(No ship/ father son Moxiety) for him 2
Remy sighed as he looked through the old photo albums, his nephew sat on his lap pointing at pictures of the people he knew, and then Remy flipped to another picture. The small five year old child curiously eyed the photo of his smiling father, another man was there with him, kissing his cheek. They looked happy, fulfilled, prepared, and at peace. Remy quietly gasped and made a move to flip the page, but a small hand took his wrist to stop him. Virgil looked up at his uncle and slightly tilted his head to the side. “Sweetie I think it's best if you ask your dad.” Remy said and pulled out the photo from the album and held it out for the child to take. Virgil took the photo into his small hands and carefully hopped off Remy's lap, his feet made small patters as he ran to his father's room and saw him sitting at the bed, reading a book.
Virgil huffed and set the photo down on the bed before he tapped on the bed to get his dad's attention. Patton jumped but smiled when he saw his son reaching out for him with small hands, the man chuckled as he set his book down and lifted Virgil onto the bed, settling him on his lap. “Hey kiddo, what's wrong?” He questioned as he pressed a kiss to his temple. The child shifted in his lap and pointed at the photo that lied on the edge of the bed, Patton frowned and took the photo. Virgil placed the tip of his thumb on his chin with his index finger extended and then he bended his index finger twice. Patton felt a tug at his heart. “Oh kiddo.” He mumbled and pulled him to his chest. “That's my husband. If he were here he would have been your daddy too.” He explained with a small, sad smile.
Virgil lifted his head and pouted. He placed the thumb of his right hand against his forehead, his hand open, and an eyebrow arched upward. Patton nodded. “Yes. Dad.” He confirmed. Virgil lit up and then made the sign for the letter F with each of his small hands, making a circle with his thumb and index finger and extending his other three fingers. Patton fought back the urge to cry and instead nodded. “He can be part of our family if you want him to.” He replied with a tight throat feeling as though a hand were wrapped around his throat and squeezing it tight.
Virgil beamed happily and wrapped his small, short arms around his father, earning himself a hug in return. He then pulled back and took the photo from his father's grip. He pointed at the picture of Logan and then held his hand in front of him and pivoted the hand side to side a couple of times. He was asking...
Where was his other father?
Patton was suddenly disheartened. Virgil was too young to know the truth, it was too soon. Even so, he knew he'd have to tell him sooner or later, so with a heavy heart he lifted his hands above his head, his right flat hand passed under his left hand and continued up. Virgil seemed to understand, he knew that sign, the same sign the lady had given to him after he was taken to the hospital after being in a car crash.
The same crash that had killed both his parents, of course he couldn't understand at first, he was but a terrified two year old wanting nothing more but to be held by his mother. But as he grew and learned more sign, he understood more.
Virgil cuddled up against his obviously saddened father and clutched onto his shirt.
His other daddy was in heaven.
Patton tried his hardest not to cry, he knew that if Virgil saw him cry, he would cry too. And Patton did not want that, he wanted his son to be happy no matter what. Even though the toughest of times. “He was an amazing person kiddo, oh how I wish he were here to see you and hold you, and play with you and....” He trailed off.
“And watch you grow.” He whispered.
Virgil softly nudged his shoulder and with both of his hands, palms facing down and fingers together, pointing the tips toward his chest, he moved both hands in unison as if he were opening wings.
Patton nodded in agreement. “I guess, he really is watching you grow.” He stated and stroked his mess of brown hair. Virgil leaned against the comforting touch and smiled at his father, flashing him those big doe like eyes at him. Patton squealed and pulled him into a tight hug. “What did I ever do to deserve you?” He mumbled and peppered his face with various kisses.
Virgil returned the tight hug with half the strength and rested his head against Patton's chest, his cheek and ear pressed over his beating heart. Patton lied down on his bed with his arms loosely yet securely wrapped around his sleepy child who dozed on and off on top of him. He ran his fingers through his scalp, the child quietly sighed in content, feeling a small smile tug at his lips. Patton then hummed a soft lullaby, while rhythmically stroking his hair and running his fingers down his back, repeating the motions for a while until his child finally drifted off.
And for a moment Patton just watched his son sleep, he nearly squealed as his small little kitten like nose twitched and his small hands were balled up into his shirt, in one hand he clutched onto the photo of his parents. His chest rose and fell softly with each breath he took. Patton pulled a blanket over themselves and pressed a kiss on the top of his head. “Sleep well kitten.” He whispered sweetly to his child and allowed himself to drift off.
The sound of soft squealing was heard as Roman gathered as many pictures as he could of the sweet moment.
And let's just say, the next day, the picture Roman posted on every of his social media had become viral.
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