Haunted House (drlamp)
(before we start there are slight shippy things with the twins please don't read if that's not okay. though there isn't too much shippy romantic stuff in this chapter it's more of a fun chapter but the twins both are in a relationship with the other sides technically.
human au Virgil and Patton are 21, Janus and Logan is 23 the twins are 2 too but about 6 months older then logan and janus+ )
Virgil's POV
I was getting ready to leave for work. Though my boyfriends don't know where that is. During the Halloween season, I work at the local haunted house and tonight was a night it was open and the others have been talking about going all week. Patton had never been to a haunted house before he was always too scared to go, the twins loved them and go every year to different ones. This was the first time at this haunt though from what they said, Logan found them fascinating but isn't one to get scared easily, he points out how some things aren't physically possible or just doesn't make sense. Janus liked to be that person who stayed in rooms to watch the actors happily, he was also fascinated. though he was that one person most actors hated because he pointed out some scares before the actor did them especially if he went through once or twice first.
"Hey, I gotta get to work have fun at the haunted house, Jan don't point out all the scares and Logan just enjoy it, don't point out what is and isn't logical. Have fun and keep Patton safe, stay safe I love you guys" I say picking up my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
"Okay Virgil" I hear from Logan
"I will try to point everything out," Janus says speaking in lies
"we'll keep Patt safe virgey" I hear Remus say who was laying across Roman and Patton's laps with Patt playing with his hair, Janus next to Patton, and Logan next to Roman.
"Have a good night at work Virge!!" Patton cheers happily, and Roman just gives a smile and wave.
"Thanks," I say as I leave heading to the haunt for the night ahead.
As I get to the house I go and change after signing in changing into my outfit which consisted of a slightly tattered and ripped blood-stained purple clown outfit that was purple black and white, purple and black checkers made up most of it while there were white spots on it too all splattered in fake blood, and a pair of converse also covered in fake blood. my dyed purple hair is pulled back while I work on my makeup, I was a special effects artist so I was one of the haunts makeup artists but the other actors were getting their rooms so I was working on my makeup now since I wander around outside and in the halls.
Let me explain our haunted house real quick. so we are all volunteers even though I say it's my job and work I don't get paid I have another job that I work but we have people from surrounding schools volunteering for community service hours or the love of it. if they are under 18 they have to stay in rooms. the rooms are chosen with a lottery system so nametags get put in a bowl and drawn at random than that actor gets to choose where they want to work that night instead of having set rooms so they can have more fun. People who are 18 and over like me can work in rooms and leave the rooms, we can also work outside and in the hallways, we can touch patrons and all that but if we get hit it's our fault and trust me it's not fun to be scare punched that's why you have to be over 18 or have special permission if you're the child of another 18 staff member. there are a few people like that but anyway that's the way we run the haunt. Back to me working on makeup.
Anyway today I was doing my clown character, I was planning to climb and hang off a few things today. so using the airbrush I white out my face and neck. Painting black and dark purple stripes on my neck so it alternates between white, black, and purple. I then started on the gore makeup, I was going to do a big inhuman smile. applying some latex and cotton around the edges of what would be a smile that took up half my face waiting for it to dry as I start on the rest doing some triangles above my eyes with latex and cotton as well as doing the rest of the eye makeup with eyeshadow and face paint before adding another layer of latex and then tissue to the cotton spots waiting for it to dry.
Patton's POV
I was with my lovely boyfriends getting ready for tonight, it was my first time at a haunted house and apparently one that had amazing actors, I was already scared for tonight it's too bad Virgil had to work and couldn't come. Remus and Roman were running around the house like crazy, Logan was trying to calm them down, Janus was making something to eat before we left and I was pacing back and forth.
"Patton, you're pacing again. It's going to be fine we'll all be right with you while we walk through the haunt. Plus we have half an hour before we're even leaving." Remus said as he tackled Roman to the ground the two of them tumbling around.
"I know, careful you two" I reply sitting down nervously tapping my foot looking more like Virgil right now with how anxious I was. I laughed in my head as Janus calls us in to eat, We all go in and wash our hands before sitting down, Jan just made sandwiches so we eat something but not too much, Roman said eating too much with strobe likes will make you sick. I happily eat the turkey sandwich I have. I wonder how Virgil is doing?
