(Logicality) a twinkle
Requested by JL_Writes180 I hope it's what you were hoping for!
There was no gleam behind his eyes.
He knew that, and he had come to accept that maybe, just maybe he was destined to be alone.
Mostly everyone at school had found their soulmate, he knew by the gleam in their eyes. Logan Sanders was always a quiet student, smart and brilliant, but silent. He kept to himself, and because of that he never really made friends. He was the outcast, and for some reason he was also feared by his classmates. One time he had listened in on a conversation during his algebra class, a couple of girls were giggling and whispering into each others ears. And for a split second Logan heard, “It's always the quiet ones that you have to watch out for, you never know what they're thinking. Who knows? He can be some sort of homicidal maniac.”
Since then, no one really bothered Logan, seemingly afraid of him. And Logan liked it that way.
At least, he thought he did.
Now as he looked at himself from the mirror he couldn't help but scowl. He hated it, he hated the person that numbly looked back at him. Eyes blank, empty, and dull.
As he grew some he came to crave human connection, he wanted someone to talk to, someone he could lean on.
He wanted to meet his soulmate.
That is, if he even had one.
The thought of being alone forever frightened him and pained him beyond words. He wanted someone.
He needed someone.
Someone to talk to during his bad days, someone to lean on when he needed it most, and someone to protect him.
Protect him from—
The door to the bathroom was roughly knocked on, the teen looked away from his reflection and instinctively jumped away. His heart leaped to his throat and for a moment he could've sworn his life flashed before his eyes, he clutched a hand to his chest and took a deep breath before exiting, as he shuffled out he was met with his father who cursed and shoved him away before entering the bathroom, slamming the door shut.
Logan kept his gaze to the ground, his body trembled and his legs felt like jelly beneath him. The edges of his vision blurred and darkened, Logan shut his eyes and once again took a deep breath before he made his way to his room to collect his belongings. As he made his way downstairs for whatever there was for breakfast, he was tugged by the collar of his shirt and found himself face to face with father.
Dark, clouded, and glassy eyes met his own dull ones. Logan kept his composure and held his gaze, his heart beat crazily in his rib cage. “Yes father?” he mumbled questionably, the man glared at him, eyes scanning him. “I'm going out tonight, I don't want any trouble from you, you hear me?” his breath reeked of alcohol, Logan scrunched up his nose and turned his head away. “Yes father.” He replied grimly.
His father released him, Logan huffed as he arrived to the small kitchen and took an apple from the basket on the table, he bade his father goodbye and took his leave. As he walked, he couldn't help but shudder, the look in his father's eyes were haunting.
A result of losing your soulmate.
You also lose yourself.
You can only have one soulmate, and after that you are bound to them forever. The special connection that happens between soulmates happen only once in a lifetime.
Logan remembered a time when his father was a kind and happy man, and his eyes held a twinkle behind them. All that because his mother had gave it to him, and in return he gave it to her, and they were happy.
Logan stopped at his bus stop and waited.
Everything had changed when the accident happened, Logan was in the backseat, his father was at the wheel, his mother in the passenger seat. And then it happened, a drunk driver had swerved and crashed against their own car, Logan remembered the deafening crunching of metal against metal, and his mother's scream.
And then silence.
The screeching of the bus's breaks shook him from his trance, he shook his head and cleared his mind before he took a step onto the bus. “Hey hold up!” a voice from afar called out. Logan turned his head and saw a boy running towards the bus, he then looked back to the bus driver. “Hold on, someone is coming.” He informed. The lady gave a small smile and did as told, Logan kept his gaze down as the boy arrived. “Thanks.” He breathed and climbed on board.
Logan hummed in response and sat himself at his usual empty seat in the back, he set his book bag on his lap and gazed out the window. He suddenly felt a presence beside him, Logan glanced over to see the silhouette of the boy. “May I sit here?” he asked curiously. Logan nodded, trying not to blush as the boy sat himself next to him. “I'm Patton, I moved here last week.” Patton explained.
Logan hummed in response, still keeping his gaze out the window. “You should probably keep away from me, I'm not really one you should hang out with.” Logan warned. The other teen frowned. “How come?” he questioned. Logan switched his gaze to his lap where his hands wringed together. “You'll notice it soon, how others treat me when I'm there. You won't want to be with me afterwards. So, I must warn you beforehand, leave me while you still have the chance.” Logan muttered halfheartedly.
Patton felt a tug at his heart, he really felt for the boy, even if he had just met him. For some reason he just felt so, so attached to him, and he didn't know why. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. He was speechless, how could others hurt him so much to the point where he himself had to warn others to stay away? Logan was so convinced that he was a bad person, someone who would ruin the lives of others. He was afraid of himself and his capabilities, and for that he hated himself.
Patton dropped his gaze. His dull eyes falling to his hands. “I'm sorry.” He whispered in apologetic tone, Logan perked up. “What are you sorry for?” he questioned. Patton bit his lip. “It's just not fair, the way you're being treated, and I bet no one has ever apologized for hurting you. So, I'm going to apologize for them. You don't have to hurt anymore. Even if it's for just this small moment.” Logan felt his heart swell and in an instant he felt...
As if a huge weight was lifted from his chest and he was finally able to breathe. He felt his tense shoulders slacken, and his his chest filled up with air. “Thank you.” He breathed. Patton nodded to him, his face felt as if it were lit on fire. “I never got your name.” He said in a low bashful mumble. Logan paused so that he could think for a while, not once had he gotten this close to someone. He was always too afraid to. But, he felt as though he could trust Patton even if he had just met him.
It just felt right. Being able to trust him, and tell him everything that happened to him. Sure, it was dangerous, relying on a complete and total stranger, but Logan felt as though he were talking to an old friend, someone who always helped him in the darkest of times.
Logan found a new sudden jolt of encouragement. He lifted his gaze from his lap and took a problem look at Patton.
He seemed to be about a year younger than him, he had messy brown hair and pale skin. He wore a baby blue T-shirt and khakis, his black shoes tapped against the floor of the bus. Logan noticed that he had glasses, just like himself.
If only he could get a better look at his face.
His eyes..
“My name,” he started, Patton slightly turned his head, yet still not meeting Logan's gaze. “It's Logan.”
Patton fully looked at him, and as they both locked eyes, everything around them suddenly stopped, and nothing else seemed to matter.
Both of their dull eyes suddenly gleamed, a spark of some sort, a twinkle, and the color was more prominent than before.
“You're...” Logan trailed off, too shocked to say anything.
“We're..” Patton was both happy and anxious.
“You're my soulmate.”
They both said in unison, neither of them turing their gazes away, afraid that if they did, their spark would go away. So, for that long moment they stared at each other until finally they arrived, Patton looked out the window and pursed his lips, he couldn't leave Logan now. He just couldn't.
Logan finally felt complete, how was he supposed to leave Patton now? After finding out he was his soulmate, he just couldn't bear to leave him alone. Patton smiled and took Logan's hand, startling the teen. “Why not show me around?” he suggested with a giggle. Logan smiled and gave his hand a small squeeze. “I'd be delighted to.” He stated happily.
And together, the pair climbed off the bus, hand in hand, neither of them thinking about letting go of each other any time soon.
And as the same group of students began to pick on Logan like usual, the teen ignored them, his attention was set on Patton and Patton only.
And nothing mattered to him anymore. Because he was whole with his soulmate at his side, and nothing could change that.
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