(DLAMP) you're loved
This is my first time writing this ship so if I mess up and if it's horrible. I am sorry.
Deceit was never one to ask for help. It just wasn't in him. He cared too much about his reputation rather than his own well being.
So when he came down with a bad fever it was really shocking for him to even think about asking for help. Though he blamed the fever for the dilemma, besides, no one would bother to help him. He knew what they saw in him.
A bad guy. A disorder. A dark side.
He didn't ask to be what he was. He was just made like that without a choice. He knew what his job was and he was trying his best to do it. He didn't want to be the bad guy, he didn't want to hurt anyone. He had feelings too.
Deceit found it difficult to breathe, it was too crowded in the dark side of Thomas's mind. So many unwanted sides teased him, harmed him both physically and mentally. And now that he had fallen ill he was even more vulnerable than before giving them an advantage.
Deceit needed to leave before they could hurt him any further.
Without a second thought he sunk into the main mindscape, the jolting movement greatly disoriented him, when his eyes adjusted to his surroundings he found himself at the living room which was surprisingly empty. He was happy for that. At least the others weren't there to kick him out like before, he trudged around the living room and kitchen expecting to see at least Patton, but there was no one.
He sighed and hesitantly sat at the table, he felt extremely uncomfortable and out of place. But his head was hurting so bad, his throat was sore, he could barely keep his eyes open and his aching body trembled. He was so tired...
He folded his arms on the table and rested his head on his arms. Just a couple of minutes. That was all he wanted. A couple of minutes of sleep without being disturbed or beat.
Too long.
He had slept for too long and by the time he woke up he heard the sound of various footsteps descending the stairs. He immediately jumped out of his seat, way too fast, he stumbled and gripped onto the counter to steady himself. He suppressed a whimper, his body ached, the lights were too bright. His mind was extremely fuzzy. He could barely keep himself from falling over.
Before he could make his escape a gasp was heard. There Virgil stood with a cautious look, Roman immediately pulled him away from the deceitful trait while Logan and Patton peered over the prince's shoulder. “What are you doing here Deceit?” Roman asked with a frown keeping one of his boyfriend's close.
“I—” Before he could finish his reply he broke into a coughing fit, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, each cough bringing a stabbing pain in his throat. Patton's eyes widened in realization and his dad instincts took over, he pushed past the others and cautiously walked up to the sick trait. “Patton get away from him.” Roman growled being protective of his boyfriend. “He won't hurt us. He's sick...” Patton explained as he took a step closer to Deceit who flinched and backed away.
“Hey kiddo, it's alright I won't hurt you.” He gave him a small reassuring smile, his hands up showing that he meant no harm. Deceit took a shaky breath, his beating heart slowing down. Patton nodded to him and gently took hold of his clammy hands, his gloves nowhere to be seen. “How are you feeling? Can you tell me if any hurts?” He whispered to him. The room began to spin, Deceit's knees buckled beneath him and before he could answer he collapsed into Patton's arms.
Roman rushed to help Patton with Virgil and Logan following close behind. “He's not looking so good...he's really warm. I think it's a fever.” Patton frowned as he struggled to keep Deceit from falling. Roman was shocked, Deceit looked so weak, so unlike himself. It was worrying to see him look so pale. “Should we help him?” He asked curiously. Patton pouted at him. “Roman he's sick and in pain, of course we're going to help him.” He huffed. “Can you please help me carry him to the couch?” He pleaded.
Roman sighed. “Alright.” He grumbled and scooped the unconscious trait into his arms, though he wouldn't admit that he was equally as worried as Patton. “Logan, can you look up how to help someone with a fever?” Patton asked. “I'm on it.” Logan nodded and returned to his room. “Virgil kiddo, can you bring a pillow and a blanket for Deceit?” Patton pleaded giving Virgil his puppy dog eyes. The dark persona couldn't resist and gave in. “Fine.” He mumbled and trudged to his room to retrieve the stuff.
An hour had passed, a cold compress was over Deceit's warm forehead, a light blanket was draped over him, and he found that he was dressed in light clothing. When he sat up he was met with a shocking sight. The traits were all asleep, each and every one of them were huddled up against the couch, a blanket draped over their shoulders and their bodies pressed together.
Virgil was the first to wake, he yawned and froze when he saw that Deceit was awake. “Ah..hey. How are you feeling?” He asked in a hushed tone. Deceit coiled back, his eyes wide and filled with fear. “I-I was just about to leave.” He mumbled, his voice hoarse and weak. Virgil frowned and crawled out of his boyfriend's arms. “So...you're gonna stay? Or...” He tilted his head to the side.
Deceit shook his head. “I don't lie all the time you know. I only lie when I want or have to. Other than that, I'm speaking the truth.” He explained. “Oh, well thanks for explaining that. You know, you don't have to go.” Virgil stated and rubbed the back of his neck. “We..” He sighed. “We saw the bruises..” He whispered. Deceit froze in place, and for a moment he had forgotten how to breathe.
Virgil shifted his weight before he sat on the couch next to him, but he made sure to keep his distance. “We're really worried about you, as much as you deny it we really do care. I'm sorry about Roman, he's still a little cautious after what you did, but I know you didn't mean any harm.” He said in a low murmur.
Deceit breathed out. “I didn't mean to barge in here uninvited.” He looked down at his lap. “Deceit, I know this may sound weird coming from me, but I just want to let you know that you're loved. Patton was so worried about you he nearly cried, and I've never seen Logan look so concerned. Roman surprised me too, he carried you here without haste, and after that he conjured some pajamas for you.” Deceit blushed at the thought. “You really didn't have to do all that.” He said.
Virgil scoffed. “Just be grateful, besides there's nothing to worry about. I already told you, we care about you and if you are in need we'll always be here for you.” Virgil cleared his throat and scooted closer to him. In response Deceit tensed up, his arm up in defense. Virgil frowned. “Hey, it's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not like the ones that hurt you.” He reassured.
Deceit visibly relaxed and lowered his arm. “I don't understand your intentions. I've done nothing but hurt you, or at least try to, why are you helping me?” He asked curiously. “Because even though you clearly had a chance to hurt us, you never did, and because of that you got beat right?” Virgil replied, his shoulders brushing against Deceit's. He stayed quiet after that.
It was true. No matter how much he wanted to deny it. He just couldn't.
Virgil reached for him and slowly pulled him into an embrace. Deceit's breath hitched in his throat and his body was rigid in Virgil's arms. The embrace felt so warm and safe...
Before he could stop himself Deceit hesitantly returned the hug, his breathing shaky and his body trembling with emotions he had bottled up inside of him. He didn't know how long the hug lasted, but he wanted it to last even longer.
And then, as if to grant his request, the other trait's soon woke from their slumber. Patton squealed at the sight and immediately joined in which at first startled Deceit, but after a couple of seconds he got used to the amazing feeling. And soon enough Roman and Logan joined in, arms were wrapped around one another, and Deceit was in the middle of it all. His heart was filled to the brim with something he never thought he would feel, and tears dripped down his cheeks cascading down his flushed fevered face.
“T-thank you....” He hiccuped.
And in that moment, Deceit was finally able to feel loved and wanted.
He was no longer the bad guy.
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