(Analogical) a night in the city
(Decided to write a different ship, so it might suck. You have been warned.)
Virgil sighed and sat silently on the bench as the bus drove away leaving behind a thick trail of smoke in its stead, he coughed and fanned the nasty fumes away from his face. The foul smog nearly choking him.
He looked to his side when he heard fast steps, a man in his early twenties ran up to him breathlessly and skidded to an abrupt halt as soon as he made it, he placed his hands on his knees and hunched over to catch his breath. “Was that...the six o'clock bus?...” He asked between pants. The young male on the bench looked over his shoulder, was that guy talking to him?
“Uhh, yeah you just missed it.” He answered nervously. The man lifted his head to look at the other, his clothes were wrinkly and tattered, his hair messy and sticking out in every direction, his black rimmed glasses askew on his face which was flushed pink from his run. “You new around here?” Virgil asked curiously eyeing the young man. “How'd you guess?” Said man asked with a surprised expression.
“Newbies here always miss their bus, experienced people always come early and now when to come.” Virgil explained with a shrug. “What's your name?” He asked afterwards. The man straightened his posture and cleared his throat. “I'm Logan. Logan Sanders.” He replied. “Nice to meet you Logan. I'm Virgil. But I wouldn't trust me if I were you, people here around the streets can be dangerous.” He warned.
Logan frowned. “You don't seem like a bad person.” He said which caught the younger male by surprise. “What makes you say that?” He asked. “Well if you were bad you wouldn't have given me your name.” Logan said. Virgil rose his brows. “Huh, you're pretty smart” He muttered. “Not precisely, I just pay close attention to my surroundings and many other things.” Logan replied.
Virgil smirked. “That'll help you out here in the streets, as long as you're smart you'll survive out here.” He reassured, Logan sighed and sat beside him. “Well I'm not always smart, I mean I missed my bus.” He retorted. “There will be one in the next hour.” Virgil said with a chuckle. “Do you take the bus home too?” Logan asked.
Virgil shook his head. “Nope, but I like the outdoors. There's some fresh air, though with all the pollution in the air it's kinda difficult to get some fresh air y'know? That's why I walk around the city searching for a breath of fresh air.” He felt Logan's eyes on him. “Both literally and metaphorically.” He admitted. Logan tilted his head to the side giving him a questions look. “When you live in a place your whole life things start to get boring and predictable. The places, the weather, the people, heck even the news.” Virgil sighed.
Logan nodded. “And to think that I came here for something exciting.” He mumbled. “Hey all hopes not lost, well for you that is. You're new here, you'll experience many different things here. What I meant was, everything is predictable and boring for me. I've already lived through everything here. But you? You're different.” He explained. Logan gaped at the young man. “But you're also looking for something exciting, we have that in common.” He smiled.
Virgil returned the smile. “Guess we do.” He breathed. “But the question is, are you going to do something about it?” Logan asked and looked him in the eyes. Virgil froze under his gaze and thought for a while, all he wanted was to do something with his boring life. Do something that would forever change it.
So he decided there and then on what he was going to do.
He stood from his spot on the bench and held his hand out to Logan. “What do you say we make a difference then? Do something crazy, unpredictable, exciting.” He grinned. Logan looked down at his outstretched hand and then up to face him, it was now or never.
Was it crazy? Yes
Did he care? Absolutely not.
He was going to change his life and future, and hopefully he would be able to get closer to Virgil. Because he didn't want to admit, but he found the male was rather charming and he instantly grew a liking to him.
He clasped onto his hand and smiled. “I'm right with you.”
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