Random AU 1
This one is fairly long because I had spend a decent amount of time just typing for this one when I had written it.
Triggers.. fear, panic, blood, I think there's a threat somewhere.. I don't remember and I'm lazy
People would normally avoid Logan as much as they could, in school if he was walking down the hallway people would move out of the way and made sure to not make eye contact with him while also trying to generally just not look at him while in class the seats around him were always left empty normally causing a few desks to hold multiple students. Logan didn't mind, this just meant that people wouldn't distract him but it did hurt, he may not have enjoyed dealing with emotions and people in general but having the possibility to hang out with people ripped away from him wasn't pleasant. The school knew what he was along with what he was capable of and that made him one of the more feared people in town and the most feared in the school.
There was a rumor going around the school about a new student which made no sense. The town itself was small and everyone would know if someone new were to have moved into the town but no one had, no one new had even entered the town within the last ten years. Logan listened to the rumors as he walked down the hall, his eyes locked on an old worn book in his hands that he was reading, and he knew that no one in the town would be able to read the book but that didn't matter if they could understand the writing or not, after all no one would get close enough to even see the writing.
Something ran into Logan causing his book to fall from his hands and land on the floor with a loud thud as the person who had ran into him fell back onto the ground with a grunt, the person's hood covering half of their face. The person grabbed the book Logan had dropped, briefly glancing at one of the pages then handed it back to Logan and muttered an apology, glancing over their shoulder the freaked and took off down the hall, making sure to go around Logan instead of running into him again. The hall was silent as Logan stood there in the middle of the hall, staring at the floor with confusion then shrugged it off and went back to reading as he made his way to his first class.
It was the last class of the day and Logan was feeling a bit off, more off than he should be even though it was a full moon. Logan sat at the back of the class and the new student sat right in front of him and he was twitching occasionally, Logan watched the student with a neutral expression while wondering if he could feel what Logan was feeling, wondering if he wasn't a human either. Logan heard the teacher clear her throat and his bright silver eyes snapped to her and she got more nervous before she spoke with a shaky voice, "Mr. Wyze, someone is here for you.." Logan nodded and packed up his stuff then slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the office.
Logan pushed open the door to the office and sighed when he saw who was there and entered the office, making sure to close the door behind him. All of the staff were gone from the office and the only other person in the room was sat on the counter thing that separated the office. "Why are you here, Remy?" Logan asked dully, not in the mood to deal with them, Remy chuckled and set their coffee down on the counter next to them and leaned towards Logan. "Logan, babe, I'm looking for a hybrid and I last sensed them in this town.. So.. anyone new?" They asked, their lips pulling into a kind smile, showing their sharp teeth. Logan adjusted his glasses in thought then crossed his wrists behind his back. "Why? You never track down hybrids, you yourself have mentioned how vile and dangerous said monsters are.." Logan growled as his eyes brightened, his nails and teeth getting sharper, his ears starting to get longer and pointier.
Remy raised their hands in surrender then spoke, "I know what I've said, babe. But no one else was willing to find this kid, he is dangerous and has attacked many people.. we're still unsure of what exactly he is.." Logan calmed down slightly, going back to looking human except for his bright silver eyes. "Fine. There was one new kid h-" Logan stopped as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, footsteps echoing loudly in the hall. He snapped his head towards the glass wall and watched as the new kid ran past the office and out the front door quickly, the door he had opened not closing because he had knocked it partially off of its hinges. "That is the new kid." "That's the hybrid!" Both spoke at the same time then rushed out of the school after him.
He stumbled into the forest, his breathing short and panicked as pain laced through his body, his blood feeling life fire racing through his veins. He didn't stop running, not noticing that Remy and Logan were following him and eventually collapsed in a field in the middle of a clearing and started yanking on his hair, in the process he knocked down his hood. Remy and Logan entered the clearing and his eyes snapped towards the two, wide with panic. "S-stay back.. I-I don't wa-ant to hurt you." He whimpered, his fangs visible as he spoke, his eyes a deep red. Remy stayed where they were but Logan started to walk closer causing the hybrid to panic.
