Analogical ~ The Mindscape
The mindscape. Where all of Thomas's useless thoughts go. It's only a void. Nearly impossible to get out of once you're in there. It is only known that Deceit and Remus somehow got out of there, most would just fade. Although they know how to get out, they would never tell anyone how it was done; but what was unknown to the others is that Logan, Thomas's logical side, knew the secret as well. He's never been there, but in his huge library, it has many books on it, but only one, dusty book had been found on how to get out. It had been tossed carelessly on top of one of the 20 foot high shelves (Jesus Logan, how many books do you need?).
** Virgil's pov**
Today's the day. I'm sick and tired with Roman always taunting me, even though he's stopped around the camera, he hasn't stopped 'accidentally' tripping me or 'playfully' insulting me. I'm done with it. The only reason I'm even still here is because of Logan. I've had a crush on him for forever, I mean, you see how he gets that sparkle in his eyes when he's talking about something he's passionate about, right? The way he uses hand motions when he's trying to explain something? I love it.
Why not because of Patton? You've seen him, he's nice even to Deceit and Remus, to everyone. Even if he's not supposed to like them, he's still nice. How am I supposed to know if he's not just doing that to me because I just showed up one day?
I'm going into the mindscape.
I don't belong here. I never did in the first place; why did I even decide to come here? I should've just stayed with the others... they would've treated me right, but it's too late to go back now, so I guess I'll just go to where they came from. I started to grab a bag to take with me, but then realized that I won't need anything, I'm not coming back, am I? I chuckle to myself and throw the bag back onto my bed, then instead grab a pencil and paper and start writing a goodbye note, exposing what Roman had been doing, what I thought about Patton (couldn't find a better wording for that oops, you know what I mean), and finally, a separate note to Logan, expressing my feelings toward him. I love him so much, but honestly never would've had the confidence to tell him that face to face, so here I am putting it in my (basically) suicide letter.
I leave the notes with their respective names on them and step back, stuffing the other two into my pockets and looking at my room one last time. It's so nice. I've never really taken the time to acknowledge that about it. Too bad I won't be seeing it again. You appreciate things way more once you've lost them, or in my case, know you're going to lose them. I give one last smile to my room and step out the door for a last time. Soon, I find myself slowly walking down the hallway with all of our rooms and looking closely at the details on the doors, the cracks in them that I've grown used to seeing, the pain on the doors and the symbols that go with that paint. Red and white, Roman, Light blue and white, Patton, and finally, dark blue and black. Logan. I shift so I'm facing the door, and soon find a hot liquid flowing down my face. I'm still smiling though. I wish I could've been with him; I wish I could've kissed him, cuddled him, bonded with him. But that'll never happen now. Turning away from the door, I continue walking down the hallway to end very end where the other doors lie.
The yellow one with the two-headed snake on it. I loved him once. Had to get over it because I wasn't supposed to love him. He never knew, and I'm fine with that. Looking over to the green one with his symbol, remembering all of the fun times we had together. I had ruined that by leaving, breaking the bond that us three had shared an formed over Thomas's life. I take out the notes that had been put into my pockets and slide them under both doors and continue the mere 15 feet to the very last door in the hallway. The door to the mindscape. Slowly making my way towards it, I don't second guess myself. No, I trust this decision. It's what I want.
I place my hand on the door handle and take a deep breath. 'I'll fade soon enough. It'll be fine.' I tell myself. I open the door and take a step forward, feeling the cold air come rushing to me, it'll be fine. Taking another step forward, I confirm this decision with myself for the last time. Then finally walking through the door completely and falling into the dark abyss which is Thomas's mindscape.
After a minute or two, I finally start to feel it. So this is what dying feels like, eh? Huh, I would've guessed it to be not as cold. It's really nice down here actually. It feels like you're falling, which is weird, but nice after a while. I know I'm never going to hit a bottom, so I try and make myself comfortable for the time before I start to fade. From what I've heard, fading is peaceful, a last goodbye to the cruel world where we were put, even when we didn't ask. I pull my jacket closer to my body. It's really cold...
**Logan's pov**
We all get summoned by Remus, for the door to the mindscape was left open, "It isn't just 'left open' someone must've gone through it!" He insists to us. "Well, everyone's here, so maybe someone did just accidentally open it and not close it." Roman suggests. "Falsehood." I start, "Where is Virgil?" I question. I noticed the second we got called that he was not here. I take note of everyone when we go to important situations, and Virgil was not here today. Everyone looks around for him or listens for his voice to say something like, "I'm the same height as all of you, how could I be missed?" Or something like that. There was something about him that gave me some rather... confusing, to say the least, emotions. Whenever I was around him I would get... nervous? Yeah, and he made my stomach feel differently, and this different did not feel very nice, it was as if my food had started to defy gravity inside of my stomach. Confusing, I know.
