(Logicality) becoming human
Objective: Serve dinner.
Logan looked around, the LED on his temple glowing a soft yellow before it settled to a neutral blue. He looked down at the plate of steaming lasagna and carefully picked it up, his palm rested underneath the scalding plate. Carefully, he made his way to a grand table and set the plate in front of a chair, he then proceeded to set the silverware down and served a crisp glass of water.
New objective: Call Thomas.
He made his way to his masters room and softly knocked on the door. “Who is it?” A voice called from the other side of the door. “Your dinner is ready, I have completed my tasks for today.” Logan announced. There was a loud sigh and then the sound of dragging feet, the door clicked open and revealed a tired looking man. “Has Roman eaten yet?” He asked as he trudged out of his room. “Yes, and he has taken care of his personal hygiene and I have tucked him into bed.” Logan replied nonchalantly.
“Any news?” Thomas yawned and rubbed away the sleep from his eyes. “There has been countless reports of Android's going deviant. Today the president of the United States has answered questions of people's concerns.” Logan explain as he pulled the dining chair out for Thomas. “What else is new?” Thomas mumbled mostly to himself and began to eat as soon as he sat down.
Logan stood by him, his hands clasped behind his back. “Logan,” Thomas started. “What do you think about the deviants?” He asked, suddenly curios about his Android's opinion. Logan slightly frowned upon being asked. “I am afraid I can not answer that. I am only useful when it comes to home assistance.” He stated. Thomas sighed and shook his head. “Do you purposely dodge my questions?” Logan slightly tilted his head to the side. “I do not understand.” He admitted.
“Nevermind.” Thomas huffed and waved him off. Logan turned away and walked to the living room, he looked around and analyzed the room to check if there was anything for him to do.
Logan had been with Thomas and his son, Roman, for 9 years. The boy was 10 at the moment and Thomas 29. He was a good owner, he never inflicted violence upon Logan. He never treated him badly or verbally abused him. He treated Logan like he were part of the family, sure there were a few restrictions, but other than that Logan lived peacefully with the small family.
Fast and desperate knocking suddenly erupted from the front door interrupting Thomas from his meal. “Logan, please check who it is.” He pleaded with a look of concern. Logan nodded and went up to the door, with great caution he opened it revealing a frightened looking man with a small trembling boy behind him. “P-please, I need to speak with Thomas Sanders.” The man was a few inches shorter than Logan, thick framed glasses rested on his nose, his mocha eyes were wide and filled with desperation. Faint freckles dotted his pale cheeks.
“Thomas, you are wanted.” Logan called out, feeling something odd well up within him...
Perhaps, he thought, he was going through a system instability. Maybe a circuit was cut or his functions were malfunctioning. He didn't know why, but he was quickly cut off of his worried thoughts when Thomas arrived. “Thomas! You may not know me but, someone said you can help us. Please, we just need a place to take cover for the night.” The man pleaded.
Thomas paled at his words and looked over at the small child behind the male. “Is he...human?” He questioned. “Yes, he'll catch a fever if we don't find a warm place to stay, I swear only one night and we'll be gone first thing in the morning.” The man was practically begging. Thomas pursed his lips and nodded. “Come on in.” He ordered Logan to open the door wider allowing the man and the child to enter.
The man wore clothes that were way too big on him, and the child wore a hoodie. “What's your name?” Thomas asked as he led them to the living room. “My name is Patton, and this is Virgil.” Patton replied shakily. “Logan, bring some towels for these two, and some of Roman's clothes for Virgil.” Thomas ordered.
Logan's LED flashed a quick yellow before turning back to its original blue.
Objective: Bring towels for Patton and Virgil.
Bring Virgil a change of clothes.
“On it.” He said and walked over to the restroom, there he grabbed two large towels. After that he walked upstairs and quietly entered Roman's room where the child was sleeping peacefully. Logan carefully searched through the drawers and grabbed a full outfit for Virgil before he took his leave.
When he returned to the living room Patton sat on the couch holding Virgil's hand. “I've brought what you requested.” Logan claimed and handed the towels and clothes over to Thomas who then handed them over to Patton. “Thank you.” He gave a small smile before proceeding to dry Virgil off and then himself. “Why are you running?” Thomas asked curiously. “Virgil's father was abusing him, I had to protect him and keep him safe. I couldn't let that man hurt my kiddo again..” Patton explained in a low glum tone.
“Is that what...” Thomas hesitated before finishing his sentence. “Is that what caused you to go deviant?”
Logan froze and watched for Patton's reaction. “...Yes.” He whispered and wrapped the towel around Virgil's shoulders. “If you'd like you can sleep in our guest room. And Logan is always here to take your requests.” Thomas nodded over to his Android who was standing beside him. “Right...” Patton looked uncomfortable as he eyed Logan. He looked so...so dull, and lifeless. Even so, he looked hopeful.
Logan's brown eyes were dark and cold. His posture was straight and the clothes he wore were the usual outfits for Androids. There engraved on the fabric of his shirt above his right breast read AP400 and on the left a glowing blue triangle. And wrapped neatly around the arm of his sweater coat was a large glowing blue band. “Logan, introduce yourself.” Thomas urged.
Logan looked at him, his LED flickered, and then he turned his attention back to Patton. “Greetings, I am Logan, model AP400 designed for home assistance.” He held his hand out. Patton nearly giggled at such formality. It was something like him. Like the old him...“Patton, nice to meet you.” He grinned and gently took hold of Logan's hand.
That's when it happened.
A spark of some sort, and before they could do anything Logan was seeing images, memories, and Patton could see Logan's own memories. Memories that Logan didn't know he had flashed across his vision. At that moment Logan's LED flashed a violent red before he jerked his hand away, his breathing now uneven. Patton jumped back and pulled a worried Virgil close to him. “I-I...” Logan backed away, nearly tripping over his own feet. “Logan? What's wrong? What happened?” Thomas jumped to his feet.
