(LAMP-ish) friendship symbol
Requested by Signature_Echo I hope it's what you were hoping for. And to all the others who have requested something I'm really trying my best to get them done so please forgive me for being a little slow. I'm so sorry.
“I really don't like this guys.” Virgil sniffled and leaned closer against a dozing Roman for warmth, Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his stuffy nose that was now swollen pink. “Agreed.” His voice was thick and nasally, he coughed roughly and cleared his throat. “But seeing how Patton is the only healthy one, he's in control for now. I just hope Thomas is holding up alright without us.” He groaned as another headache throbbed throughout his skull, he plopped onto the couch next to Virgil and tiredly leaned against him. Virgil tried hard not to freak out, Logan was never one to be so affectionate, he was always a quick hugger and kisser, so having him practically cuddled up against him was nothing short of a miracle.
Back in the real world Thomas was currently in his living room with Patton, the host looked over himself and sighed. “I don't know…” He sighed and tugged at the hem of his shirt. “It's a bit much for going out don't you think?” he looked over to Patton who smiled at him. “Kiddo, just go with what's comfortable for you. I mean, something that's appropriate for outdoors but nothing too dressy.” He stated happily. Thomas sighed in relief and returned to his room, moments later he returned with his Steven Universe™ shirt and a pair of jeans on. Patton beamed at the sight and squealed, “you're amazing Tommy!” he giggled.
Thomas blushed and scratched the back of his neck. “Thanks Pat.” He smirked and slipped on his shoes, “ready to go?” Patton asked and bounded towards the door looking like an excited puppy ready for a walk. Thomas chuckled and headed out, he then froze at the threshold and turned to look at Patton who was dressed in his cat onesie, grinning cheerily. “Umm....no one can see you right?” Thomas questioned. The bubbly trait looked up at him and slightly tilted his head to the side. “Well yeah...” He nodded and twiddled his thumbs, “I can make myself invisible to the people outside, but…” He trailed off and idly looked around. “Okay, you can stay with me, just, you don't wanna change?” Thomas looked Patton over once again, Patton lit up and smiled widely. “Close your eyes!” He shouted to Thomas who jumped, the male shuddered and did as told.
There was an odd shifting sound and then a small giggle. “Okay open them!” Patton ordered, Thomas opened his eyes and his jaw dropped open at the sight.
Patton was no longer a twin of Thomas, he was a couple inches shorter with a head of curly hair and baby blue eyes, freckles dotted his face and arms, although the onesie was still on him. “Ta-da!” Patton grinned with his arms outstretched. Thomas pursed his lips and cleared his mind. “Alright, I'm not gonna freak out. Let's go.” With that they both headed out.
“How long have Thomas and Patton been out?” Virgil mumbled groggily, Logan yawned and pulled his fingers out of Roman's hair which earned him a small whine in protest. Roman was the one who had it the worse, from sneezing and coughing to cold waves and retching, the poor side was miserable. “It's been maybe three or four hours?” Logan announced lazily and returned to comforting Roman, the prince sighed in content and shut his eyes allowing himself to drift off. Virgil was splayed across their legs, shuddering and whimpering. “I'll check up on them.” Logan promised with a groan, he leaned down to place a kiss on Roman's fevered head and stiffly stood up. “Hey, give Pat a hug for me please?” Virgil begged with a pout.
Logan smiled and quickly pecked his cheek before he appeared into the real world, right in Thomas's living room where currently Thomas was holding onto a very excited Patton's hand, when the host caught sight of Logan he smiled and waved him over. Logan sighed upon seeing Patton still in one piece and seemingly unharmed, said side beamed happily when he too caught sight of one of his boyfriends. “Logi!” he gasped and ran up to him, somehow managing to drag Thomas along with him halfway before he let go of his hand. Logan took a step backwards and held his hands out in front of him to stop Patton from touching him which he really did hate, because as soon as he did so Patton skidded to a stop and suddenly looked like a kicked puppy. “Logi?”
Logan sniffled and cleared his raspy throat. “Sorry love I'm not well at the moment, I don't want to get you sick too.” He apologized with a glum tone. Patton nodded and pulled on another smile. “You won't guess what happened today!” he claimed excitedly and urged Logan to follow him to the couch so that he could recount him of his adventure with Thomas in the great outdoors. As Logan listened he learned that Patton had actually joined Thomas as he went out and eventually they both made a new friend along the way. “He also taught us a friendship symbol for when we meet again, we can also share it with others too! That way we can make more friends. Look!” with that said he threw Logan a very...ahem...inappropriate hand gesture, Logan was pretty sure it was a type of gang sign.
Logan deadpanned and blankly stared at Patton, trying to process this new information.
When he finally got somewhat over it he let out a long 'I'm so done with you' sigh and facepalmed. “My love you are an idiot. I love every bit of you from heaven and back, but you're an idiot.” He looked back up and pulled Patton into a tight hug while Thomas retired into his room stating that he was exhausted. “Love,” Logan started. “Yes?” Patton hummed as he cuddled up against him.
“Please don't throw that sign around, especially when you're out in the real world.” Logan begged.
Patton made a small whining noise but grunted in agreement. “Okay fine.” He grumbled.
And then Patton sneezed.
Logan slumped his shoulders and buried his face in the crook of Patton's neck. “Okay. That's probably my fault. Sorry.”
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