But his voice never came, nor was he himself seen. "Well then, I think we have our answer, Virgil went into the mindscape, so?" Roman states. "So? So, do you remember what happened last time he had left, did you see Thomas? He had no shame at all! We need him back." Remus says in a rather aggressive tone. "I agree." I state. It feels like I need him back, but I don't need anything but food, water, shelter and oxygen, so this does not make any sense to me. He is not a necessity of life, why do I feel like he is? After I agreed, it was followed by agreement from the remaining two sides. "But the question is how are we going to get him back? I mean, those two are the only two who know how to get out of there, and they won't tell anyone!" Patton adds to the conversation, whilst pointing at the yellow and green sides. I take a breath and decide to speak up: "I know how to get out of there." I state plainly. "You? How?" Deceit inquires. I summon the book which had all of the information about said place and how to get out of it. "This book shows everything needed to know about the mindscape, including how to get out." I explain to the rather confused sides. They all nod and give 'oh' s of understanding.
I flip to one of the marked pages and read it aloud, "To get out of the mindscape, it is required to have at least two sides present, all of which are not fading. Combined, they must have enough willpower and determination needed to get away from the black void that currently engulfs them." I read, "otherwise, you may be trapped down there forever." I finish and shut the book, then send it back to my library. "I'll go." Remus states. "Then you will be going with me." I return. Nobody else volunteers and we start heading to the door. "I hope it's not too late." Remus whispers to me. "I return that thought." I reply. Remus and I both walk in at the same time and get sent down falling into the void.
I look over at him once I get used to the feeling for a second, and he looks distressed. "Are you okay, Remus?" I inquire. "Y-yeah, I'm fine... I just don't like the feeling of being back in here..." He stutters. "It will be okay, we will be out in only a while." I attempt to comfort. I am not the best person for comforting, but I try to make it happen.
After a bit of falling, I see a spot of purple in the distance. I start attempting to move towards it, moving Remus along with me, and we reach it. I place my hand on Virgil's shoulder. He looks startled and his head jerks toward me and he only tenses up more when he sees me. "Look, it is okay Virgil. It is only me. Remus is here too, it is okay." I calm, he only gets more panicked, "W-what? How? N-no, I'm no-ot worth it! You don't know how to get out, w-why did you come after me?" He asks, question after question. "Yes, I do know how to get out of here, and you are most definitely worth it, Virgil." I answer. "Now please, let us get out of this place." I say, grabbing his hand and Remus's. He tries to object, but I do not listen. Remus and I start building up our wants to leave this place and go home. After about a minute, we start floating up instead of down, and our determination only becomes stronger, so we only keep going faster and faster up. "Oh! And he may pass out due to the change in temperature, and other unknown things." Remus states. Not very long after, we get pushed out at the top where all of the others are waiting. We pick up Virgil and bring him into his room. My eye is caught by a set of notes on his table. I pick up the one with my name and the one with 'for all' written on it.
"He wrote notes." I declare. The others gather around me and I read the letter out loud. Wow. I had no idea this is what he had been going through. I would have helped him would I had known sooner that I had. I read my note silently to myself. H-he loves me? Is that what I have been feeling towards him? I must ask Patton about this. "Patton? May I speak with you privately?" I ask, "Of course!" He says and leads me over to his room. "What's up kiddo?" He asks. He asks that a lot actually, "Okay, so I must ask out about some... emotions that I have been having." I answer. "Shoot away." He replies. "So, I have been feeling some feelings toward only one person, he make me feel nervous when I am with him, and sometimes my face has more blood rush to it than needed..? I honestly do not know what is happening with me." I explain to the heart. "Well there buddy, it sounds like you have a crush on a special someone!" He says in his usual happy-go-lucky voice. Oh, that makes sense... I have a crush on Virgil then. "How should I express these emotions to the one I'm feeling them for?" I continue. "Well, there are a lot of ways you can do that: you could show affection by kissing, physical contact, or give them gifts!" He explains to me this time. I take a mental note of this and thank him before leaving the room. Everyone else had left Virgil's room so that he could rest from the journey he had.
I had decided to stay in his room and monitor him. If I really do love him, and he loves me, then I think I may ask him to be my significant other. But it may take time for me to start becoming comfortable with my emotions and start understanding them. I hope that it does not hinder what relationship we have now, or will have. This is going to be complicated...
Remembering what Patton had said about human contact as a way of showing affection, specifically holding hands, I reach out to his and take it in mine. It feels nice, like the 'fluttering', as Roman described it, in my stomach has grown stronger. It still feels right though, so I am going to keep doing it.
