Random One Shot 4
Triggers.. yelling, blame, lying, nightmare/memory, Emile angst
'Can't breath.. why can't I breath..? It's as if a boa is constricting my chest, my ribs threatening to break and pierce my lungs..' Their thought continued on a loop in their mind as they stood there, their head bowed and eyes locked on the floor as their parents screamed at them. "Why can't you be more like your siblings?!" "Why can't you me normal?!" "What is wrong with you?!" "An A-?! Why the hell is it not an A?!" They didn't move, just allowing the screaming to continue as they stared at the floor, it felt as if something was blocking their throat.. perhaps it was a scream.. or maybe it was a broken sob that was wanting to be heard but got lost on its way out. They blinked a few times to get rid of the tears, ignoring the singular one that managed to fall and land on their glasses because of the position of their head. In less then a second after the tear hit their glasses something wrapped around their throat and there was pain in their stomach, they went to scream and--
They jolted awake with a fearful whimper, their breathing uneven as they held a hand to their chest, wishing that their pounding heart would slow down. "I-it's over.. it's over.. I'm fine.. I'm safe..." They took a shaky breath then got up, and grabbed their binder and pulled it on along with a shirt before grabbing their glasses and heading downstairs with a yawn. They shuffled into the kitchen and started making a cup of mint tea, being careful to not burn themself in the process. Once they made their tea they carefully held it and leaned against the counter with their eyes closed and the cup by their face so the scent could help sooth them.
"Emile..? What are you doing up so early?" Their eyes opened and they lowered the cup, smiling slightly at one of their many housemates that was stood in the doorway. "I had a bad dream so I decided to have an early start to my day."
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