(CALMD/DLAMP) thankful
Shameless self promotion coming up, I uh, made a new book! It's a SpideyPool book and I just published the first chapter! You don't have to read it if you don't like it, just wanna get it out there. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one-shot!
Deceit huffed as he played with the grass beneath him, it wasn't that he didn't enjoy the outdoors, in fact he loved it. But something just didn't feel right today, maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or he ate something that had gone bad. He just felt unusually...sick.
A cool breeze passed by, and the dark trait let his eyes slide shut, he took in a lungful of fresh air and wrapped his arms around himself, trying to rid himself of the yucky feeling. When he opened his eyes again he took notice of the multi colored leaves that now surrounded him, the breeze was cooler, and the tree above him was nearly stripped of its leaves.
Oh, so that was why...
It was that time of year again, when everyone would gather around, eat a huge feast, and talk about what they were thankful for. Each year Deceit would watch from his dark corner where none of the other sides would see him, and he'd watch with an aching heart as they smiled and laughed, wanting so desperately to be a part of their group. He remembered how warm and cozy everything felt, and how his heart swelled with a feeling new and unknown to him.
The trait was suddenly brought back to his painful reality when a shout of his name reached his ears, he jumped up and turned around to see what, or who, was calling for him. From afar he could see the prince, waving him over with the same huge idiotic smile he always had. Deceit was hesitant, the other sides were scared of him, skeptical. So why was one of them calling for him with an inviting smile? Had Deceit finally gone mad with grief that he made himself a fantasy world where he was finally accepted and loved?
If so, he wished to be mad forever.
With a sporadic beat of his heart he slowly walked over to the prince. “Yes?” He muttered under his breath and dropped his gaze knowing well enough that even in his fantasy, he would never be able to look the others in the eye, he was unworthy, a mere speck of dust beneath their feet, because to him, they were kings and he was a fool. Roman leaned down to face him, the same wide smile still plastered across his face. “Are you okay?” He questioned.
Deceit flinched and took a step back. “I'm fine.” He replied quickly. Roman's smile faltered, he held out a hand for the dark trait to take, but stopped himself when the side flinched and tensed at the action. He immediately dropped his hand to his side. “You can follow me, it'll be okay.” He assured and urged him to follows behind. Deceit followed with heavy steps, his head hung low and his eyes glued to the ground. For a moment he feared that all this was a sick joke, that when he looked back up the sides would be there, laughing at how much of a fool he had been to show himself after so long.
But that wasn't the case, because when he lifted his head he was met with a surprising sight. He was standing at the kitchen where the others sat patiently, Patton beamed happily upon seeing the dark trait and Logan offered a smile. Virgil saluted his fellow dark trait and gave a crooked smile. “I'm so glad Roman found you Dee!” Patton stated with a smile. Deceit nodded slightly and shifted his gaze around the room. “You can take a seat, the food is almost done.” Logan offered kindly to him. Deceit flinched and looked over his shoulder, Roman rose a brow and looked behind him. “What are you looking at?” He asked when he realized there was nothing behind him.
Deceit bit his lip, and dropped his gaze. Patton, noticing his discomfort, got up from his seat and walked over to the glum trait. “Hey Dee, are you feeling okay? I know it may be a little overwhelming and scary, but I promise you we're all friends and no one will hurt you.” He explained in his soothing 'dad voice' which had surprisingly calmed down the trait. “I don't understand.” Deceit started. “What is this? Why have you called me here? I just....” Unexpected tears welled up in his yellow eyes, his heart ached, but it didn't hurt him.
“Why.....” He whispered.
Patton felt his chest tighten and carefully wrapped his arms around the crying trait, Deceit tensed at first, but slowly he calmed down and returned the much needed hug.
His first hug...
It felt so warm, and cozy, and safe. “What is this? I don't understand what is going on with me.” Deceit admitted. Patton giggled. “You're feeling kiddo, and it's totally normal.” He replied. Deceit sniffed. “Feelings are complicated.” He blubbered, Logan snorted in agreement. “I know, but it's okay, you'll get to know them soon enough.” Patton reassured. When they parted from the embrace Patton wiped away his remaining tears and gave him a reassuring smile. “You can sit between me and Virgil.” He said as he led Deceit to the table, the trait tried not to succumb to his panic, afraid that he'd set off an attack and ruin everything for everyone.
So he obliged and sat between the bubbly trait and the former dark side. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and glued his eyes to his hands that rested on his lap. Within seconds, without even realizing it, the table was set up and filled with many dishes of food. When Deceit lifted his gaze he was utterly shocked and was left speechless, not that he really talked that much though...
When the sides got themselves a plate and filled them up Deceit just watched, not really knowing what to do. “Are you not hungry kiddo?” Patton questioned when he saw that Deceit had not moved and inch. “Ah I...” He looked around. “Am I allowed to?” He stammered out questionably. Virgil smiled. “Of course you are.” He reassured. “You're sitting at the table aren't you?” He handed him a plate and urged him to help himself.
Deceit took a shaky breath and gazed upon the many dishes, just looking at it made his hollow stomach grumble. Where he belonged there was not much to give, especially with greed and gluttony there, there was hardly anything left for the other dark sides. So seeing the large spread was tempting. With a trembling hand Deceit struggled to serve himself so Roman offered to help him, he took his plate and filled it with as much as it could carry and then set it down in front of the shaking trait.
It was all too much for him to handle. He wasn't used to so much kindness, it was overwhelming.
He squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears with his arms, he focused on trying to steady his laboured breathing. A hand soothingly rubbed his back, a muffled voice shushed him, another hand gently took hold of his arms and lowered them. “Just take deep breaths, nice and steady.” Deceit easily recognized Virgil's smooth, low voice. Slowly he calmed down and was given a glass of water, he drained the glass and quietly apologized. “You don't have to apologize, everything is okay, you did nothing bad.” Patton eased him of his worries.
Before they got to digging in to their meal Patton got everyone's attention. “Before we start, we gotta say what we're thankful for this year.” He said. “I'll start, I'm thankful for the new Winnie the Pooh movie that came out! And I'm also thankful for you guys.” He giggled. Roman chuckled. “Well, I'm thankful for making it this far with all of you.” He stated. “I'm thankful for all of you as well.” Logan cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses. “I guess I'm thankful for being a part of the group.” Virgil mumbled bashfully as he tried to hide his blush.
And then they all turned their attention over to Deceit who shrunk beneath their gazes. “I-I know I don't really belong here, and I'm not a good guy, I almost hurt Thomas' relationship with his friend, you all had and still have every right to be afraid of me. But I'm thankful for at least being here, sitting with you. Being part of this special day...” He trailed off and swallowed the lump in his throat. “But most of all I'm thankful for being able to feel what a family is like. And being a part of it..”
“And being able to feel loved and cared for.”
In an instant, without caring if the table got messed up or if they dropped anything, each and every side wrapped themselves around the trait. “We're thankful for you Deceit.” Roman said. The others agreed and for a long while, the group stayed like that, all hugging each other.
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