anxiety meds(Moxiety)
(Platonic moxiety,angst. This will have character death,pills, unsympathetic Thomas and Logan sympathetic Remus and Janus and feels.)
(Also yes i understand Anxietu medicine won't doesn't work how i make it work its just for the point of the chapter)
Thomas's POV
Its been 3 years since I started with the Sanders Sides videos and talking to the different aspects of my personality. Though one in particular still causes me harm all the time. Virgil,or anxiety. He ruined everything I tried to do. Made me over think everything, and it was getting out of hand. I soon called everyone up to talk to them.
All the sides rose up,including Remus and Janus who had been accepted by now. All standing around me.
"What is the matter Thomas?"Logan asks fixing his glasses.
"I just had something to talk to you all about,specifically Virgil but I wanted everyone to hear." I start receiving a nod from everyone and a very nervous look from Virgil. "I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I will be getting medication for my anxiety. Virgil,you're getting to be do bad I cant do anything so,I need to deal with it. Deal with your disorder you give me. Sorry,but that's how its going to have to go. Im not sure whats going to happen to you thats why I'm telling you now." I finished. Virgil,Janus,Patton and Remus all looked at me wide eyed. Roman looked confused amd Logan looked lile he couldn't care any less then he already did.
"Thomas,you do understand that can kill me right? I'm just doing my job! Im sorry,ill stop. Ill get better bit please. Anxiety medicine gets rid of anxiety.-" Virgil starts before Logan cuts him off
"Yes and your point is what Virgil. You are a henderance to Thomas and only hurt him. You are not our focus,Thomas is our focus. I think it is a great idea Thomas. Anyways,I say good riddance anyways,you have always been annoying and impossible to work with,with your constantly panic attacks,constant crying. Always messing things up,always over thinking. It might he nice if you were gone" He says monotonously,I nod in agreement
"What is wrong with you both? Virge is just doing what he has to. He's been getting better too. He's let you have space,he's let you be happy. He hasn't even had a panic attack in a month. He has cut back on worrying so much. He hasn't done anything wrong!"Patton cries out getting a nod from Remus and Janus.
"Well,its too late. I have an tomorrow at noon. Thats all"I say Virgil immediately sinks down looking lile he's about to loose it,Patton,Remus,Janus and Logan Follow. Roman stays for a second looking at me in shock before also leaving. I go back to editing a video for today.
Virgil's POV
Anxiety meds? ANXIETY MEDS? I'm going to die. They will kill me.
I could feel my.heart rate pick up,no no no no i've been doing good why now. I felt my breath slip away and fall shallow,everything started to spin. I felt warm tears trail down my face. I couldn't focus on anything. Thomas was going to get medicine to get rid of me. I was going to die. I was going to die. I would leave everyone behind. No one would remember me. I was going to fade out and die.
" you....listen...breathing" I heard a scattered voice,arms wrapped me in a calm,gentle embrace. I heard a heartbeat,a calm heartbeat. Slow breathing,calm slow breathing. I tried to copy it.
"Good,that's it. In and out. In for 4,hold for 7,out for 8. Just keep following my breathing"the voice said. It sounded so familar. Happy,calm,loving. Was Patton the one holding me. I followed what they said
"Thats it kiddo,you've got it"
Yup,it was Patton
"D-dad" I stuttered out. Trying to catch my breath. I layed my head in his chest.
"Thats right, im right here Virgil. Im right here kiddo. Im right here. Can you name me five things you see?" He asks, I hesitate waiting for my vision to clear,when it does im not in my room anymore im in Pattons. I nod
"Y-yeah. I-i see y-you. B-bed.. boom,floor,light" i say looking around.
"Very good,four things you can feel"
"Floor,j-jacket, hug....tears"
"Thats it, three things you hear?"
"My breathing,your voice,a...humming?" I say hearing a gentle humming sound.
"Thats my fan, can you name me.two things you can smell?"I nod
"Cinnamon and vanilla"
"Very good kiddo,last one,one thing you can taste"
"Tears,not much else,sorry."i respond
"Shh,its okay you did perfect. Hiw are you doing now?" He asks still holding me
"Im okay Popstar, thank you. Im just..scared." i admit
"I know Virgil. I know. Im here though,we will figure this out i swear. It'll be okay" he says. I nod,yawning
"You should get kiddo,do you want to stay here or go back to your room?" He whispers gently,rubbing my back comfortingly while playing with a piece of my hair,he always knows that calms me down. I softly yawn again
"I want to stay with you please,I dont wanna be alone" I whisper slowly falling asleep snuggling up to him.
"Okay then Virgil,you can stay here. I won't leave you. I will be here all night and be here right when you wake up unless im summoned okay? Your safe. Its okay." He says. I nod falling asleep.
Pattons POV(short)
I was terrified honestly. I didn't wanna loose my dark son. I love Virgil and I domt want to loose him. I know Thomas won't listen to reason though. I set Virgil in my bed taking off his shoes and jacket before taking off my cardigan,shoes and glasses and laying next to him. I hold him close playing with his hair and rubbing his back gently. He told me this calmed him down so I did it. Soon enough i fell aeleep with him.
-Time Skip, tomorrow evening-
Virgil's POV
Thomas got the anxiety medicine. It was hard to not freak out again bit i managed to stay calm thanks to Janus,Remus and Patton. Logan went off on me for panicking yesterday this morning and I stayed in after that only coming out a few times. The medication really messed with me when Thomas took the first pill. I was in the kitchen eating dinner when I felt it. The pill worked and everything spun, it went black for a little bit before the world seemed to turn back on. I was still at the table but everyone was looking at me.