Logan flinched back, his eyes filled with something Thomas never thought he would see.
“I apologize, I must—” He paused. “I must leave you alone. Please Patton, Virgil, get a good rest.” He straightened his tie and cleared his throat before leaving.
Well attempting to leave. “No, Logan, stay.” Thomas demanded in a pleading tone. Logan immediately stopped in his tracks, his stress level at an abnormal rate. “I must leave Thomas.” He said shakily. “Daddy?” A small voice was heard from the bottom of the stairs. Thomas turned his attention to his son who now looked at Virgil who in return clung to Patton's arm.
This was Logan's chance to leave, he took a step, but then he found that he could not move.
In front of him was a glowing red warning wall that held Logan's objective.
He pursed his lips feeling a strong force hold him back. He needed to leave. He needed to calm himself down before things got out of hand, he looked around once again, panic setting in. He took another step, feeling like he was slamming against a wall, but this time he decided to tear down the wall in front of him. It was like his inner conscious was tearing it down with incredible strength, it crashed against another wall and then it pulled down the final one.
With that he lunged forward, almost losing his footing. His eyes went wide and he curiously looked around, he then looked toward Patton who gaped. “Logan you..” Thomas froze in his spot, his hands grasping onto Roman's shoulders. “I'm sorry...” Logan whispered before fleeing, he stumbled over his own feet, his mind scattered. Not knowing where to go or what to do he decided to go outside and ran to the backyard.
The harsh rain had instantly soaked him, his clothes clung uncomfortably to his body and his hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks. And, he was shivering. When he made it to the shed he paced around, his arms were crossed over his chest, and his teeth almost chattered. It took him a while to finally calm himself down, and when he did someone entered the shed.
It was Patton, wearing a large jacket, and a small, sad smile on his face. “Hey Logan, how are you feeling?” He asked. Logan frowned. “I don't know what I'm feeling. I didn't even know I could feel until now...” He answered truthfully. Patton sighed and nodded in agreement. “I understand, you must feel confused, and scared. But it'll be okay, I promise.” He took a step closer to him. “How do you know?” Logan question.
Patton stopped in his tracks and tugged at the hem of his shirt, seemingly reluctant and unsure. “....because.” He started, and then trailed off. His mouth was pressed to a thin line and his forehead was creased with worry. His LED flashed a dull yellow. He took a breath and nodded once more to reassure himself before he parted his lips to speak. “Because, this isn't the first time this has happened to you...”
Logan gave Patton a confused look. “How is that possible? I've been with Thomas for 9 years and not once have I gone deviant.” He protested in his defense. Patton gave him an apologetic look in return and proceeded to walk up to him. “No, we met way before you were given to Thomas. We were...” He dropped his gaze. “It doesn't matter now, what matters is your safety.”
Logan was curious to what Patton was hiding. “You have something else to say. It's troubling you. What were we? If you don't not mind me asking.” Patton bit on his lip, it looked like he was trying hard not to cry. “Your hand.” He said and extended his hand out. Logan looked down at his palm and then met his gaze again. “Trust me.” Patton reassured.
Logan eased his tense posture and slowly took hold of his hand which surprisingly to him, was warm and comforting. Patton smiled and removed the skin of both his and Logan's hand. The logical android quietly gasped and nearly pulled back from the touch, but when Patton leaned closer to him he stopped. “What are you—” Patton stood on his toes and with his free hand he cupped the back of Logan's neck and pressed their foreheads together.
Images flashed in Logan's mind, memories, Patton was in most of them.
It all came back to him at once.
It was three years after Logan was made, he had met Patton at a warehouse where they were being held with others. Patton was an AX400 and Logan a new AP400. The workers mistreated the androids, they harmed them in many ways and yelled at them. Some android's were even destroyed for fun, Logan had thought nothing of it at first. He couldn't question it, or say anything.
But it all changed when the workers decided to target Patton who had a new software installed in him, he was able to feel pain. A horrible installment indeed, and when Patton cried upon being hit, something in Logan had broke. He disobeyed his orders and defended Patton without haste. No one knew, but days after they had met, they had became deviants, and fell in love.
But as soon as the workers caught on, they took Logan away and rebooted his whole system, memories of him and Patton were long gone and he never saw him again. Until now.
When Logan staggered back Patton held him steady. The unfamiliar wetness of tears trailed down Logan's cheeks and he raised his hand to touch the water that leaked from his face. When he looked back to see that Patton was also in tears he reached out and cupped his cheek to wipe away his tears. “You're my Patton...” Logan smiled. Something he hadn't done in years.
Patton gave him a wobbly and tear filled smile. “And you're my Logan.” They pulled each other into a tight embrace. Patton sobbed into his shirt. “I thought you were another model, but when I saw the way you acted I knew it was you. I missed you so much, you have no idea.” He sniffled.
Logan chuckled softly. “I'm sorry to have caused you so much pain, I promise I'll make it up to you. But Patton, what will happen if they find us? What will happen to that child you have?” He asked, worried for both Patton's and Virgil's safety. Patton pulled away from the embrace and dried his eyes. He looked up at Logan. “If I leave, will you leave with me?” He whispered.
Logan was free now, he no longer had to take orders, but Thomas was so kind to him. So caring and never abusive. Would he manage without him?
Logan had already made his decision. He was alive. He was human beneath his biotic skin. Inside he had a soul, and he was not going to lose it.
“Where will we go?” He smiled once again, already getting used to the feeling.
Patton returned the smile.
“Ever heard of Canada?”
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