Virgil's POV
I finished my makeup off, the overly bloody makeup before going to help other actors into makeup.
"Someone sit please," I say as an actor sits quickly "what rooms are you in?" I ask
" funhouse, twice and checker," They say and I nod
"Okay, are you allergic to latex or the fake blood?" I ask starting to white out their face
"I'm allergic to scab blood," they say and I nod
"Okay then we won't use that, I'm thinking checkered clown with blood splatters what do you think, kinda like my makeup but more checkered," I say and they nod and that's what I do.
Soon enough they were done and I was on the next makeup look hurrying along with the actors before we open. Before we do I speak up to everyone.
"Okay announcement before we start, I have my boyfriends coming through tonight, the one has never been to a haunted house" I start showing them all a picture of everyone pointing to Patton "This is Patton, never been to a haunted house" I point to the twins "Roman and Remus, love haunts but haven't been here" Janus and Logan "Janus, he's known to point out scares so don't get discouraged if he does. He also stays in rooms far longer than he should so make sure to be ready for that and Logan who is known to be interested but talk about how illogical acts are, again don't get discouraged. You are all amazing actors and I know you've got this so let's use their names against them shall we?" I say smiling getting some cheers and nods from the others.
We all then head to our rooms and I head outside climbing up on a bar that was outside by the door my legs up a bit and hooked around so I can fall back and not fall unless I wanted to. I hum 'pop goes the weasel' as people pay and line up to get into the house I fall back a few times scaring the hell out of quite a few people before I see Logans car pull up and the other five get out. Falling backward again to another outside actor
"can you go tell the others that my boyfriends are in line and would be coming through soon?" I ask the other, a girl named jasmine who was in a serial killer character she had and she dashes off into the house.
"giggles boyfriends are coming!" is heard being scream through the haunted house, giggles being my clown characters name, I wasn't too creative with names, but he sits back up on the bar hearing
"Patton!Janus! Logan! Roman! Remus" all being scream from different places in the haunted house. This would be fun.
Patton's POV (once they get to the haunt)
we were on the way to the haunted house, it wasn't a long drive so we got there quick getting out we headed to pay to get in I look up to see an actor run inside the building and then a bunch of screams from inside. They had to be loud to hear them even softly from out here, anyways we paid and got in line to go inside, I was worried already.
Soon enough we were at the top of the line, about to go in when someone drops backward in front of me causing me to jump back with a startled yelp.
"Oooh a screamer," they say the voice sounded familiar but I put it off for now. they hop down and play with my hair a bit, the moves to mess with Logan's glasses, Janus's hat, Remus's jacket, and Romans hair before laughing darkly and dashing off to the house. I look at the others, already scared. Roman gives me a sideways hug and Remus and Roman take my hands carefully before we all head inside.
The actors all look amazing and even though I know they are all actors they really get me scared. I keep seeing the person from outside, a purple, black, and white clown character. they seem to really like our group and me specifically. Tugging at my cardigan, playing with my hair, my glasses, petting my cheek, they booped fake blood on the tip of my nose at one point.
"that clown seems really familiar," Logan says flinching a bit as an actor actually scared him.
"mhm, they really d- woah your makeup is so cool" Remus starts getting distracted by a super gory makeup, we were in a slaughterhouse room now. One of the actors in the room jumps forward right at me slamming a metal clever next to me causing me to scream and hide behind Remus who giggles "its okay Pat, ill keep you safe"
"I know" I mutter hiding still as we keep walking, Roman is admiring everyone's acting whilst being scared to death by most of the jump scares. Logan is smiling while he examines the rooms, Remus is admiring everyone's makeup, Janus is just enjoying the house and listening to Virgil as he isn't really pointing out scares while I am screaming like a child and hiding throughout most of it. Even more weird is every actor knows our names. I don't know why or how but they have all been using our names against us. Next up was a circus room. I lock eyes with the clown from before, something about their eyes is familiar but what?