"What?why are you staring?"I asked
"You,didnt blacked out for a second. Are you not okay?" Janua said,he still spoke in lies,he couldn't help it,we all knew that. We learned to tell what he was saying
"anxiety meds, Thomas got them amd just took them." I said,his and everyimd but Logan's expression turned to horror. Patton about cried. Remus looked pissed. Janus looked lile he was in between crying amd killing someone. Roman looked worried and Logan about laughed.
"Its okay. Ill be fine" I said more trying to convince myself then them. I get a nkd from everyone even though no one believed it. We just finished dinner.
-Another Time Skip Sorry. This is two weeks on anxiety meds. Virgil isn't doing well-
Virgils POV
Its been about two weeks, I was barely holding on still. The blacking out was normal now and happened so much I cant even get out if bed at least not long. Logan treated me worse and worse. Roman kinda ignored me unless he had to deal with me. Janus,Remus and Patton had been taking care of me. I knew i wouldn't make it much longer. If he took that medicine today it would probably be it for me. I couldn't keep up anymore. It hurt. It was so so hard. I cpuld feel myself slipping. Fading. I wasn't going to make it much longer. So I called everyone in.
"Guys" I call out pretty weak. Apparently it was loud enough to be heard by someone because a few minutes later everyoke hurried in except Logan who took his time and stayed by the door. Remus,Janus amd Patton were by my side and Roman just lingered there. "I wanted to say I love you all. I know I'm not going to make it any longer. I can feel myself fading as I speak. Slipping away. So I wanted to be able to say goodbye before it happened. Im sorry,so sorry for causing so much harm. I'll miss all of you,even Logan, so much." I start,that caught Logans attention. He looked up scoffing. Patton started crying,Janus teared up Remus looked close to. I havent even seen either if them cry. Roman looked down. I felt tears well at my eyes.
"We love you too Virgil" The three next to me said. Janus and Remus holding my hands. I move over a bit for Patton to sit with me,he comes and sits with me holding me close,I felt myself fading more and more,the room fading to black slowly.
"Tell Thomas I forgice him. Logan,I forgive you. Roman im sorry for always putting up a fight. Dad,patton, ill miss much. Remus ill miss you.too amd Janus ill miss you as well. You three were the closest thing to family I have ever had and ill never forget you. Everything is slowly.fading I dont have much time left. I'll always be with you."
By this poimt everyone but Logan was crying. Logan looked fed up with it all but kept his mouth shut so I can at least have moments.
"We'll miss you so so mich Virgil. We will never forget you. Im sorry we couldn't save you,couldn't stop Thomas." Janus said,truthfully
"Ill miss you so much kiddo. Im sorry I couldn't keep my promise. Im sorry I couldn't keep you safe. Im sorry I failed you Virgil. I love you so much,my dark son."Patton said choking on his sobs as he held me close. I was so scared. Itnwa scream I was. Remus said something similar to what Patton and Janus said ending with a
"I will always remember you and ill make sure everyone always does. Ill make.sure you stay in Thomas's and all of our memory. You will never be forgotten. I promise and I intend to keep this promise for the rest of Thomas's life."
I gave a scared smile and started to cry as the reality set in. I was about to die.
I was about to die
"I don't wanna die. Dad,im scared. Im scared. I don't wanna leave yet. Im not ready to leave." I cried out. Patton rubbed my back gently and played with my hair . Remus and Janus wiped away my.tears.
"We know Virgil. It will be okay. It will all be okay. I've got you. Im right here and I always will be. Its okay"Patton says softly never letting me go,even as I felt my.heart slow down,my vision started to darken more.
"I love you I don't wanna die. Im scared. I'll be good. Ill listen.. love you so much. I love you all so so much. I'll miss you. Ill never forget you. I dont wanna go but I have to. Goodbye" I shakily say as I feel everything start to shut down.
"Goodbye Virgil. We'll miss you. You.can sleep now. You're safe. Its okay. Just let the sleep come. We will be right here. Goodnight my.dark son. Goodbye Virgil. I love you. We love you so much" Patton says. I nod slowly giving into the sleep. The last thing i hear before it all goes silent and black is everyone saying:
"Goodbye virgil. We'll miss you. We love you."
I even heard Logan say
Then it all went dark. I knew then,I was gone. I had slipped away,died. Faded.
Pattons POV (pretty short)
"Goodbye Virgil we'll miss you. We love you"
Janus, Remus and I all cried when Virgil took his last breath. Logan walked out not caring. How could he be so heartless. Roman looked down biting his lip to stop from crying. Remus and Janus let tears silently fall down their faces,no one has even seen them cry before. While I sobbed. I scream and sobbing. I knew he was gone but it didn't stop me from begging Virgil to wake up.
I never let him go just like I promised. I held his dead body for hours. I wouldn't let him go no matter how much people tried to get me away from him i sobbed for hours and scream for almost 30 minutes. It absolutely shattered me. I saw Virgil as my actual son. He saw me as his father.
It was like having your actual child die in your arms. Your terrified,child who was too young to die. They had barely got to see the world before they were torn from it violently. Thats what it felt like to Patton. I just lost my child.
After almost four hours they finally got me to move,I carried Virgil with Remus and Janus and they went to the imagination. Roman and Remus made a special spot just for Virgil. A neutral space in the imagination where everyone could go but after Virgil was buried no one could disturb. They had a funeral like service for Virgil before they buried him. Remus made sure it was all okay before covering the purple and black coffin. They put up a gravestone and I layed down I had gotten. Purple roses,iris and black velvet petunias. Three of Virgils favorite flowers along with some white roses,yellow and purple Chrysanthemums and pink and red carnations.
"Rest in peace kiddo, I love you. Goodbye"
Should I do a part 2? This was a fun chapter I liked it! Thanks for reading Anyways that's all for now.guys gals and Non-binary pals! Peace out and ill see you later!
2445 words
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