(Logicality) bad day
It was a rough morning, it had rained and Logan had forgot to take an umbrella for himself which resulted in him getting soaked down to the bones. The bus was thirty minutes late and when it arrived he was crammed into the vehicle being forced to press against two sweaty men. Mid way his claustrophobia had began to act up and he was so close to having an attack.
When he arrived at work his shoes squeaked against the floor and he was trembling with cold, he was positive that the next day he would have a cold, his hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks and his wet clothes clung to his limbs, his coworkers stared at him as he walked over to his desk and plopped onto his seat with an obvious frown.
The day was long and tiring and he spent most of his hours hunched over his desk sitting in front of his laptop and a stack of papers, his fingers ached and his callous swelled in agitation, when his long shift ended he stood from his seat, his spine ached painfully and his clothes that had somewhat dried uncomfortably clung to his skin. He gathered his belongings and left nearly slipping at the doors of the building, his face burned in embarrassment.
The walk back to the bus stop was horrible, women stared at him with either disgust or interest, men glared at him and elders silently judged him which worsened his incoming insecurity and anxiety he dropped his head trying to avoid the stares as he walked.
He had nearly missed the bus, but it had stopped just in time for him and when he climbed on the passengers gave him a dirty look as he squeezed by, he couldn't wait to go home and have a nice warm bath after a hot meal, and just thinking about his bed nearly comforted him. When his stop arrived he was practically shoved out of the bus and he ended up dropping his belongings, the ground was still moist and dirty so his stuff got filthy with mud.
He bit his lip and gathered everything into his arms staining his shirt and pants with mud, he walked the rest of the way home cringing at the filth that covered his arms and shirt and didn't even bother to clean it up knowing that it wouldn't matter, when he saw his house from afar he let out a sigh of relief and fished for his keys in his pocket almost dropping his stuff again, when he stepped onto his lawn he took his key and walked up to the door feeling like he had finished running a marathon.
His mood was sour and nothing seemed to make him cheer up, he huffed and unlocked the door opening it with much effort before closing it with a slam, a gasp was heard and shuffling came from the kitchen. Logan kicked off his shoes and set his belongings on the coffee table, the person who was at the kitchen skipped into the living room to meet with Logan, his hair was a bit of a mess but not as much as Logan's, he wore an apron that was stained with a type of sauce and when he looked at him his eyes shined.
“Don't do it, you better not do it.” Logan warned the bubbly male, Patton ignored his warning and beamed at him, and then he gave Logan the most brightest and biggest smile he ever had, Logan groaned and suddenly he felt his lips twitch.
Patton giggled and ran into his arms not minding his dirty shirt, Logan felt a massive weight lift from his chest as his boyfriend snuggled closer to his chest and he couldn't help but smile, he wrapped his arms around his squeezable figure and buried his face in the crook of his neck breathing warm breath against his skin sending shivers down Patton's back. “I got dinner ready.” Patton said and lifted his head up to meet with his eyes. “If you want I can prepare a bath for you before you eat.” He offered.
Logan smiled down at him and shook his head. “I want you to join me.” He pulled his boyfriend's waist closer to him. “I-if that's what you want.” Patton stammered with a dark blush, Logan pulled him into a much needed kiss and holds him closer against his body, everything is now perfect and nothing can change it. Even with everything that had happened Logan knows that no matter what he will always have a loving boyfriend waiting for him at home with the most contagious smile on his face.
No matter what he never failed to make Logan smile no matter what or how he was feeling, it was just something that came naturally. Like magic. Or moreover, true love.
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