"Welcome to the freakshow, you would make quite the performer Patton and Remus," A voice next to us says and we all turn to an actor in the room, Remus giggles a bit as I flinch. He loved that they knew our names, it creeped me out
"How did you-"
"Cool!! I would love to be a performer"
I start Remus cutting me off watching the person do their act. I just wanna keep going, sure everyone is doing amazing but I'm starting to get really scared, we arent even halfway trough the house yet.
"Scared are you, Patton, I can feel your fear, I feed off it"A voice comes right at my ear in a low whisper. I scream, breathing picking up as I jump almost falling back into the room with the other actor, there was that darn clown that's been following us.
"careful Pat, you're okay" I hear a smooth voice say from next to me, turning I burry my hand into Janus' chest.
"Let's keep moving before Patton has a panic attack." Roman says next to me turning to the actor or clown, I couldn't tell "Great job, you guys are doing really well" he finishes, Janus walks with me after I unbury my face from him and just hold his hand, Logan has my other hand, Remus the twins in front of us to 'warn of anything scary'
As we're walking I feel something mess with my hair again, then tug ar my shirt, laugh behind me, whoever it was, probably the clown again, took off Jan's hat and put it on me. I didn't want to turn around but I did anyway and when I did the clown was right there at my face not even an inch between us. Again I scream and fall flat on the ground halfway pulling Logan and Janus with me. The twins stop ahead of us as they hear me fall and make sure I'm okay, Janus and Logan also do. the clown character pauses a second, tilts their head, and just looks at us. Almost like they were giving us a second. it wasn't until the other actor in the room jumped forward that I even knew we were in another room, I guess the didn't seem me when they did because when I scream they backed off and I swear I heard an 'im sorry' from them but I wasn't paying much attention as I felt my breathing pick up again. What was that breathing thing for Virgil that we always say? I can't remember everything was blurring together a bit and I could tell I was panicking but I couldn't quite calm down.
"Patton, shhh"I flinch at the voice for a second "it's just Logan, I've got you, breathe in for four" he starts, I hear Roman talking to but I think I was to someone else, I listen to what Logan says and breathe in for four "good, now hold for seven" he continues, I listen, my head to his chest so I can hear his heart "very good, now out for eight" Again I listen, we do this a few more times before I calm down and look around.
The clown was watching us carefully from a few feet back, the other actors in the room were quiet, I hear someone next to me speak up
"Do you need me to hit my panic button to get you out of here? there would be someone here in less than ten seconds if you need out" One of the actors breaks character to say, most definitely talking about the mini panic attack I had.
"no I'm okay kiddo, thank you, I just needed a second. sorry to worry you, you're all doing so good it just got me a bit freaked out. Thank you for worrying though"I say earning a nod as they presumably get back into character giggling in a higher tone.
"Okay then, would you like to play with us then mister? mommy had to go" They say, it was now that I saw the two actors in the room were dressed as dolls, it was a doll room. I almost wanted to say yes but was tugged on gently by Remus
"Sorry Patton but c'mon I wanna see the rest of the house! We can talk to the doll people later!" I exclaim
"Okay okay, maybe later kiddos, have a nice time!" I say then get dragged off by Remus. behind me, I can see the clown person give the two dolls a thumbs up then whisper to them something. I focus on the rest of the house.
Virgil's POV (this is right before Patton freaks out)
I was following my boyfriends the whole time and everyone seemed to be having fun scaring them all. Patton seemed terrified of everything but I didn't really think too much about it. I know he is okay. On the way to Doll a room we had here I kept messing with them, mostly Patton, playing with his hair, his shirt, I took off Janus' hat and put it on him, I was really close to him not really expecting him to turn around but when he did my face was like nose to nose with him. After that it was fast. Jay did their jumpscare and Patton started to panic, before I could, even more, Logan was calming him down, Remus, Roman, and Janu all backed off so he could have space, Jay and Kai the two actors in Doll backed off, Kai moving to the panic button before Roman stopped them
"give it just a second please, too many people will make him panic more he'll be okay in a second then if he wants to leave we can," Roan says as if he knew about the panic system, he probably did actually he and Remus have been to mostly all the haunts in our area and there were a few more with panic systems. Kai nods and waits. A few minutes later Patton calms down and looks around.
