Laser Tag (Demus, background Analogic)
Yes, I'm writing two Demus one shots in a row, fight me! (don't actually, I don't want to have to hurt anyone)
WARNING: Mention of guns but it's just the laser guns
Somehow, Janus had ended up going to laser tag with his boyfriend, his boyfriend's brother and his boyfriend's brother's friend. And somehow, he was on the opposite team.
"I'm gonna beat your ass." Remus hissed, grinning playfully. Janus rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, as if." He pulled his hair back into a ponytail. Remus' grin grew wider.
"Ooh, the hair's gone up. I'm in for it now." He joked.
"When you two have quite finished flirting." Virgil said. "We've got a match to win, Jan."
Janus raised an eyebrow at Virgil and grabbed a gun. "Fine."
Logan looked at his gun sceptically. "I still don't see the point of shooting fake guns at each other in a nearly pitch black arena."
"You don't know how to have fun, do you Calculator Watch?" Roman asked. Logan rolled his eyes but didn't answer.
"Hey, Lo." Virgil said, smirking. "You play this one match and I'll pay for the next date."
Logan raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend and cocked his gun. "Very well. It's on."
"Can we just go play now?" Aaron asked. Roman grinned.
"Fine, worthy opponent. And remember, losing team's paying for pizza."
Remus poked his head over the railings, looking down on his opponents below.
"C'mon, c'mon." He hissed. "C'mon little fishies." He noticed Virgil sneaking around underneath the ramp he was standing on. "Perfect." Remus thought. "No way I'm paying for over-priced pizza."
He crouched down and poked his gun through the railings. "Aim, wait..." Clear shot. "Fire." Remus whispered, pulling the trigger on his gun. The loud laser 'neeeaaaw' went off and Virgil's gun flashed red, meaning he was out of the game for a while.
"Shit!" Virgil glared up, looking around for who'd shot him. Remus snickered and ran away, hiding from the angry emo.
"Perfect shot, as always." He congratulated. "One down, two to go."
Remus' head snapped up as he heard a sound from above him. He pressed himself against a wall, his black clothes making him near invisible, and waited.
Someone ran along the ramp above him but disappeared before he could raise his gun to shoot. Well, they were gone. Probably no threat anyway.
Still, Remus waited and counted a whole minute before deciding it was safe. If no one had shot him in that minute, maybe they hadn't seen him. Slowly, he unstuck himself from the wall and started to creep away.
Another sound behind him made him whip round, gun at the ready. No one. Strange, he could've swore he heard something.
Carefully, Remus started walking backwards, his head turned half-way so he could see both in front of him and behind to some extent. Then, deciding once again that no one was there, he turned around fully and started creeping away again.
Someone came around the corner, facing away from him. Remus couldn't tell who they were but they weren't in yellow team so they were the enemy. Remus grinned and took a shot at the person.
The loud 'neeeaaaw' echoed through the arena but they ducked out of the way. Remus stepped back and ran away, he'd missed and given away his position now. He ducked behind a barricade, trying not to breathe to hard, and counted to 30.
No laser sound, no flashing red lights on his gun, he was safe for now. But he still had to get away before whoever they were found him. It would be best to make a break for it.
Remus got up and started running but someone grabbed him and pinned him against a wall, knocking his gun out of his hands.
"Think I didn't see you, did you?" Janus. Shit. Even in the dark arena, Remus could see Janus' bright eyes glinting.
Suddenly, Janus' lips were on Remus' and he was kissing him fiercely. It was different from any other kiss with Janus, not that Remus was complaining.
His lost gun forgotten, Remus wrapped one arm around Janus' waist and pulled him closer so there was practically no space left between them. One of Janus' hands was cupping Remus' face and the other... still had his gun.
At the back of his mind, Remus knew what was going to happen but he didn't honestly care in the heat of the moment. Right now, they weren't opponents and there was no laser tag game. Right now, there was only Janus' hand cupping Remus' cheek and Janus' lips on his.
Janus pulled back, out of air, and smirked at Remus. He pressed the barrel of his gun against Remus' chest.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't pull this trigger right now." He asked. Remus leaned his head against the wall behind him, trying to catch his breath quick enough to form an answer.
"Out of time." Janus grinned and took his gun away from Remus' chest.
"So that's all that was?" Remus asked. Janus shook his head.
"What are you, an idiot?" Janus kissed Remus again. He pulled back and pressed his forehead to Remus'. "You're my boyfriend and any time I can kiss you breathless, I will."
"I should at least get to shoot you back." Remus said, already trying to reach down for his gun. Janus kicked Remus' gun further away from him.
"Nu-uh. You're out of the game, Rem." He kissed Remus playfully on the nose and tried to run away. Remus tightened his arm around Janus' waist.
"Then I should at least get another kiss."
Janus grinned at him before leaning and kissing Remus again. Remus smiled into the kiss and pulled Janus even closer than before. He could get used to these kinds of kisses from Janus.
Janus reached behind himself and took Remus' hand. This made Remus let go of Janus' waist to interlace their fingers. Janus smiled into the kiss before pulling back. He winked at Remus and ran off.
"I'll get you!" Remus yelled after him but without much conviction. Maybe paying for over-priced pizza wouldn't be too bad if it meant he could get more kisses like that.
Not gonna lie, I kinda liked writing this. I went back on myself a lot but I did like writing it.
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