Made AU Part 2
Triggers.. yelling
It had been weeks since Logan had seen or heard from Virgil and he was starting to worry, Logan knew how fragile Virgil was and add on the fact that Virgil never had a reason to leave the house but he didn't hide in his room all day either. Logan went up stairs and over to Virgil's door then gently knocked on the wood. "Virgil?" He called worriedly. Shuffling could be heard inside the room, the sound getting closer to the door but the door remained shut and locked. "Yeah.." Virgil called back, his voice quiet and deepened with sleep. "Are you feeling adequate?" He asked, lacing his finger together in front of him, and there was silence from inside the room. Logan frowned, "Virgil? Are you adequate?" He asked again. "Y-Yeah.."
Logan frowned more. "Would you open the door-" before Logan could finish speaking Virgil yelled, "NO!!" Logan jumped from how loud it was and took a step back from the door, his eyes wide, it was silent for a moment before Virgil started peaking, "I-i'm sor-" Logan cut him off, "If you were about to say that you were sorry, do not. I should have known that you did not wish to open the door when you did not open it when we first started speaking." Virgil's sigh was audible through the door and there was a small thump as he dropped his head against the door. "Im still sorr-" "Virgil." "-y for yelli-" "Virgil." "-ng at you, I shoul-" "Virgil!" Virgil stopped when Logan rose his voice, "It is fine, you do not need to apologize, alright?" Logan watched the door and waited for a response but there was none, he sighed.
"I will speak with you later, Vee." Logan made his way downstairs and into the kitchen then started making coffee, leaning heavily on the counter as he waited for it to brew, lost in thought."Woah there, what's got you so worked up?" Roman asked as ze leaned against the doorway into the kitchen. Logan looked over at zir with confusion, "What do you mean?" Roman snorted and moved over to Logan and yanked something from his head making him jump and yelp in pain as he shouted, "Hey!" In Roman's hand was a small flower and ze waved it around in Logan's face as he spoke, "This doesn't just happen to you, Lo. So what are you so worked up about?" Ze pulled the flower away and waited for Logan's response. "I'm worried about Virgil.. It's not like him to hide all day in his room.. even when he hides all day at one point he will sit on the couch in a bundle of blankets!" Logan mumbled, the flowers growing larger and more grew along with some leaves and sticks.
Roman tensed up slightly and tried to think of an excuse, "Maybe he is busy with work, you know that he stays in his room when he's given big projects to work on." Logan shook his head, "Virgil never locks his door when he works on those and he would have informed us before hand like he does everytime." Logan observed Roman for a moment before speaking again, "You know what's happening with Virgil." It was a statement and Roman froze, and locked zir eyes on the floor, refusing to meet Logan's gaze. Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Of course you would know, you had been speaking with Virgil the day he started hiding in his room.. Please inform me of the situation if it is necessary that I know." Logan grabbed a mug and poured the coffee in and started to leave the kitchen.
"W-Wait! You don't want me to just tell you?" Ze asked in disbelief. Logan stopped and shook his head. "If Virgil did not tell me then there is a reason why, if the situation becomes dire then inform me so I may help but I do believe that he does not wish to tell me the problem at this moment." Then he walked away, leaving a baffled Roman standing in the kitchen, holding a flower.
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