"Do you need me to hit my panic button to get you out of here? there would be someone here in less than ten seconds if you need out" Kai says
"no I'm okay kiddo, thank you, I just needed a second. sorry to worry you, you're all doing so good it just got me a bit freaked out. Thank you for worrying though"Pat says Kai nods getting back into their character
"Okay then, would you like to play with us then mister? mommy had to go" They say, Patton looked like he wanted to answer before Remus tugged at his arm a bit
"Sorry Patton but c'mon I wanna see the rest of the house! We can talk to the doll people later!" Remus exclaims
"Okay okay, maybe later kiddos, have a nice time!"Patton says being dragged off by Remus.
I turn to the two and give a thumbs up
"good job you two, thank you for how you handled that, He doesn't panic often but normally it's just like that and he's normally okay after that's why Roman said to wait. Great going and ill see you all later, its almost over now I think there are three more groups before the first set ends" I say getting a nod as I follow Patton and them again sneaking out in a back hall and up into the overhead in the room after what they just went in to
Patton's POV
We walk through a dark room with fog rolling over the walkway and creaks from around us, there wasn't really any sort of light before something jumps next to us and every single one of us scream before Remus giggles again
"good one!" he calls into the dark as he casually skips in front of us just about running into a wall "wall, careful" he says as he stops about an inch from it. we keep walking Roman and I getting jump scared a few more times
next is a really colourful room that was glowing under backlights. it looked really cool like nuclear fallout and the makeup on these kiddos was amazing, terrifying but amazing. It also had the bright colours the glew but the one person's makeup make it look like they were melting and it was really cool the other was wearing a gas mask and looked pretty dead. they do their scares and as we round the corner the clown person falls backward in from of us, hanging upside-down from somewhere. This one got Remus quite a bit as he screeches and jumps, he was at the front and defiantly wasn't expecting it. It also scared me and Logan too. Janus jumped a bit and Roman wasn't even looking at the time. the clown giggles before they go upwards and disappear. They kept following us throughout the whole rest of the house but soon it was over. I still can't get why the clown was so, so familiar or why all the actors knew our names but it was over.
I was still a bit panicky and shaky, every single one of those actors was amazing and all did a great job and I'm happy I came but my goodness it scared me much more than I expected. Soon we all head home stopping for dinner on the way which, even though Logan was against it, ended up just being fast food because none of us wanted to cook when we got back home. I'll make something for Virgil later unless he stops to get himself something on the way home. Anyways soon we get home and eat, Jan also makes tea. We talk about the haunt and everyone makes sure I'm okay, which, other than shaking a bit from how well they all scared me, I was fine. Soon enough we were watching "Snowbuddies"
-Time skip a few hours later-
Virgil's POV
The haunt just ended and we were all leaving now, I decided to keep on my haunt makeup and take it off at home so I can suppose the others once more tonight. I assume they got food on the way home and stop to get myself some, startling a few workers in the process then heading home. soon enough I pull in and get out of the car. I head inside to hear "Lilo and stitch" playing
"'M home" I call hearing the movie pause and footsteps walk and run towards me before everyone stops at the door and looks at me. Remus giggles, Logan and Roman both make the 'oh' face. Janus nods and Patton squeaks out a surprised, small scream hiding behind Roman a second before going
"That's why the clown seemed so familiar, can you possibly take it off though soon maybe please?" He asks softly hiding his face in Romans back
"Of course ill take it off but yeah, I'm Giggles, which is the clowns' name, sorry for scaring you so bad Pat," I say going to the bathroom to take it off which was right by where we all were.
"It okay Vee, everyone did such a great job though! Also, why didn't you tell us you worked at the haunted house? We would have gone sooner to see you" Patton asks still hidden
"I wanted it to be a surprise and I know the twins were planning to go to the haunt anyways this season so I waited. I hear an 'oh' from Patton before I finish getting the makeup off and go to sit with them. we finish watching Lilo and Stich before soon enough we all fall asleep.
Okay, everyone!! That's all for this very, very late Halloween chapter, sorry it's so late I've been a bit busy with school and work etc. Anyway, have a great day/night/morning/evening/afternoon, etc.. but guys gals, and non-binary pals!!
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