Corrupted Kingdom AU Part 2
Triggers.. fighting, knife, death mention, poison, fire
It had been three months since Logan's meeting with the twins and things had been getting worse. Logan stood on his balcony, his gloves were draped over the railing and he was leaning heavily on it as he thought about what had happened within the time. It was as if whoever is was decided to let all hell lose and each week there was at least five attacks and they were now also being attacked, but thankfully they were well prepared for those attacks.. what they weren't ready for was the poison. Many different guards had been poisoned, including Roman, thankfully out of the hundreds of them that had been poisoned they had only lost five people. Logan ran his fingers through his hair then stared at his hands again and swallowed thickly and reached to grab his gloves to put on before he paused. His head snapped towards the door and he stared at the door that lead into the hall.. it was open. He narrowed his eyes then grabbed his gloves and shoved them in his pocket before carefully stepping into his room and looking around but nothing seems to be amiss. He continued further into the room then quickly spun so he was facing the door to his balcony and flung his hand out, a ball of fire forming from the air and hurling itself at the figure stood there with a hood hiding their face.
The figure moved out of the way then raced towards Logan, easily knocking his feet out from under him with the moment of surprise Logan froze in from how fast his attacker was. The hooded figure sat on his stomach and pressed a knife against his throat, intending on quickly moving the knife and getting the job done.Logan recovered and used one of his hands to grab his attackers wrist then flipped them over to his attacker was on their back with Logan straddling them, using his legs to keep theirs pinned and one of his hands holding their wrists above their head as they tried to thrash free. Logan quickly yanked their hood off then paused when he saw the platinum blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes glaring at him as he continued trying to get free. Logan went to say something but the door slammed open before he could, Roman stood in the door way with his katana drawn and he quickly looked at the two of them and narrowed his eyes on the attacker.
Virgil thrashed more, desperately trying to yank his hands free or get his legs out from under Logan's and during that his hand brushed against the wooden floor and his eyes widened then he grinned at Logan. He blinked a few times, clearly confused by the sudden change but before he could do anything branches grew from the wooden planks and trapped Roman but when they tried to trap Logan he merely burned the wood away then got up and yanked Virgil up as well. He shifted his hold on Virgil then yanked his own gloves on Virgil's hands and used his cloak to tie his hands together before tossing him over his shoulder. Virgil grunted when Logan's shoulder was suddenly digging into his gut then started muttering cuss words under his breath. Logan burned away the wood keeping Roman trapped before heading towards the dungeon.
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