(Logicality) I won't hurt you
⚠ Trigger warning ⚠ mentions of abuse, there's a pretty heated argument, and cursing.
Patton and Logan had been together for a year now, they both met at a hospital. Logan had a broken leg from being in the way of a soccer practice at a park and Patton had a cast and a bruised cheek, he had supposedly fell down from a flight of stairs, with that information Logan immediately fell in love with him and wanted so badly to protect him, seeing as how clumsy he seemed to be.
And sure enough they hit it off as soon as they were released from the hospital and they have been together ever since. Of course they weren't the most perfect couple, sometimes they had their bad days. Like today.
Patton had accidentally ruined Logan's important papers for work, he had been making coffee and didn't notice the papers on the table, so when he set his mug down on the table top he poured the steaming coffee and ended up burning himself, he winced and his hands jolted. The coffee sloshed and soaked the papers. Patton's roommate, Virgil, had been there with his boyfriend at the time of the accident.
At the same time Logan entered and his blood boiled as soon as he saw the mess that became of all his hard work. He had stayed up for weeks just to complete the work. With all the stress, exhaustion, and fatigue he had bottled within himself, the anger finally tipped him over. “Patton!” He yelled, Patton jumped back and almost threw his hands over his ears. Logan ran to the table to try to save what was left, the soaked papers tore in his hands and he bit his lip to try to calm himself.
He turned around and Patton shrunk beneath his gaze. “Do you have any idea how long I worked on those!?” He shouted. “I spent night and day to make sure these papers were perfect! Now they're ruined.” Virgil quickly got up, Roman following behind him. “They can't be that important...” Patton mumbled. Logan's face flushed red. “Not that important!? These papers would've gotten me a better pay, a raise, now it's all ruined!” He argued.
Patton took a cautious step back. “y-you can always print them out again.” He stammered. “No. I can't. I made these by hand, why do you think I stayed up all this time?” Logan groaned. “Why are you always so clumsy!?” Logan threw his hands up.
Patton gasped and flinched. Hard.
He lifted his arms up to cover his face and squeezed his eyes shut. Bracing himself.
Virgil snapped and he immediately ran up to Logan and shoved him. Roman kept his distance, not wanting to make things any worse.
Logan stumbled back and looked at Virgil with a quizzical expression. The dark persona gritted his teeth and balled his hands into tight fists. Logan peered over his shoulder and saw the state Patton was in. Trembling, holding a tense posture, his arms up in defense.
Logan felt pain rip at his chest.
He messed up.
He walked up to Virgil. The male glared up at him. “How fucking dare you yell at him.” He spat. “Do you have any fucking clue what you just did? Do you know why he was at the hospital where you guys first met?” He questioned icily.
Logan frowned. “He fell from a flight of stairs.” He replied.
Virgil scoffed. “You're not his first boyfriend. But you are the first one that didn't hurt him. And I think we both know what I mean.” He growled.
Logan felt his heart shatter in his chest, it cut up his innards and made his stomach churn painfully. He pushed past Virgil and gently took hold of Patton's shoulders. The trembling male cried beneath his touch. “Please don't!” He begged. Virgil took a step forward but Roman immediate stopped him and shook his head. Logan had to fix this on his own. Virgil sighed and the couple left the two alone.
Logan shushed his frightened boyfriend and pulled him into a tight embrace. “It's okay love, it's just me Logan, I won't hurt you. I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry love I didn't mean to scare you.” He whispered to him as he stroked his hair and pressed him hard against his chest.
Patton trembled and wheezed violently in his arms, his tears soaked his shirt and his fingers clutched to his shirt. “I won't ever hurt you, and no one is going to hurt you ever again. I promise.” Logan cooed and pressed a kiss to his temple. Patton coughed a couple of times, trying to regulate his breathing. Logan rubbed his back soothingly. “Come on dear, calm down. I need you to breathe for me. It's okay. You're safe.” He reassured.
Patton nodded and pressed his face against Logan's shirt, he took deep stuttering breaths. Logan stroked his hair and hummed. “I'm so sorry, this is not your fault I understand it was an accident. You're okay.” He whispered. Soon Patton had calmed down, he was still trembling, but other than that he was okay. “I'm sorry Logan. I didn't mean to...” Patton started. Logan shushed him and shook his head. “It wasn't your fault. And it doesn't matter anymore, what matters is you, you are the only person I care about. And nothing will ever change that.” Logan explained in a matter-of-fact tone.
Patton sighed and leaned against him, resting his head against his shoulder. His hands still gripping onto him as if his life depended on it. “Are you okay now darling?” Logan asked in a hushed tone. Patton nodded slowly, his cheeks still flushed from crying. Logan scooped him up and transported them to his room where he lied down with him still imprisoned within his arms, Patton curled closer into him and breathed. “I'm sorry for keeping my past relationship a secret.” He apologized guiltily.
Logan turned on his side, now facing Patton to the point where their noses almost touched. “It's okay, the past doesn't matter anymore, right now is what matters. Being here with you matters.” He claimed. Patton smiled softly at him and raised his hand to caress his cheek. Logan tugged him closer and hugged him tight. “I should have never yelled at you.” He muttered. Patton didn't respond, instead he leaned tiredly against him and sighed. “Virgil was pretty scary.” He said afterwards which earned him a few quiet giggles.
Logan felt his heart swell in his chest, it hurt, but in a good way. Of course he would later ask Virgil who Patton's ex was to go and give him the beating he deserved, but for now he needed to be there for Patton, keep him safe and happy. Away from any harm or danger. “I'm sorry.” Logan repeated, the words flying out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Patton tensed, wrapped his arms tightly around his torso, and buried his face in his chest.
“It's okay.” He said, voice muffled.
“You didn't hit me.”
Logan felt his skin prickle and his blood run cold. His anger boiled and buzzed but he kept calm for Patton's sake. So, he took a breath and stroked Patton's hair soothingly, tucking a few strands behind his ear. After taking notice of his trembling and irregular breathing that returned he took hold of his hand and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “Just hold my hand,” He whispered. “You're going to be okay.”
“I swear my life on it.”
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