"S-STOP!!" He screamed fearfully causing Logan took one more step towards him causing the hybrid to whimper and swallow, "P-please step back.." He whimpered and Logan took two more steps towards the shorter boy. He winced and clenched his jaw and eyes shut, his stomach growling audibly as he heard Logan's heartbeat, making the hunger worse. "Ah.. I see what the issue is here." Logan murmured and quickly walked over to the boy and before he could react Logan pulled him up and held the boys back against his chest while holding his wrist in front of the boys face.
The boys eyes snapped open and he growled then whimpered, his stomach twisting painfully as it growled, Remy started to rush over as they yelled, "Logan! Are you insane!?" But the damage had been done and it was too late. The boy grabbed Logan's arm and bit into it and started drinking, his deep red eyes turning into a bright silver color that matched Logan's, Logan winced at first then just held the boy as he drank. Remy stopped four feet from them when the kid looked and growled at Remy, still feeding. After a moment of watching them he closed his eyes and continued feeding, humming when Logan started running his fingers through his messy black hair.
"Logan! Why did you do this!? Who knows how your blood may affect him!!" Remy screeched, the hybrid paying both no mind. Logan sighed, "It is unlikely to cause him problems and if it were to cause him problems then he would have reacted by now. If it were to have caused problems it would have the moment I had grabbed him." Logan winced when the hybrid bit deeper in his arm but pushed it away. "What do you know about him?" Logan asked as he looked down at the hybrid. Remy hesitated for a moment then said, "That he is part vampire and at least part some other creature that has magic.. We don't know his name and have taken to calling him Anx because most people who have had a run in with him are either freaking out because they have to much anxiety in their system or none at all.."
Logan nodded, his hand had paused in Anx's hair, Anx continued feeding, his eyes half closed as he relaxed against Logan. Remy's eyes widened as they saw the silver slowly faded back so it was merely a ring around the edge of his pupil, to reveal Anx's natural eye colors, one was a deep purple and the other was a vibrant green. "Woah.." The murmured and went to take a step towards them but paused and took a step back when Anx's eyes snapped open completely, his eyes turning a solid dark purple, the shade was so dark that it almost looked black, he pulled his teeth from Logan's arm and growled at Remy, his teeth stained with blood and the bite mark on Logan's arm was now visible, specifically eight punctures that was slowly letting blood trickle out. Logan started running his finger through Anx's hair again. "Calm down.." Logan murmured by his ear, his voice switching from a monotone human voice to something inhuman, it was a gentle tone but something laced through it just screamed for Anx to listen, but he didn't.
Logan sighed and easily twisted his arm out of Anx's hold then quickly wrapped that arm around his waist, his other arm was placed against Anx's chest, his hand gently placed on his opposite shoulder. Logan leaned down so his lips barely brushed Anx's ear and asked, "May I have your name?" He spoke the same as before. Anx growled and squirmed in Logan's hold but couldn't get out. "Let go." He growled, Remy watched as Anx's eyes changed more, the iris stayed the dark purple while the sclera turned pitch black, it didn't look black though, it was almost like if you were to stare into a blackhole, the pupil turned black before turning pure white. Remy gasped but Logan ignored him as he hummed in thought, his silver eyes turning to an almost white silver color, his fingers got slightly longer, not in a grotesque way, but it was definitely not human.
Logan rolled his shoulders causing them to pop and felt his shirt shift slightly as his wings went through the lightly magnetized cuts in the back of the shirt, his ears getting slightly longer and pointier. "Anx.. May I have your true name?" He almost cooed as his thumb moved so it was at the base of Anx's neck, feeling as he swallowed nervously. "I know your game, fae, and I will not fall to my knees and speak my name because of your silver tounge." He hissed. Logan smiled slightly and stood up completely as his hand shifted so it was gently holding Anx's chin and tilted his head back so he was basically looking straight up and Logan looked down in his eyes then spoke, his voice not monotone but it was close, "You may not tell me now, but guarantee that one day I shall have your name.."
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