Ocean Eyes (Logicality)
DISCLAIMER: Logan being blind
Blue eyes. The eyes that were tattooed into his skin had always been blue. But not just a simple blue. Blue like the ocean, like the night sky. Dark blue, with flecks of green.
Patton sighed. Of course he was writing about his soulmate's eyes again. They were the only tie between him and his soulmate. Not that he would ever meet them, that is. Every single person at his school had eyes but none of them matched the eyes on his wrist. The eyes that he had memorised. Their shape, size and exact colour. He looked down at his desk and grabbed his rubber. No one needed to see long poems about someone's eye colour. Well, no one would, soon. He was moving schools tomorrow. He hadn't told anyone. No one really needed to know. Roman was so obsessed with convincing Virgil that they were soulmates that he wouldn't even notice that Patton was gone. The school bell rang, pulling Patton from his thoughts and signalling the end of last period.
"Alright class," Mrs Adams called out, "I want homework on my desk by Monday."
Patton smiled slightly. He wouldn't need to worry about that. He sighed as he swung his teal backpack over his shoulder.
"Heya Padre. Why so blue?"
It was Roman Winston. Most popular guy in school and Patton's best friend since they were four.
"I'm fine kiddo." Patton said, smiling a bright smile full of happiness which he did not feel. "Just waiting for an exchange student to be my soulmate, that's all."
"Aw, don't worry Pat." Roman said cheerfully. "You'll find them soon."
"While we're on the subject of soulmates, what about yours? How is wooing Virgil going?"
Roman laughed slightly. "Virge actually looked at his tattoo for once and we've got a date tonight."
"Good for you." Patton checked his watch. "I'd better run. Mum wants me home early today."
"Okay. See you on Monday, Pat."
"Yeah! Bye!" Patton yelled as he ran off.
See you on Monday. Sure.
"Oh good Lord, I'm so sorry!"
It was a guy. He had tinted glasses, brown hair and... a guide dog. The guide dog in question was running backwards and forwards between the guy and Patton.
"It's fine, really." Patton said, smiling slightly as he got up from the ground. "What's your dog called?"
"Oh, of course. My dog's called Cassandra and I am Logan. I'm very sorry again. She's never acted like that before around anyone."
"It is really okay." Patton checked his watch and let out a small yelp. "Oh shoot! Um, sorry to be a pain but I'm new here and I don't know where anything is so-"
"Oh, I will be able to assist you with that." Logan said, smiling. "I assume that you'll need to go to the student reception so if you just bear with me, Cassandra and I will be able to help you find it."
Patton nodded and then realised he couldn't see. "Okie!" He said brightly instead. Logan laughed a little.
"You know you don't need to talk all the time. I can distinguish different shapes from each other, it's just all blurred and grey." Logan bent down to his dog. "Cassandra, student reception."
Cassandra let out a little bark and started pulling Logan into the school building and down the hall. Patton took a breath before following Logan down the hall.
Here we are, the student reception." Logan said proudly when Cassandra stopped and let out another bark.
"Heya gurl!" Someone from the reception called. Logan shook his head and muttered something under his breath.
"Salutations Remy."
"What brings you to this neck o' the woods?" Remy asked, looking at Logan over his sunglasses.
"This is a school. Not a forest." Logan said, confused. "And Patton over here is new."
Patton waved at Remy shyly. Remy looked from Logan to Patton and back to Logan, a knowing smile spreading across his face.
"Well, if Cutie over here needs help-"
He was cut off by a small growl from Cassandra. "Cassandra, no." Logan said firmly. "I honestly don't know what's gotten into her today. First, she's pulling me over to Patton and knocking him over and now she's growling at you. Apologies for her behaviour, Remy."
"It's fine gurl." Remy said good-naturedly. "Cassie loves me, I love Cassie, we get along."
"I will remind you once again not to shorten my dog's name." Logan growled. "How you even got a job at the student reception is beyond me."
Remy tapped the side of his nose. "I have my ways, Nerd. Besides," he shrugged, "it gets me out of first period and that's always a plus."
"Oh crap, I forgot!" Logan yelped. "Cassandra, lift." He muttered before being pulled away by his dog. Remy laughed slightly and returned his attention back to Patton.
"So, what can I do for you, Cutie?"
Patton felt his cheeks heat up and he became ten times more uncomfortable. Remy seemed to sense this.
"Oh, sorry. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I flirt with everyone, that's all." He said, smiling slightly. Patton smiled a little.
"Haven't I seen you around before?" He asked as Remy got a map and a planner for him. "You're Virgil's brother, aren't you? You-You ran away, right?"
Remy sighed slightly. "Yep. How is the little emo?"
"I think he found his soulmate."