**Virgil's pov**
I wake up and look at the ceiling, wait, what?! I thought I jumped into the mindscape! Did it somehow reject me? How would that even happen? This doesn't make any sense... I close my eyes and attempt to remember what had happened after I jumped in. It was cold, I felt like I was falling, then I remember... Logan? and Remus? Did they save me? Why would they do that? Then I remember the conversation we had. Oh... That's what happened.
I notice that my hand was actually warm for once, which it never is, and I sit up to find out why. I look over to my side and find a sleeping Logan, holding mY WhAT? I feel myself becoming red as a cherry and looking to the side, something I do when I get flustered, when when someone is asleep, it's habit by now. I take a breath to try and calm myself enough to wake him up. After a few minutes, I think that my face has calmed down enough to wake him. I nudge his shoulder, "L-Logan?" I say timidly. He stirs and opens his eyes. "Oh! Virgil, I see you have awaken, how are you feeling?" He asks me, still not removing his hand from mine. "I honestly feel kinda sick..." I state. It feels weird, how did Remus and Deceit ever come out of that place? " It's okay, that'll only be there for a day or so. Don't get up, you will pass out. I have experience." Remus says as he peeks his head into the door. "Logan should take care of you, he's a good caretaker." Remus adds to his previous statement. I scoul at him because he knows somehow.
"Only if you want, Virgil." He states. "u-um, yeah! That'd be nice." I reply. Remus nods and continues, "yeah, getting out of there is really rough for a first day or two, he shouldn't get out of bed unless it's the bathroom, and someone should make sure he doesn't pass out when he gets up. It sucks out all of the vitamins out of you, and whatever iron is. Sooo. Have fun!" Remus exclaims and closes the door behind him. That little rat.
"So, um... did you read my letters?" I ask, getting more anxious by the second. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he hates me now? There are so many questions floating around in my head. "Yes, we read them. I read mine alone so nobody else knows. So, you love me?" He asks. "Y-yeah... I have for a while now. I couldn't tell you face to face so I put it in that letter. I obviously didn't plan on coming back." I explain. He nods. "I have been having... feelings toward you as well. I went to Patton to figure them out because I do not feel emotions very often," that's a lie "and he told me that I may be having a, um, crush on you. I need time to try and figure these feelings out. They are extremely confusing. " he continues explaining. He looks down at our hands and continues, "Patton said that this was a way of showing affection, so I decided to do it. It feels right to me, but if you do not appreciate the contact I will not do it." he says once more. "N-no, I like it too. It does feel right." I object. "Very well then." he responds and continues holding my hand. We sit in an awkward silence for a bit, but it soon becomes comfortable when we realize that the other wasn't going to talk.
"Do you need anything?" Logan questions. "Could I get some food? I'm famished." I say. Why did I use a big word? I learned not to say 'starving' in front of Logan. He looks at the bedside clock and replies, "It is near dinner time, I will get you some dinner once Patton is finished cooking." He states and presumably goes downstairs. I sit there, just thinking for now, spacing out. The usual. What would've happened if they hadn't saved me? Would I have faded? Would Thomas' subconscious have recognized me as a main part and not let me fade? I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the click of my door opening and the smell of food rushes my senses. Logan walks in with two plates, is he eating with me? He sits at my desk and soon Patton and Roman walk in, followed by Remus and Deceit. I smile when I see them all find places to eat, "Why are you all here?" I ask, still smiling. Patton shrugs, "Dinner was boring without you." I grab my fork and start eating my food. It's by far the best this week. I love it. I eat it faster then usual and talk with everyone else. They really made it a nicer day by doing all of this: they didn't have to, but I'm starting to think that they might love me.
Soon enough, we're all done eating and most people disperse into their respective rooms, everyone except Logan. He sits on my bed and I invite him to lay down beside me. I take a deep breath. I never do something this outgoing. "Logan?" I question, "Yes?" is the response. "I think I know how to make you be sure of your emotions." I state confidently. "And how is that?" the questioning continues. I take another quick breath and quickly lean in and kiss him. I can tell he doesn't know how to kiss, I do, you don't want to know why, but I do. I lean back and open my eyes, which at some point I had closed, and look at the other male. I think I broke him. Oh god. "Uhhhhhhh... that was, pleasurable." He says, rebooting himself. "Do you think you might know your emotions now?" I ask him. "I may not understand them, but I think I'm getting a handle on them: I do love you. I am sure of this. Will you... um, be my boyfriend?" He asks. "Of course!" I exclaim and lean in for another kiss, this time, he attempts to kiss back, he needs some work but it'll be fine.
(That was so fun to write, I loved it. I hope you like the one shot, please request anything you'd like, thanks for reading!)
**3319 words**
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