He stated. Patton quietly gasped and took hold of Logan's arm.
Virgil waved Roman over and slowly, cautiously, he along with his brothers revealed themselves to the kings. “My kings, my brother is very ill, he was in an accident and the doctors wouldn't help us. Please, I cannot lose him, he's just a child, he's part of my family.” Roman begged as his brothers silently cried. Both kings grew soft upon examining the small, broken family. “We will help you. Please, follow me.” Logan urged them to follow him. Roman looked over to Virgil who gave him a reassuring nod in response.
Roman was able to breathe.
Everything was going to be okay.
Virgil fidgeted as Roman helped adjust his cape. “I don't know about this, it's the whole town. There's no way I can speak to so many people at once.” He explained wearily. “Nonsense, you'll do fine, besides just think about how many lives you'll save by giving this speech. I believe in you Virgil.” Roman stood in front of him and smiled down at the beautiful prince. “I don't know if I ever told you this but you look rather dashing in red and white.” Virgil snickered. Roman rolled his eyes and leaned down to press a kiss to Virgil's cheek.
When he pulled back he was met with a pouting prince. “What's the matter?” Roman questioned. “You missed.” Virgil huffed. “Wha—” Virgil tugged at Roman's sash and pulled him down so that their lips connected. When they once again parted Virgil smiled to himself. “There you go, I'll be on my way then.” He hummed happily. But right before he could leave, three children rushed in, dressed in nice clothes and hair neatly done. “Virgil, Patton is calling for you, he says it's almost time.” Remy explained while Picani hung off his shoulder. Demitri stood beside them, a small blush dusted over his cheeks.
Virgil smiled. “I'm on my way.” He assured and turned back around to look at Roman.
“Yes?” Roman hummed.
“Thank you, for being a part my world.” He sighed.
Roman smiled.
“Thank you for changing mine.”
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