Random One Shot 6
Triggers.. darkness(???), books(I don't even know--)
'Tick.. tick.. tick.. tick.. tick.. tick.. tick.. tick.. tick..'
Emile rushed around the library, their bright pink eyes that were cast in shadows flitted over the book covers as they looked for certain titles. When they found any of the books they required they snatched it off the shelf and shoved it in their bag then continued looking. Their dark brown cloak rustled slightly as they rushed throughout the room, occasionally sliding to a stop and returning to a previous spot at the shelf. They froze when they heard the doors to the library creak open and within the blink of an eye they were on top of the bookshelf they had been standing next to. Emile kept their body close to the shelf as they looked towards the door, glad for the lack of lights so they could hide easily. Two people entered the room, one of them holding a lantern so they could see which made Emile scrunch their nose up slightly.
Tick.. tick.. tick.. tick.. tick..
The one holding the lantern had a pair of rectangular glasses on their face, the glint from the light concealing the color and their dark hair looked like it was slicked back. They had on a nice black shirt with a stripped blue tie along with dark blue jeans and fancy dress shoes. The other who was barely within the light of the lantern had dark and messy hair with a dark pair of glasses in their hair and their silver eyes were barely visible. They had a white shirt under a leather jacket and black jeans along with dark combat boots. "Why are we here at this time? I know I'm never alseep at this time Hun but you normally are." The silver eyed person said. The other hummed and walked further into the library, making sure the door was shut properly.
Tick.. tick.. tick..
Emile silently got up and hopped from bookshelf to bookshelf, their bare feet allowing them to move with minimal sound. "Something is off, Remy. I just need to see what's wrong." The other one said, both were oblivious to the bright pink eyes watching them. "Why not turn on the lights?" The one Emile now knew was named Remy asked. "It told me not to." The other said causing Remy to stop walking and tense. "Logan, Hun.. you're not supposed to listen to them, remember what happened to--" Logan spun to face Remy. "Remy. Stop. That was five years ago and that won't ever happen again." Remy sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly.
Tick.. c r e a k
Emile froze as the shelf they jumped on to creacked from their weight. "What was that?" "Someone's here." Remy and Logan said at the same time and looked towards where the sound came from, easily seeing the glowing pink eyes in the dark.
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