"Really?" Remy asked excitedly. Patton nodded and Remy absently rubbed his fingers over his left wrist. "Hoping that I'll find mine soon."
"I'm sure you will." Patton beamed, taking the planner and map from Remy. "Where do I go now?"
"Oh, you should go to Mr Sanders' office. He'll sign you in. It's just around the corner."
"Okie. Thanks." Patton beamed at Remy before skipping off down the corridor.
Logan heard someone sit down beside him at lunch.
"Heya Logie!" Patton said cheerfully, nearly causing Logan to choke on nothing, his face going a little red.
"Lo-Logie?" He asked disbelievingly.
"Yep! It's your nickname!"
Logan sighed. "I don't suppose I'm going to be able to get a new nickname, am I?"
"Nope!" Patton grinned as Logan rolled his eyes behind his tinted glasses. Patton's eyes fell on Logan's wrist, where his soulmate tattoo would be.
"Woah, that's awesome. Your tattoo's in braille?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Instead of a picture I cannot see, it's the first words my soulmate will say to me."
"Wow. I've heard of those. They're really rare, for when your soulmate doesn't have any defining features or you can't see them."
"You, er, seem to know a lot on the subject of soulmates."
"Oh yeah." Patton nodded. "I just love the fact about it. Most people think it's a taboo subject but I love nothing more than to think and talk about meeting the person who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with."
"But don't you find it a little worrying?" Logan asked.
"What d'you mean?"
"Well, you're tethered to this person who you've never met for the rest of your life and all of this is decided by a tattoo on your wrist. I personally can't stand the idea of soulmates." Logan said matter-of-factly.
"What's your braille say?" Patton asked, trying to ignore the whole paragraph he had just heard about how Logan hated soulmates. Logan ran his hand over the brail, turned red and looked down at Cassandra. "What does it say?"
"It, um, er, it-" The bell rang and Logan got up immediately and walked away.
Months passed and soon, it was time for Patton and Logan to take their GCSEs. And Logan was stressed out. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to study or take the test with other students. He was worried that his test wouldn't be in braille. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to get the job he wanted because he was blind. He was worried about so many things and Patton did his best to calm him down.
"Say, Logie?"
"Yes Patton?" Logan asked, not looking up from the braille he was reading.
"Why don't you come and study at my house? I can read the questions off the textbook that I'm using and you could answer them? Sort of like a quiz."
"I think that would be satisfactory, thank you Patton." Logan said, smiling.
"Em! I'm home! I brought a friend!" Patton yelled as he opened the door and let Logan and Cassandra in. Patton's older brother came clattering down the stairs holding three ties, each a slightly different shade of pink. He took one look at the dog and gave Patton a death-stare.
"Pat, mum said that you weren't allowed to bring dogs home anymore."
Patton giggled. "It's not my dog, Em. It's Logan's."
Patton went a bit red and glared at Emile who simply giggled, the sound almost identical to Patton's laugh.
"Where are you going anyway?"
Emile grinned dreamily. "I'm going on a date with the cutest guy ever. And he just happens to be my soulmate! So, which tie should I use?" He asked.
"Em, they all look the same to me. Just chose which one you think is best. Me and Logie are going to study in the living room."
Emile giggled as his fixed his tie in the mirror and grabbed his shoes. "Yeah. Study." And he was out the door before Patton could yell at him. Patton sighed and turned to Logan.
"Sorry about him. I'll get some water for Cassandra and we can start studying."
Logan sighed and took off his tinted glasses to rub his eyes. It had been three solid hours of studying and Logan would have probably fallen asleep if Cassandra hadn't licked his hand every time he had started to fall asleep. Patton yawned and stretched.
"Okay, I think you've got the correct answer to every textbook in the whole of the school, Logie. Can you get home on your own or-" Here Patton stopped.
"Patton, are you alright?" Logan asked, putting his tinted glasses back on. Patton ran his hand over his tattoo.
"Logie, your eyes." He breathed.
"What about my eyes?"
"They match. They match my tattoo." Patton said softly, smiling. Logan absently ran his hand over his wrist, where the braille of his soulmate's first words were.
"I suppose that makes sense." He muttered. "My tattoo says 'It's fine, really'. When I read it at first, I thought I must be reading it wrong."
"So... do you still hate the idea of soulmates?" Patton asked, a little sadly if he was being honest. Logan shook his head violently.
"Not anymore, at least." He said smiling a little.
"What happened to change your mind?" Patton asked curiously.
Logan sighed slightly. "You happened. I don't really think I've ever felt this about anyone before. I guess it makes sense that we're soulmates."
Patton smiled slightly at his soulmate tattoo.
"Yeah, I suppose it does. Soulmate."
(Word count: 1827)
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